26 research outputs found

    Flexibles Lernen: Erfolgreiche online-gestützte Lernprozesse ermöglichen

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    Die Digitalisierung im Gesundheitswesen erfordert eine kontinuierliche Weiterqualifikation der betroffenen Berufsgruppen. Die Universität UMIT hat daher 2017 einen online-gestützten, postgraduellen Universitätslehrgang gestartet. Beim didaktischen Design lag ein Schwerpunkt auf der Flexibilität des Lernens, um so den Anforderungen der berufstätigen Teilnehmer/innen besonders zu entsprechen. Dabei wurde neben Flexibilität von Ort und Zeit des Lernens auch Flexibilität z. B. beim Setzen eigener Lernziele und bei Lerninhalten ermöglicht. Wir stellen das gewählte didaktische Design vor und beleuchten auf Basis einer Analyse von Log-Daten, studentischer Evaluationen sowie studentischer Reflexionen die Akzeptanz sowie die Herausforderungen des flexiblen Lernens aus Sicht der Lernenden

    Indikatoren für kooperative, online-basierte Lernprozesse: Entwicklung und Erprobung

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    Lernen als konstruktiver und sozialer Prozess funktioniert am besten in Interaktion mit anderen Personen. Insbesondere in online-basierten Lernsettings sind Interaktion und Kooperation der Studierenden ein wichtiger Faktor für erfolgreiches Lernen. In dieser Arbeit schlagen wir zunächst Indikatoren für das Monitoring der Aktivität und Interaktivität von Studierenden sowie Lehrenden in kooperativen online-basierten Lernsettings vor. In einer Fallstudie werden die Indikatoren dann am Beispiel von drei Online-Kursen eingesetzt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Indikatoren wichtige Aufschlüsse über die Aktivität und Interaktivität der Studierenden liefern können. Ergänzt um Daten zur Arbeitsbelastung, um Prüfungsergebnisse und um Lehrevaluierungen können auch Aussagen zur Qualität der Lernprozesse und zum Lernerfolg gemacht werden

    Weak and strong electronic correlations in Fe superconductors

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    In this chapter the strength of electronic correlations in the normal phase of Fe-superconductors is discussed. It will be shown that the agreement between a wealth of experiments and DFT+DMFT or similar approaches supports a scenario in which strongly-correlated and weakly-correlated electrons coexist in the conduction bands of these materials. I will then reverse-engineer the realistic calculations and justify this scenario in terms of simpler behaviors easily interpreted through model results. All pieces come together to show that Hund's coupling, besides being responsible for the electronic correlations even in absence of a strong Coulomb repulsion is also the origin of a subtle emergent behavior: orbital decoupling. Indeed Hund's exchange decouples the charge excitations in the different Iron orbitals involved in the conduction bands thus causing an independent tuning of the degree of electronic correlation in each one of them. The latter becomes sensitive almost only to the offset of the orbital population from half-filling, where a Mott insulating state is invariably realized at these interaction strengths. Depending on the difference in orbital population a different 'Mottness' affects each orbital, and thus reflects in the conduction bands and in the Fermi surfaces depending on the orbital content.Comment: Book Chapte

    Orbital-selective Mott transitions: Heavy fermions and beyond

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    Quantum phase transitions in metals are often accompanied by violations of Fermi liquid behavior in the quantum critical regime. Particularly fascinating are transitions beyond the Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson concept of a local order parameter. The breakdown of the Kondo effect in heavy-fermion metals constitutes a prime example of such a transition. Here, the strongly correlated f electrons become localized and disappear from the Fermi surface, implying that the transition is equivalent to an orbital-selective Mott transition, as has been discussed for multi-band transition-metal oxides. In this article, available theoretical descriptions for orbital-selective Mott transitions will be reviewed, with an emphasis on conceptual aspects like the distinction between different low-temperature phases and the structure of the global phase diagram. Selected results for quantum critical properties will be listed as well. Finally, a brief overview is given on experiments which have been interpreted in terms of orbital-selective Mott physics.Comment: 29 pages, 4 figs, mini-review prepared for a special issue of JLT

    The status of IT service management in health care - ITIL® in selected European countries

