293 research outputs found

    ATM Transaction Status Analysis and Anomaly Detection

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    This article mainly studies ATM transaction featureanalysis and anomaly detection. Select the trading successrate, transaction response time and other characteristicparameters, analyze the relationship between transactionresponse time and transaction success rate. After comparingthe fuzzy C-means clustering algorithm and the K-meansclustering algorithm, K-means clustering algorithm was usedto classify the transaction response time. Thendesign tradinganomaly detection program. The use of naive Bayesianclassifier for data classification can determine the alarm level.And using Gaussian distribution and Laplace smoothingcalibration to increase model accuracy to reduce false alarm.The use of MATLAB programming to get the followingresult: When the transaction response time is between 0 ~85.57, the system predicts to be successful. When thetransaction response time between 85.57 ~ 212.31, the systempredicts a warning. When the transaction response timebetween 212.31 ~ 1007.8, the system predicts that the alarm

    An Empirical Study on Patient Queuing after Medical Staff Supporting Disaster Areas in Northwest China

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    Recently, the new coronavirus has brought great disaster to human beings, so we have to take strong measures to suppress the large-scale outbreak of the disease. In this paper, by looking up the data of medical staff supporting Wuhan area in Northwest China, we build a queuing model of  to analyze the waiting time and staying time of patients. Secondly, due to the increase of patients, the burden of outpatient service is gradually increasing, which leads to the speed of epidemic spread greatly accelerated. Therefore,  model is constructed to analyze the relationship between patients and healers. The experimental results show that: (1) at the beginning of the data of more than 1000 medical staff, the patients were served for too long, which led to low efficiency. When they were supported, the efficiency was increasing with the increase of support, and the time was shortened, which was very helpful to relieve the medical pressure of outpatient. (2) With the increase of patients, at the same time, the number of healers is increasing, of course, there are also healthy people in it. At this time, we should focus on finding a suitable node, reducing the number of patients and increasing the number of healers, so as to effectively control the epidemic

    Evaluation System of College Educational Information Management System based on AHP

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    Aiming at evaluating the college educational information management system, in this paper, taking the YanBian University for example, we construct a three-level evaluation system of college educational information management system. Using AHP, through the hierarchical single rankings and total rankings, the weight of each index is obtained. Meanwhile, we prove that the evaluation system is scientific and reasonable. Finally, we get the conclusion and give some relevant suggestions to make the system more complete

    The Effect of Environmental Regulation on Technological Advancement : Based on Empirical Analysis of Chinese Provincial Panel Data

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    This paper is an empirical study of the effect of environmental regulation upon technological advancement based on the panel data collected from 30 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions in mainland China from 2000 to 2010. The results show that on a national basis environmental regulation has a positive effect upon technological advancement, but there lies regional disparity between the east, middle and west of China: The effect is positive in the east while negative in the middle and west. This paper further proves the effect of environmental regulation upon technological progress follows an inverted "N"-shaped curve and then puts forward some policy suggestions

    Application of Nonlinear Programming to Heat Conduction Model

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    The design of high-temperature working clothes is a process of theoretical analysis and design of all layers of working clothes based on the premise that human body avoids burns under the high-temperature environment. Steady temperature mathematical model in this paper, through the establishment of system, determine the optimal heat work suit II layer thickness is actually an optimization problem, has been the function relation between the temperature and time conditions, through Fourier heat conduction law, obtained the system ultimately a function of temperature and material thickness, and has set up anonlinear programming problem, the introduction of the simulated annealing algorithm, and joined the convection and radiation in the algorithm the two factors affect the optimal solution, finally satisfied under the condition of the optimal thickness of the second floor

    Gearbox fault diagnosis based on autocorrelation and HHT

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    Propose to a method of gearbox fault diagnosis based on autocorrelation and HHT. The method of Empirical mode decomposition (EMD) separate gearbox vibration signal data into several intrinsic mode function (IMF). Through the autocorrelation analysis of each IMF component, which can effectively eliminate the noise component, rapidly and accurately screen out IMF component containing characteristic information of gear fault, and then transform it for Hilbert-Huang, and get the gearbox fault characteristic frequency. After testing real gearbox vibration signals, it shows that the method has higher engineering value

    Research on the Stability of the Grade Structure of a University Title

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    The evaluation of college teachers' title is an extremely important task in personnel management, and it is also the focus of college teachers and other professional and technical personnel. The work is policy-oriented and involves a wide range of issues. Whether it is scientific, fair and reasonable is related to whether it can mobilize the enthusiasm and creativity of teachers. It is related to the construction of the teaching staff and the adjustment of the academic echelon, which is of great significance for promoting the sustainable development of higher education

