238 research outputs found

    Limb reduction in squamate reptiles correlates with the reduction of the chondrocranium: A case study on serpentiform anguids

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    Abstract Background In vertebrates, the skull evolves from a complex network of dermal bones and cartilage?the latter forming the pharyngeal apparatus and the chondrocranium. Squamates are particularly important in this regard as they maintain at least part of the chondrocranium throughout their whole ontogeny until adulthood. Anguid lizards represent a unique group of squamates, which contains limbed and limbless forms and show conspicuous variation of the adult skull. Results Based on several emboadryonic stages of the limbless lizards Pseudopus apodus and Anguis fragilis, and by comparing with other squamates, we identified and interpreted major differences in chondrocranial anatomy. Among others, the most important differences are in the orbitotemporal region. P. apodus shows a strikingly similar development of this region to other squamates. Unexpectedly, however, A. fragilis differs considerably in the composition of the orbitotemporal region. In addition, A. fragilis retains a paedomorphic state of the nasal region. Conclusions Taxonomic comparisons indicate that even closely related species with reduced limbs show significant differences in chondrocranial anatomy. The Pearson correlation coefficient suggests strong correlation between chondrocranial reduction and limb reduction. We pose the hypothesis that limb reduction could be associated with the reduction in chondrocrania by means of genetic mechanisms

    Complex dental wear analysis reveals dietary shift in Triassic placodonts (Sauropsida, Sauropterygia)

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    Placodonts were durophagous reptiles of the Triassic seas with robust skulls, jaws, and enlarged, flat, pebble-like teeth. During their evolution, they underwent gradual craniodental changes from the Early Anisian to the Rhaetian, such as a reduction in the number of teeth, an increase in the size of the posterior palatal teeth, an elongation of the premaxilla/rostrum, and a widening of the temporal region. These changes are presumably related to changes in dietary habits, which, we hypothesise, are due to changes in the type and quality of food they consumed. In the present study, the dental wear pattern of a total of nine European Middle to Late Triassic placodont species were investigated using 2D and 3D microwear analyses to demonstrate whether there could have been a dietary shift or grouping among the different species and, whether the possible changes could be correlated with environmental changes affecting their habitats. The 3D analysis shows overlap between species with high variance between values and there is no distinct separation. The 2D analysis has distinguished two main groups. The first is characterised by low number of wear features and high percentage of large pits. The other group have a high feature number, but low percentage of small pits. The 2D analysis showed a correlation between the wear data and the size of the enlarged posterior crushing teeth. Teeth with larger sizes showed less wear feature (with higher pit ratio) but larger individual features. In contrast, the dental wear facet of smaller crushing teeth shows more but smaller wear features (with higher scratch number). This observation may be related to the size of the food consumed, i.e., the wider the crown, the larger food it could crush, producing larger features. Comparison with marine mammals suggests that the dietary preference of Placochelys, Psephoderma and Paraplacodus was not exclusively hard, thick-shelled food. They may have had a more mixed diet, similar to that of modern sea otters. The diet of Henodus may have included plant food, similar to the modern herbivore marine mammals and lizards

    Herbivore-Induced Plant Volatiles Can Serve as Host Location Cues for a Generalist and a Specialist Egg Parasitoid

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    Herbivore-induced plant volatiles are important host finding cues for larval parasitoids, and similarly, insect oviposition might elicit the release of plant volatiles functioning as host finding cues for egg parasitoids. We hypothesized that egg parasitoids also might utilize HIPVs of emerging larvae to locate plants with host eggs. We, therefore, assessed the olfactory response of two egg parasitoids, a generalist, Trichogramma pretiosum (Tricogrammatidae), and a specialist, Telenomus remus (Scelionidae) to HIPVs. We used a Y-tube olfactometer to tests the wasps’ responses to volatiles released by young maize plants that were treated with regurgitant from caterpillars of the moth Spodoptera frugiperda (Noctuidae) or were directly attacked by the caterpillars. The results show that the generalist egg parasitoid Tr. pretiosum is innately attracted by volatiles from freshly-damaged plants 0–1 and 2–3 h after regurgitant treatment. During this interval, the volatile blend consisted of green leaf volatiles (GLVs) and a blend of aromatic compounds, mono- and homoterpenes, respectively. Behavioral assays with synthetic GLVs confirmed their attractiveness to Tr. pretiosum. The generalist learned the more complex volatile blends released 6–7 h after induction, which consisted mainly of sesquiterpenes. The specialist T. remus on the other hand was attracted only to volatiles emitted from fresh and old damage after associating these volatiles with oviposition. Taken together, these results strengthen the emerging pattern that egg and larval parasitoids behave in a similar way in that generalists can respond innately to HIPVs, while specialists seems to rely more on associative learning

