551 research outputs found

    On-chip SQUID measurements in the presence of high magnetic fields

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    We report a low temperature measurement technique and magnetization data of a quantum molecular spin, by implementing an on-chip SQUID technique. This technique enables the SQUID magnetometery in high magnetic fields, up to 7 Tesla. The main challenges and the calibration process are detailed. The measurement protocol is used to observe quantum tunneling jumps of the S=10 molecular magnet, Mn12-tBuAc. The effect of transverse field on the tunneling splitting for this molecular system is addressed as well.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Landau-Zener tunneling of a single Tb3+ magnetic moment allowing the electronic read-out of a nuclear spin

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    A multi-terminal device based on a carbon nanotube quantum dot was used at very low tem- perature to probe a single electronic and nuclear spin embedded in a bis-phthalocyanine Terbium (III) complex (TbPc2). A spin-valve signature with large conductance jumps was found when two molecules were strongly coupled to the nanotube. The application of a transverse field separated the magnetic signal of both molecules and enabled single-shot read-out of the Terbium nuclear spin. The Landau-Zener (LZ) quantum tunneling probability was studied as a function of field sweep rate, establishing a good agreement with the LZ equation and yielding the tunnel splitting \Delta. It was found that ? increased linearly as a function of the transverse field. These studies are an essential prerequisite for the coherent manipulation of a single nuclear spin in TbPc2.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, to appear in PR

    Interférométrie supraconductrice dans un nanotube de carbone

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    Les progrès des techniques de nano-fabrication permettent aujourd'hui de connecter électriquement des molécules individuelles avec des contacts faiblement résistifs. Les nanotubes de carbone ont été parmi les premiers objets moléculaires à avoir pu bénéficier de ces avancées. Les circuits obtenus sont des conducteurs unidimensionnels quasi-idéaux. La transmission entre le nanotube et des électrodes supraconductrices, par exemple, est telle qu'à très basse température, un courant supraconducteur peut circuler au travers du nanotube. Dans cet article, nous présentons une expérience d'interférence de deux courants supraconducteurs circulant dans deux portions d'un même nanotube de carbone. Grâce à la miniaturisation ultime apportée par le nanotube, une telle interférométrie quantique permet de sonder avec précision des champs magnétiques à l'échelle nanométrique et ouvre la voie à la magnétométrie d'objets quantiques uniques comportant un petit nombre de spins tels des aimants moléculaires uniques

    Dynamics and Dissipation induced by Single-Electron Tunneling in Carbon Nanotube Nanoelectromechanical Systems

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    We demonstrate the effect of single-electron tunneling (SET) through a carbon nanotube quantum dot on its nanomechanical motion. We find that the frequency response and the dissipation of the nanoelectromechanical system (NEMS) to SET strongly depends on the electronic environment of the quantum dot, in particular on the total dot capacitance and the tunnel coupling to the metal contacts. Our findings suggest that one could achieve quality factors of 106^{6} or higher by choosing appropriate gate dielectrics and/or by improving the tunnel coupling to the leads

    Optimizing the flux coupling between a nanoSQUID and a magnetic particle using atomic force microscope nanolithography

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    We present results of Niobium based SQUID magnetometers for which the weak-links are engineered by the local oxidation of thin films using an Atomic Force Microscope (AFM). Firstly, we show that this technique allows the creation of variable thickness bridges with 10 nm lateral resolution. Precise control of the weak-link milling is offered by the possibility to realtime monitor weak-link conductance. Such a process is shown to enhance the magnetic field modulation hence the sensitivity of the magnetometer. Secondly, AFM lithography is used to provide a precise alignment of NanoSQUID weak-links with respect to a ferromagnetic iron dot. The magnetization switching of the near-field coupled particle is studied as a junction of the applied magnetic field direction

    Molecular Spin Qudits for Quantum Algorithms

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    Presently, one of the most ambitious technological goals is the development of devices working under the laws of quantum mechanics. One prominent target is the quantum computer, which would allow the processing of information at quantum level for purposes not achievable with even the most powerful computer resources. The large-scale implementation of quantum information would be a game changer for current technology, because it would allow unprecedented parallelised computation and secure encryption based on the principles of quantum superposition and entanglement. Currently, there are several physical platforms racing to achieve the level of performance required for the quantum hardware to step into the realm of practical quantum information applications. Several materials have been proposed to fulfil this task, ranging from quantum dots, Bose-Einstein condensates, spin impurities, superconducting circuits, molecules, amongst others. Magnetic molecules are among the list of promising building blocks, due to (i) their intrinsic monodispersity, (ii) discrete energy levels (iii) the possibility of chemical quantum state engineering, and (iv) their multilevel characteristics, leading to the so called Qudits (d > 2), amongst others. Herein we review how a molecular multilevel nuclear spin qubit (or qudit, where d = 4), known as TbPc2, gathers all the necessary requirements to perform as a molecular hardware platform with a first generation of molecular devices enabling even quantum algorithm operations.Comment: Chem. Soc. Rev., 2017, Advance Articl

    First order 0/Ď€0/\pi quantum phase transition in the Kondo regime of a superconducting carbon nanotube quantum dot

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    We study a carbon nanotube quantum dot embedded into a SQUID loop in order to investigate the competition of strong electron correlations with proximity effect. Depending whether local pairing or local magnetism prevails, a superconducting quantum dot will respectively exhibit positive or negative supercurrent, referred to as a 0 or π\pi Josephson junction. In the regime of strong Coulomb blockade, the 0 to π\pi transition is typically controlled by a change in the discrete charge state of the dot, from even to odd. In contrast, at larger tunneling amplitude the Kondo effect develops for an odd charge (magnetic) dot in the normal state, and quenches magnetism. In this situation, we find that a first order 0 to π\pi quantum phase transition can be triggered at fixed valence when superconductivity is brought in, due to the competition of the superconducting gap and the Kondo temperature. The SQUID geometry together with the tunability of our device allows the exploration of the associated phase diagram predicted by recent theories. We also report on the observation of anharmonic behavior of the current-phase relation in the transition regime, that we associate with the two different accessible superconducting states. Our results ultimately reveal the spin singlet nature of the Kondo ground state, which is the key process in allowing the stability of the 0-phase far from the mixed valence regime.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures in main text, 4 figures in appendi

    Electronic transport properties of double-wall carbon nanotubes

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    We studied the discretized electronic spectra of double-wall carbon nanotube (DWCNT) quantum dots (QDs) in the Coulomb-blockade regime. At low temperatures, the stability diagrams show a clear and regular eight-electron periodicity, which is due to the nonzero intershell couplings. Furthermore, the electronic charging energy, the energy level spacing, and the intershell coupling strengths of the measured DWCNT QDs were determined

    Contacting individual Fe(110) dots in a single electron-beam lithography step

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    We report on a new approach, entirely based on electron-beam lithography technique, to contact electrically, in a four-probe scheme, single nanostructures obtained by self-assembly. In our procedure, nanostructures of interest are localised and contacted in the same fabrication step. This technique has been developed to study the field-induced reversal of an internal component of an asymmetric Bloch domain wall observed in elongated structures such as Fe(110) dots. We have focused on the control, using an external magnetic field, of the magnetisation orientation within N\'eel caps that terminate the domain wall at both interfaces. Preliminary magneto-transport measurements are discussed demonstrating that single Fe(110) dots have been contacted.Comment: 5 page
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