64 research outputs found

    Understorey bird abundance and diversity before and after a forest fire in Mangala Forest Reserve on the eastern slopes of the Uluguru Mountains, Tanzania

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    In July 2010 an assessment of abundance and diversity of understorey birds was undertaken in Mangala Forest using mist netting. However, in October 2010 a non-intentional fire burned the entire forest and this event provided a good opportunity to assess the extent to which birds were affected. Assessment, using mist netting, was carried out one week, three months and eight months after the fire, and comparisons made with data obtained before the forest was burned. In total, 28 species were recorded. Of these, the number recorded before the fire, one week post-fire, three months post-fire and eight months post-fire was 22, 3, 3 and 11 species respectively. The understorey bird species diversity before the forest was burned was substantially higher than diversities found afterwards. The results confirm that forest burning can have a severe negative impact on bird abundance and species richness and should be halted. Because fires start from the surrounding farmland, there is a need to construct and maintain fire breaks around entire forests

    Preliminary comparison of birds inhabiting exotic Acacia and native bushland habitats in semi-arid east-central Tanzania

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    Tanzania Red-billed Hornbill Tockus ruahae feeding on a Giant Water Bug

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    An analysis of corporate restructuring in the UK

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    This thesis examines the operating performance of a sample of UK non-financial firms that announced different forms of corporate restructuring during 1990-2000. Several issues related to restructuring and corporate governance have been examined and empirically tested around the year of restructuring. The findings of this thesis suggest that poor firm performance, high financial leverage and excessive diversification are the main determinants of corporate restructuring. Poor management, agency problems, competition and economic recession are the main causes of these problems. In addition, new evidence is provided on the role of internal and external control systems. It is apparent that these systems work together to ensure that managerial behaviour is consistent with the maximization of shareholder wealth. The findings show that following restructuring there is an improvement in operating performance, financial leverage, labour productivity and firms are more focused. This suggests that restructuring is likely to result in the rectification of inadequate governance patterns, which in turn will create a more focused diversification strategy, increase strategic control, reduce reliance on bureaucratic control through reduced corporate staff, and increase the performance of the firm and shareholder wealth. In addition, a decision to refocus on core businesses may reflect management's termination of negative NPV projects. However, this increase in efficiency is not homogenous to all firms. With reference to the market reaction to announcements of corporate restructuring, the findings show that the market reacts negatively to announcements of corporate layoffs, dividend cuts, and CEO turnover, but reacts positively to asset sales. Further analysis shows that, in general, it is difficult to generalize about whether restructuring is associated witli positive or negative stock prices. This is because restructuring is a complex and multidimensional phenomenon and involves a lot of activities, some of which are interdependent and occur in tandem (Hall, 1994; and Peel, 1995). Secondly, with information disclosure, managers face the challenge of disclosing useful information to investors and analysts that they can use to value restructuring more accurately. However, managers are often limited in what they can disclose publicly because some of the information could benefit their firm's competitors. Information problems arise when corporate managers have private information about their firm's investment opportunities (Nfyers and Nlajluf, 1984), and either cannot credibly convey that information to dispersed investors or can do so only by disclosing proprietary information to competitors (Healy and Palepu, 1995).This thesis examines the operating performance of a sample of UK non-financial firms that announced different forms of corporate restructuring during 1990-2000. Several issues related to restructuring and corporate governance have been examined and empirically tested around the year of restructuring. The findings of this thesis suggest that poor firm performance, high financial leverage and excessive diversification are the main determinants of corporate restructuring. Poor management, agency problems, competition and economic recession are the main causes of these problems. In addition, new evidence is provided on the role of internal and external control systems. It is apparent that these systems work together to ensure that managerial behaviour is consistent with the maximization of shareholder wealth. The findings show that following restructuring there is an improvement in operating performance, financial leverage, labour productivity and firms are more focused. This suggests that restructuring is likely to result in the rectification of inadequate governance patterns, which in turn will create a more focused diversification strategy, increase strategic control, reduce reliance on bureaucratic control through reduced corporate staff, and increase the performance of the firm and shareholder wealth. In addition, a decision to refocus on core businesses may reflect management's termination of negative NPV projects. However, this increase in efficiency is not homogenous to all firms. With reference to the market reaction to announcements of corporate restructuring, the findings show that the market reacts negatively to announcements of corporate layoffs, dividend cuts, and CEO turnover, but reacts positively to asset sales. Further analysis shows that, in general, it is difficult to generalize about whether restructuring is associated witli positive or negative stock prices. This is because restructuring is a complex and multidimensional phenomenon and involves a lot of activities, some of which are interdependent and occur in tandem (Hall, 1994; and Peel, 1995). Secondly, with information disclosure, managers face the challenge of disclosing useful information to investors and analysts that they can use to value restructuring more accurately. However, managers are often limited in what they can disclose publicly because some of the information could benefit their firm's competitors. Information problems arise when corporate managers have private information about their firm's investment opportunities (Nfyers and Nlajluf, 1984), and either cannot credibly convey that information to dispersed investors or can do so only by disclosing proprietary information to competitors (Healy and Palepu, 1995)

    Preliminary observations of birds of Songo Songo Island, Tanzania

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    Avian Use of Habitat Patches Dominated by Exotic Leucaena leucocephala or Native Tree Species in Urban Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