    Two Stream Scene Understanding on Graph Embedding

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    The paper presents a novel two-stream network architecture for enhancing scene understanding in computer vision. This architecture utilizes a graph feature stream and an image feature stream, aiming to merge the strengths of both modalities for improved performance in image classification and scene graph generation tasks. The graph feature stream network comprises a segmentation structure, scene graph generation, and a graph representation module. The segmentation structure employs the UPSNet architecture with a backbone that can be a residual network, Vit, or Swin Transformer. The scene graph generation component focuses on extracting object labels and neighborhood relationships from the semantic map to create a scene graph. Graph Convolutional Networks (GCN), GraphSAGE, and Graph Attention Networks (GAT) are employed for graph representation, with an emphasis on capturing node features and their interconnections. The image feature stream network, on the other hand, focuses on image classification through the use of Vision Transformer and Swin Transformer models. The two streams are fused using various data fusion methods. This fusion is designed to leverage the complementary strengths of graph-based and image-based features.Experiments conducted on the ADE20K dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed two-stream network in improving image classification accuracy compared to conventional methods. This research provides a significant contribution to the field of computer vision, particularly in the areas of scene understanding and image classification, by effectively combining graph-based and image-based approaches

    Type IV pilus of Myxococcus xanthus is a motility apparatus controlled by the frz chemosensory system

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    AbstractAlthough flagella are the best-understood means of locomotion in bacteria [1], other bacterial motility mechanisms must exist as many diverse groups of bacteria move without the aid of flagella [2–4]. One unusual structure that may contribute to motility is the type IV pilus [5,6]. Genetic evidence indicates that type IV pili are required for social gliding motility (S-motility) in Myxococcus, and twitching motility in Pseudomonas and Neisseria[6,7]. It is thought that type IV pili may retract or rotate to bring about cellular motility [6,8], but there is no direct evidence for the role of pili in cell movements. Here, using a tethering assay, we obtained evidence that the type IV pilus of Myxococcus xanthus functions as a motility apparatus. Pili were required for M. xanthus cells to adhere to solid surfaces and to generate cellular movement using S-motility. Tethered cells were released from the surface at intervals corresponding to the reversal frequency of wild-type cells when gliding on a solid surface. Mutants defective in the control of directional movements and cellular reversals (frz mutants) showed altered patterns of adherence that correlate reversal frequencies with tethering. The behavior of the tethered cells was consistent with a model in which the pili are extruded from one cell pole, adhere to a surface, and then retract, pulling the cell in the direction of the adhering pili. Cellular reversals would result from the sites of pili extrusion switching from one cell pole to another and are controlled by the frz chemosensory system

    Comparative efficacy and safety of alendronate and teriparatide in bone loss reduction and prevention of vertebral fracture in osteoporotic Chinese patients

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    Purpose: To compare the effect of teriparatide and alendronate (bisphosphonate, BPP) among Chinese patients with osteoporosis (OoP).Method: Chinese subjects aged > 40 years with a history of vertebral/non-vertebral osteoporotic fragility/fractures were enrolled, and administered either teriparatide (TPT 20 μg/day) subcutaneously or alendronate (BPP)10 mg orally once daily for 12 months. Bone mineral density (BMD), measured using x-ray techniques, and bone formation biomarkers such as osteocalcin [OTC] and bone alkaline phosphatase, were assessed at baseline, and after 6 and 12 months of treatment. The proportion of patients with fractures as well as fracture rate were also recorded. The safety of the drugs was evaluated based treatment emergent adverse events.Result: In Chinese men with OoP, substantially greater improvement in BMD was observed in TPT group, compared to BPP group. TPT demonstrated substantially greater improvement in OTC and, bone alkaline phosphatase than in BPP. Also, patients treated with TPT had significantly lower incidence of new fracture than BPP group during the study period, irrespective of gender distribution (relative risk reduction at 6 and 12 months was 45 and 47 % respectively). The results showed that TPT was superior to BPP in increasing BMD and bone formation biomarkers and reducing new fractures in both male and female patients with osteoporosis.Conclusion: Teriparatide is effective and safe in reducing bone loss and preventing vertebral fractures in Chinese patients with osteoporosis. Furthermore, the results show that there is no gender difference in the efficacy and safety of teriparatide in osteoporosis