    Neuro-Urology: Call for Universal, Resource-Independent Guidance

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    Neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction (NLUTD), the abnormal function of the lower urinary tract in the context of neurological pathology, has been the subject of multiple efforts worldwide for the development of clinical practice guidelines. These guidelines are based on the same body of evidence, and are therefore subject to the same gaps. For example, sexual and bowel dysfunction in the context of NLUTD, optimal renal function assessment in those who are non-ambulatory or with low muscle mass, optimal upper tract surveillance timing, and modification of diagnostic and treatment modalities for low-resource nations and communities are inadequately addressed. In addition, many aspects of the conclusions and final recommendations of the guidelines are similar. This duplicative work represents a large expenditure of time and effort, which we believe could be focused instead on evidence gaps. Here, we call for a global unified approach to create a single, resource-independent, comprehensive guidance on NLUTD, neurogenic sexual, and neurogenic bowel dysfunction. Targeted research addressing the evidence gaps should be called for and pursued. This will allow for focus to shift to filling the gaps in the evidence for future guidelines

    IRF3 regulates neuroinflammatory responses and the expression of genes associated with Alzheimer's disease.

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    The pathological role of interferon signaling is emerging in neuroinflammatory disorders, yet, the specific role of Interferon Regulatory Factor 3 (IRF3) in neuroinflammation remains poorly understood. Here, we show that global IRF3 deficiency delays TLR4-mediated signaling in microglia and attenuates the hallmark features of LPS-induced inflammation such as cytokine release, microglial reactivity, astrocyte activation, myeloid cell infiltration, and inflammasome activation. Moreover, expression of a constitutively active IRF3 (S388D/S390D:IRF3-2D) in microglia induces a transcriptional program reminiscent of the Activated Response Microglia and the expression of genes associated with Alzheimer's Disease, notably apolipoprotein-e. Lastly, using bulk-RNAseq of IRF3-2D brain myeloid cells, we identified Z-DNA binding protein-1 as a target of IRF3 that is relevant across various neuroinflammatory disorders. Together, our results identify IRF3 as an important regulator of LPS-mediated neuroinflammatory responses and highlight IRF3 as a central regulator of disease-specific gene activation in different neuroinflammatory diseases

    Cellular shear adhesion force measurement and simultaneous imaging by atomic force microscope

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    This paper presents a sensitive and fast cellular shear adhesion force measurement method using an atomic force microscope (AFM). In the work, the AFM was used both as a tool for the imaging of cells on the nano-scale and as a force sensor for the measurement of the shear adhesion force between the cell and the substrate. After the cell imaging, the measurement of cellular shear adhesion forces was made based on the different positions of the cell on the nano-scale. Moreover, different pushing speeds of probe and various locations of cells were used in experiments to study their influences. In this study, the measurement of the cell adhesion in the upper portion of the cell is different from that in the lower portion. It may reveal that the cancer cells have the metastasis tendency after cultured for 16 to 20 hours, which is significant for preventing metastasis in the patients diagnosed with early cancer lesions. Furthermore, the cellular shear adhesion forces of two types of living cancer cells were obtained based on the measurements of AFM cantilever deflections in the torsional and vertical directions. The results demonstrate that the shear adhesion force of cancer cells is twice as much as the same type of cancer cells with TRAIL. The method can also provide a way for the measurement of the cellular shear adhesion force between the cell and the substrate, and for the simultaneous exploration of cells using the AFM imaging and manipulatio

    Agonistic Interventions into Public Commemorative Art:An Innovative Form of Counter-memorial Practice?

