74 research outputs found

    Development of a 3D log processing optimization system for small-scale sawmills to maximize profits and yields from central appalachian hardwoods

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    The current status of log sawing practices in small hardwood sawmills across West Virginia was investigated and the effects of log sawing practices on lumber recovery evaluated. A total of 230 logs two species, red oak (Quercus rubra) and yellow-poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera), were measured in five typical hardwood sawmills in the state. Log characteristics such as length, diameter, sweep, taper, and ellipticality were measured. Additionally, the characteristics of sawing equipment such as headrig type, headrig kerf width, and sawing thickness variation were recorded. A general linear model (GLM) was developed using Statistical Analysis System (SAS) to analyze the relationship between lumber recovery and the characteristics of logs and sawing equipment for small sawmills in West Virginia. The results showed that the factors of log grade, log diameter, species, log sweep, log length, different sawmills, the interaction between log species and grade, and the interaction between log species and log length had significant impacts on volume recovery. Log grade, log species and headrig type had significant effects on value recovery.;Hardwood lumber production includes a sequence of interrelated operations. Methods to optimize the entire lumber production process and increase lumber recovery are important issues for forest products manufacturers. Therefore, a 3D log sawing optimization system was developed to perform 3D log generation, opening face determination, headrig log sawing simulation, cant resawing, and lumber grading. External log characteristics such as length, largeend and small-end diameters, diameters at each foot, and external defects were collected from five local sawmills in central Appalachia. The positions and shapes of internal log defects were predicted using a model developed by the USDA Forest Service. 3D modeling techniques were applied to reconstruct a 3D virtual log that included internal defects. Heuristic and dynamic programming algorithms were developed to determine the opening face and grade sawing optimization. The National Hardwood Lumber Association (NHLA) grading rules were computerized and incorporated into the system to perform lumber grading. Preliminary results have shown that hardwood sawmills have the potential to increase lumber value by determining the optimal opening face and optimizing the sawing patterns. Our study showed that without flitch edging and trimming, the average lumber value recovery in the sawmills could be increased by 10.01 percent using a heuristic algorithm or 14.21 percent using a dynamic programming algorithm, respectively. An optimal 3D visualization system was developed for edging and trimming of rough lumber in central Appalachian. Exhaustive search procedures and a dynamic programming algorithm were employed to achieve the optimal edging and trimming solution, respectively.;An optimal procedure was also developed to grade hardwood lumber based on the National Hardwood Lumber Association (NHLA) grading rules. The system was validated through comparisons of the total lumber value generated by the system as compared to values obtained at six local sawmills. A total of 360 boards were measured for specific characteristics including board dimensions, defects, shapes, wane and the results of edging and trimming for each board. Results indicated that lumber value and surface measure from six sawmills could be increased on average by 19.97 percent and 6.2 percent, respectively, by comparing the optimal edging and trimming system with real sawmill operations.;A combined optimal edging and trimming algorithm was embedded as a component in the 3D log sawing optimization system. Multiple sawing methods are allowed in the combined system, including live sawing, cant sawing, grade sawing, and multi-thickness sawing. The system was tested using field data collected at local sawmills in the central Appalachian region. Results showed that significant gains in lumber value recovery can be achieved by using the 3D log sawing system as compared to current sawmill practices. By combining primary log sawing and flitch edging and trimming in a system, better solutions were obtained than when using the model that only considered primary log sawing. The resulting computer optimization system can assist hardwood sawmill managers and production personnel in efficiently utilizing raw materials and increasing their overall competitiveness in the forest products market

    Determine OWA operator weights using kernel density estimation

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    Some subjective methods should divide input values into local clusters before determining the ordered weighted averaging (OWA) operator weights based on the data distribution characteristics of input values. However, the process of clustering input values is complex. In this paper, a novel probability density based OWA (PDOWA) operator is put forward based on the data distribution characteristics of input values. To capture the local cluster structures of input values, the kernel density estimation (KDE) is used to estimate the probability density function (PDF), which fits to the input values. The derived PDF contains the density information of input values, which reflects the importance of input values. Therefore, the input values with high probability densities (PDs) should be assigned with large weights, while the ones with low PDs should be assigned with small weights. Afterwards, the desirable properties of the proposed PDOWA operator are investigated. Finally, the proposed PDOWA operator is applied to handle the multicriteria decision making problem concerning the evaluation of smart phones and it is compared with some existing OWA operators. The comparative analysis shows that the proposed PDOWA operator is simpler and more efficient than the existing OWA operator