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    There has been an incursion of an exotic Leucaena leucocephala in disturbed areas and into habitat patches of native tree species in some areas in Tanzania. However, the impacts of this exotic tree on native biodiversity are not well understood. We assessed bird use of habitat patches dominated by L. leucocephala in comparison to patches of native tree species  at the University of Dar es Salaam main campus, Tanzania, by comparing bird species richness, abundance and diversity using mist netting. Based on the same mist netting efforts in each habitat patch type, patches of native trees had significantly higher overall diversity (t = 1.999, df = 293.64, p < 0.05) and abundance (χ2 = 40.525, df = 1, p < 0.001) of birds than those dominated by the exotic L. leucocephala and significantly greater abundance of forest-dependent species (χ2 = 10.938, df = 1, p < 0.001) and forest visitors (χ2 = 15.258, df = 1, p < 0.001). The similarity in bird species between the two habitats was 0.658 indicating that many bird species occurred in both habitat types. The lower diversity and overall abundance of  birds in the patches dominated by the exotic plant suggest that it does not provide appropriate habitat for many bird species, and further spread of this exotic will be detrimental to the local avifauna. Keywords: Birds, diversity, native tree species, exotic tree species, Leucaena leucocephala

    Understorey Bird Communities 8 and 18 Years after River Diversion in Kihansi Gorge, Udzungwa Mountains in the Eastern Arc Mountains, Tanzania

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    On the most south-western slopes of the Udzungwa Mountains in Tanzania lies Kihansi River. The river was diverted underground in 2000 to run electric turbines for electricity generation. Using mist netting, pre-diversion (in 1998 and 1999) and short term post-diversion (in 2001) effects of the river diversion on understorey birds were undertaken before and year after river diversion, respectively. Intermediate and long-term effects of river diversion on understorey birds at the same transects are non-existent. In September 2008 and August and September 2018, using mist nets, birds were surveyed at the same transects  to assess whether or not there have been changes in avian community structure, abundance and diversity eight and 18 years after the river was diverted. Results suggest that there have been no significant changes in pre- diversion and eight and 18Keywords:     Avian community composition; Kihansi River; Mist netting; River diversion; Species diversity; Understorey forest bird

    Effect of habitat fragmentation on diversity and abundance of nesting birds in an urban landscape: the case of Mwalimu Nyerere Campus thickets, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

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    Little is known of the nesting bird species in most of urban areas of East Africa. An investigation was made of the occurrence of breeding bird species in the fragmented thickets found in the Mwalimu Nyerere Campus of the University of Dar es Salaam, in the City of Dar es Salaam. The study examined how habitat fragmentation affects nesting bird species richness and diversity in the thickets. Systematic physical nest searches of breeding birds were conducted in the fragmented thickets. Searches were conducted in transects and they included inspecting vegetation, bare ground, cavities, stream (river) banks and other suitable nesting locations for the presence of active nests. Numbers and diversity of nesting bird species increased with fragment size which suggest that most nesting birds avoid smaller fragments and that reductions in size of habitat might negatively affect majority of the nesting bird species. For continued conservation of birds, protection of the remaining thicket fragments on the campus is recommended.Keywords: fragmentation, nesting birds, thickets, campus of the University of Dar es Salaam, nest species diversit

    Contribution of Schools Committees on Management Performance of Public Primary Schools in Butiama District, Mara Region, Tanzania.

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    The study assessed contribution of schools’ committees on the management performance of public primary schools in Butiama district, Mara Region, Tanzania. The study was guided by the following specific objectives; to assess the contribution of schools committee on the management performance in primary schools, to determine the roles of schools committee on school management performance inpublic primary schools and to find out, how school management performance in public primary schools was affected by schools committee. The study employed mixed research approaches. Data was analyzed and presented through thematic analysis and through frequency and distribution using tables. The study employed descriptive research design using a sample size of 95 respondents. Data was collected through questionnaire and interviews tool. The study concluded that, public primary school in Butiama had school committees which helped the school management to enhance school performance. The school committees were also active in fulfilling their duties. The study also found out some contribution provided by school committees which was to solve school problem, help to direct the available school resources and help to advise the head teachers on issues related with school. The study recommended that the government through the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training should ensure that every public primary school have school committee. The study also recommended that school committee and school management to produce joint action plan on how best to work as a team to improve school management performance in public primary school. Keywords: Schools committee, management performance, public primary schools, Butiama Distric

    Preliminary observations on the avifauna of Ikokoto Forest, Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania

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    A study was conducted at c. 110 ha of Ikokoto forest using mist-netting and general field observations. Sixty-four species were recorded of which 61% were of conservation importance in terms of forest dependence. All species were found to belong to the familiar assembly of the large Udzungwa forests. Six species, the Green-throated Greenbul Andropadus fusciceps, Spot-throat Modulatrix stictigula, African Tailorbird Artisornis metopias, Black-lored Cisticola Cisticola nigriloris, Uhehe Fiscal Laniarius marwitzi and Fülleborn’s Black Boubou Laniarius fuelleborni detected are restricted range and one species Moreau’s Sunbird Nectarinia moreaui is nearthreatened according to IUCN threat status. The presence of many species which are forest dependent in this tiny forest indicates that this site, though small in size and highly fragmented, retains significant conservation value for birds
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