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Due to the strained financial situation in the healthcare sector, hospitals and other healthcare providers are facing an increasing pressure to improve their efficiency and to reduce costs. These trends challenge health care organizations to introduce innovative information technology (IT) based supportive processes. To guarantee that IT supports the clinical processes perfectly, IT must be managed proactively. However, until now, there is only very few research on IT service management especially on ITIL<sup>® </sup>implementations in the health care context.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The current study aims at exploring knowledge about and acceptance of IT service management (especially ITIL<sup>®</sup>) in hospitals in Austria and its neighboring regions Bavaria (Germany), Slovakia, South Tyrol (Italy) and Switzerland. Therefore highly standardized interviews with the respective head of information technology (CIO, IT manager) were conducted for selected hospitals from the different regions. In total 75 hospitals were interviewed. Data gathered was analyzed using descriptive statistics and where necessary methods of qualitative content analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In most regions, two-thirds or more of the participating IT managers claim to be familiar with the concepts of IT service management and of ITIL<sup>®</sup>. IT managers expect from ITIL<sup>® </sup>mostly better IT services, followed by an increased productivity and a reduction of IT cost. But only five hospitals said to have implemented at least parts of ITIL<sup>®</sup>, and eight hospitals stated to be planning to do this in the next two years. When it comes to ITIL<sup>®</sup>, Switzerland and Bavaria seem to be ahead of the other countries. There, the highest levels of knowledge, the highest number of implementations or plans of an implementation as well as the highest number of ITIL<sup>® </sup>certified staff members were observed.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results collected through this study indicate that the idea of IT services and IT service management is still not widely recognized in hospitals in the countries and regions of the study. It is also indicated that hospitals need further assistance in order to be able to successfully implement ITIL<sup>®</sup>. Overall, research on IT service management and ITIL<sup>® </sup>in health care is rare.</p

    Development of a context model to prioritize drug safety alerts in CPOE systems

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    Background: Computerized physician order entry systems (CPOE) can reduce the number of medication errors and adverse drug events (ADEs) in healthcare institutions. Unfortunately, they tend to produce a large number of partly irrelevant alerts, in turn leading to alert overload and causing alert fatigue. The objective of this work is to identify factors that can be used to prioritize and present alerts depending on the 'context' of a clinical situation. Methods: We used a combination of literature searches and expert interviews to identify and validate the possible context factors. The internal validation of the context factors was performed by calculating the inter-rater agreement of two researcher's classification of 33 relevant articles. Results: We developed a context model containing 20 factors. We grouped these context factors into three categories: characteristics of the patient or case (e. g. clinical status of the patient); characteristics of the organizational unit or user (e. g. professional experience of the user); and alert characteristics (e. g. severity of the effect). The internal validation resulted in nearly perfect agreement (Cohen's Kappa value of 0.97). Conclusion: To our knowledge, this is the first structured attempt to develop a comprehensive context model for prioritizing drug safety alerts in CPOE systems. The outcome of this work can be used to develop future tailored drug safety alerting in CPOE systems

    Gruppendiskurse im virtuellen Lernraum. Förderung und Evaluierung der Critical Inquiry

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    Das erfolgreiche Lernen in online-basierten Lernsettings beruht unter anderem auf einem funktionierenden Diskurs in der Lerngruppe. Nach dem Community of Inquiry-Modell basiert dieser Diskurs auf den vier aufeinander aufbauenden Phasen von Triggering, Exploration, Integration und Resolution. In einer Pilotstudie haben wir untersucht, ob das in einem Online-Kurs gewählte didaktische Design geeignet war, diese vier Phasen zu unterstützen. Alle Studierenden eines 6-wöchigen kollaborativ ausgerichteten Online-Kurses wurden mittels validiertem Community of Inquiry-Fragebogen befragt sowie zu wöchentlichen Reflexionen eingeladen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Intensität des Diskurses in allen vier Phasen stark ausgeprägt war, aber über die vier Phasen tendenziell abnahm. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass zwar der Start des Diskurses und die Phase der Exploration gut gelingt, die Integration und Anwendung des Gelernten dagegen aber etwas abfällt. Als Konsequenz werden Empfehlungen für die Unterstützung des Diskurses in online-basierten Lernsettings gemacht. (DIPF/Orig.