    Development of A 3D Log Sawing Optimization System for Small Sawmills in Central Appalachia, US

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    A 3D log sawing optimization system was developed to perform log generation, opening face determination, sawing simulation, and lumber grading using 3D modeling techniques. Heuristic and dynamic programming algorithms were used to determine opening face and grade sawing optimization. Positions and shapes of internal log defects were predicted using a model developed by the USDA Forest Service. Lumber grading procedures were based on National Hardwood Lumber Association rules. The system was validated through comparisons with sawmill lumber values. External characteristics of logs, including length, large-end and small-end diameters, diameters at each foot, and defects were collected from five local sawmills in central Appalachia. Results indicated that hardwood sawmills have the potential to increase lumber value through optimal opening face and sawing optimizations. With these optimizations, average lumber value recovery could be increased by 10.01% using the heuristic algorithm or 14.21% using the dynamic programming algorithm. Lumber grade was improved significantly by using the optimal algorithms. For example, recovery of select or higher grade lumber increased 16-30%. This optimization system would help small sawmill operators improve their processing performance and improve industry competitiveness

    A Review of Forest Resources and Forest Biodiversity Evaluation System in China

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    China is a country rich in diverse forest ecosystems due to the large span of the country, complex topography, and multiple climate regimes. In this paper, the basic information of forest resources in China was briefly introduced and the current state in the measurements of forest biodiversity and the establishment of forest biodiversity index systems in related studies were reviewed. The results showed that a lot of studies on forest biodiversity have been conducted mostly at landscape or stand level in China and the commonly used biodiversity indicators were identified and compared. Several comprehensive forest biodiversity index systems were proposed. However, there are still some problems during the construction of forest biodiversity assessment system. Due to the late establishment of biodiversity monitoring system in China, the availability of data that could be included in a forest biodiversity index system is limited, which hurdles the precise assessment of forest biodiversity. It is suggested to develop long-term monitoring stations and keep data recording consistently. Concerns should also be given to the construction of the framework of the forest biodiversity index system and the determination of the indicators’ weight. The results will provide reference for the establishment of national or regional forest biodiversity evaluation indicator systems in China

    Transcriptional and morphological profiling of parvalbumin interneuron subpopulations in the mouse hippocampus

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    The diversity reflected by >100 different neural cell types fundamentally contributes to brain function and a central idea is that neuronal identity can be inferred from genetic information. Recent large-scale transcriptomic assays seem to confirm this hypothesis, but a lack of morphological information has limited the identification of several known cell types. In this study, we used single-cell RNA-seq in morphologically identified parvalbumin interneurons (PV-INs), and studied their transcriptomic states in the morphological, physiological, and developmental domains. Overall, we find high transcriptomic similarity among PV-INs, with few genes showing divergent expression between morphologically different types. Furthermore, PV-INs show a uniform synaptic cell adhesion molecule (CAM) profile, suggesting that CAM expression in mature PV cells does not reflect wiring specificity after development. Together, our results suggest that while PV-INs differ in anatomy and in vivo activity, their continuous transcriptomic and homogenous biophysical landscapes are not predictive of these distinct identities

    Single-Cell RNA-Seq Reveals Developmental Origins and Ontogenetic Stability of Neurexin Alternative Splicing Profiles

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    Neurexins are key synaptic organizers that are expressed in thousands of alternatively spliced isoforms. Because transsynaptic neurexin interactions with different postsynaptic molecules are largely isoform dependent, a cell type-level census of different neurexin isoforms could predict molecular interactions relating to synapse identity and function. Using single-cell transcriptomics to study the origin of neurexin diversity in multiple murine mature and embryonic cell types, we have discovered shared neurexin expression patterns in developmentally related cells. By comparing neurexin profiles in immature embryonic neurons, we show that neurexin profiles are specified during early development and remain unchanged throughout neuronal maturation. Thus, our findings reveal ontogenetic stability and provide a cell type-level census of neurexin isoform expression in the cortex

    Online tracking of ants based on deep association metrics: method, dataset and evaluation