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    In light of recent controversies around the removal or modification of public commemorative art, such as memorials and monuments, this paper interrogates the value of competing approaches to counter-memorial practice using the framework of agonistic memory. It argues that much counter-memorial practice today, as it relates to historical memory, is dominated by a “cosmopolitan” mode that fails to offer a convincing response to the rise of right-wing populism and its instrumentalization of conflicts over public commemorative art. The article investigates two case studies of counter-memorial interventions that focus on the memory of fascism in Europe today and seeks to identify and assess emergent agonistic practices

    Regional differentiation of felid vertebral column evolution: a study of 3D shape trajectories

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    Recent advances in geometric morphometrics provide improved techniques for extraction of biological information from shape and have greatly contributed to the study of ecomorphology and morphological evolution. However, the vertebral column remains an under-studied structure due in part to a concentration on skull and limb research, but most importantly because of the difficulties in analysing the shape of a structure composed of multiple articulating discrete units (i.e. vertebrae). Here, we have applied a variety of geometric morphometric analyses to three-dimensional landmarks collected on 19 presacral vertebrae to investigate the influence of potential ecological and functional drivers, such as size, locomotion and prey size specialisation, on regional morphology of the vertebral column in the mammalian family Felidae. In particular, we have here provided a novel application of a method—phenotypic trajectory analysis (PTA)—that allows for shape analysis of a contiguous sequence of vertebrae as functionally linked osteological structures. Our results showed that ecological factors influence the shape of the vertebral column heterogeneously and that distinct vertebral sections may be under different selection pressures. While anterior presacral vertebrae may either have evolved under stronger phylogenetic constraints or are ecologically conservative, posterior presacral vertebrae, specifically in the post-T10 region, show significant differentiation among ecomorphs. Additionally, our PTA results demonstrated that functional vertebral regions differ among felid ecomorphs mainly in the relative covariation of vertebral shape variables (i.e. direction of trajectories, rather than in trajectory size) and, therefore, that ecological divergence among felid species is reflected by morphological changes in vertebral column shape

    A general scenario of Hox gene inventory variation among major sarcopterygian lineages

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>H</it>ox genes are known to play a key role in shaping the body plan of metazoans. Evolutionary dynamics of these genes is therefore essential in explaining patterns of evolutionary diversity. Among extant sarcopterygians comprising both lobe-finned fishes and tetrapods, our knowledge of the <it>Hox </it>genes and clusters has largely been restricted in several model organisms such as frogs, birds and mammals. Some evolutionary gaps still exist, especially for those groups with derived body morphology or occupying key positions on the tree of life, hindering our understanding of how <it>Hox </it>gene inventory varied along the sarcopterygian lineage.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We determined the <it>Hox </it>gene inventory for six sarcopterygian groups: lungfishes, caecilians, salamanders, snakes, turtles and crocodiles by comprehensive PCR survey and genome walking. Variable <it>Hox </it>genes in each of the six sarcopterygian group representatives, compared to the human <it>Hox </it>gene inventory, were further validated for their presence/absence by PCR survey in a number of related species representing a broad evolutionary coverage of the group. Turtles, crocodiles, birds and placental mammals possess the same 39 <it>Hox </it>genes. <it>HoxD12 </it>is absent in snakes, amphibians and probably lungfishes. <it>HoxB13 </it>is lost in frogs and caecilians. Lobe-finned fishes, amphibians and squamate reptiles possess <it>HoxC3</it>. <it>HoxC1 </it>is only present in caecilians and lobe-finned fishes. Similar to coelacanths, lungfishes also possess <it>HoxA14</it>, which is only found in lobe-finned fishes to date. Our <it>Hox </it>gene variation data favor the lungfish-tetrapod, turtle-archosaur and frog-salamander relationships and imply that the loss of <it>HoxD12 </it>is not directly related to digit reduction.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our newly determined <it>Hox </it>inventory data provide a more complete scenario for evolutionary dynamics of <it>Hox </it>genes along the sarcopterygian lineage. Limbless, worm-like caecilians and snakes possess similar <it>Hox </it>gene inventories to animals with less derived body morphology, suggesting changes to their body morphology are likely due to other modifications rather than changes to <it>Hox </it>gene numbers. Furthermore, our results provide basis for future sequencing of the entire <it>Hox </it>clusters of these animals.</p