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    Tracking movement of insects in a social group (such as ants) is challenging, because the individuals are not only similar in appearance but also likely to perform intensive body contact and sudden movement adjustment (start/stop, direction changes). To address this challenge, we introduce an online multi-object tracking framework that combines both the motion and appearance information of ants. We obtain the appearance descriptors by using the ResNet model for offline training on a small (N=50) sample dataset. For online association, a cosine similarity metric computes the matching degree between historical appearance sequences of the trajectory and the current detection. We validate our method in both indoor (lab setup) and outdoor video sequences. The results show that our model obtains 99.3% ± 0.5% MOTA and 91.9% ± 2.1% MOTP across 24,050 testing samples in five indoor sequences, with real-time tracking performance. In an outdoor sequence, we achieve 99.3% MOTA and 92.9% MOTP across 22,041 testing samples. The datasets and code are made publicly available for future research in relevant domains

    Immunotherapy: A promising novel endometriosis therapy

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    Endometriosis is a common disease of the female reproductive system and has malignant features. Although endometriosis by itself is a benign disease, its erosive growth characteristics lead to severe pelvic pain and female infertility. Unfortunately, several aspects of the pathogenesis of endometriosis are still unclear. Furthermore, the clinical therapeutic methods are unsatisfactory. The recurrence rate of endometriosis is high. Accumulating evidence suggests that the onset and development of endometriosis are closely related to the abnormal function of the female autoimmune system, especially the function of some immune cells such as the aggregation of neutrophils, abnormal differentiation of macrophages, decreased cytotoxicity of NK cells, and abnormal function of T- and B-cell lines. Therefore, immunotherapy is probably a novel therapeutic strategy for endometriosis besides surgery and hormone therapy. However, information regarding the clinical application of immunotherapy in the treatment of endometriosis is very limited. This article aimed to review the effects of existing immunomodulators on the development of endometriosis, including immune cell regulators and immune factor regulators. These immunomodulators clinically or experimentally inhibit the pathogenesis and development of endometriosis lesions by acting on the immune cells, immune factors, or immune-related signaling pathways. Thus, immunotherapy is probably a novel and effective clinical treatment choice for endometriosis. Experimental studies of the detailed mechanism of immunotherapy and large-scale clinical studies about the effectiveness and safety of this promising therapeutic method are required in the future

    Commissural dentate granule cell projections and their rapid formation in the adult brain

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    Dentate granule cells (GCs) have been characterized as unilaterally projecting neurons within each hippocampus. Here, we describe a unique class, the commissural GCs, which atypically project to the contralateral hippocampus in mice. Although commissural GCs are rare in the healthy brain, their number and contralateral axon density rapidly increase in a rodent model of temporal lobe epilepsies. In this model, commissural GC axon growth appears together with the well-studied hippocampal mossy fiber sprouting and may be important for the pathomechanisms of epilepsy. Our results augment the current view on hippocampal GC diversity and demonstrate powerful activation of a commissural wiring program in the adult brain

    MUC1 Contributes to BPDE-Induced Human Bronchial Epithelial Cell Transformation through Facilitating EGFR Activation

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    Although it is well known that epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is involved in lung cancer progression, whether EGFR contributes to lung epithelial cell transformation is less clear. Mucin 1 (MUC1 in human and Muc1 in animals), a glycoprotein component of airway mucus, is overexpressed in lung tumors; however, its role and underlying mechanisms in early stage lung carcinogenesis is still elusive. This study provides strong evidence demonstrating that EGFR and MUC1 are involved in bronchial epithelial cell transformation. Knockdown of MUC1 expression significantly reduced transformation of immortalized human bronchial epithelial cells induced by benzo[a]pyrene diol epoxide (BPDE), the active form of the cigarette smoke (CS) carcinogen benzo(a)pyrene (BaP)s. BPDE exposure robustly activated a pathway consisting of EGFR, Akt and ERK, and blocking this pathway significantly increased BPDE-induced cell death and inhibited cell transformation. Suppression of MUC1 expression resulted in EGFR destabilization and inhibition of the BPDE-induced activation of Akt and ERK and increase of cytotoxicity. These results strongly suggest an important role for EGFR in BPDE-induced transformation, and substantiate that MUC1 is involved in lung cancer development, at least partly through mediating carcinogen-induced activation of the EGFR-mediated cell survival pathway that facilitates cell transformation
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