14 research outputs found

    Map of study area in Chongzuo National Nature Reserve, Guangxi, China.

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    <p>Circled areas represent sampling range of the white-headed langur. FS- JCS, Fusui-Jiuchongshan; FS-BZ, Fusui-Buzun; CZ-N, Chongzuo-North; CZ-S, Chongzuo-South.</p

    Pairwise comparisons of <i>Φ</i><sub>ST</sub> and <i>P</i> values between populations using the mtDNA HVRI sequences of the white-headed langur.

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    <p>FS-JCS, Fusui-Jiuchongshan; FS-BZ, Fusui-Buzun; CZ, Chongzuo.</p><p>Pairwise comparisons of <i>Φ</i><sub>ST</sub> and <i>P</i> values between populations using the mtDNA HVRI sequences of the white-headed langur.</p

    Results of Analysis of Molecular Variance (AMOVA) of the mtDNA HVRI sequences in the white-headed langur.

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    <p>Populations are Fusui-Jiuchongshan (FS-JCS), Fusui-Buzun (FS-BZ), and Chongzuo (CZ). <i>d</i>.<i>f</i>., degree of freedom.</p><p>Results of Analysis of Molecular Variance (AMOVA) of the mtDNA HVRI sequences in the white-headed langur.</p

    Mismatch distributions based on the mtDNA HVRI sequences of the white-headed langur.

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    <p>The frequencies of observed (solid bars) and expected pairwise differences under constant population size model (solid line) and population growth-decline model (dotted line) are shown. FS, Fusui.</p

    The median-joining network of mtDNA HVRI haplotypes in the FS and CZ populations of the white-headed langur.

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    <p>The size of each circle represents the frequency of each haplotype (N = 77), and the colors reflect the distribution area of the population. Each bar on the lines connecting two haplotypes represents one mutational step.</p

    Amplification of sex chromosome-linked DEAD-box gene fragments in PCR to determine sex of fecal samples of white-headed langurs.

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    <p>The X- and Y-chromosome linked fragments were 178 and 208 bp in length, respectively. NC, negative control; Ladder, 200 bp DNA ladder; M, DNA isolated from feces of male white-headed langurs; F, DNA isolated from feces of female white-headed langurs.</p

    Results of neutrality tests and population growth rate and size estimation using the mtDNA HVRI sequences in the white-headed langur.

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    <p>FS, Fusui. <i>g</i>, population growth rate; <i>θ</i>, mutation-scaled effective population size. CI, confidence interval.</p><p>Results of neutrality tests and population growth rate and size estimation using the mtDNA HVRI sequences in the white-headed langur.</p

    Summary of sampling locations, sample sizes, and sequence diversity indices of the mtDNA HVRI in the white-headed langur.

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    <p><i>N</i>, number of individuals; <i>n</i>, number of haplotypes; <i>s</i>, number of polymorphic sites; <i>h</i>, haplotype diversity; <i>Ï€</i>, nucleotide diversity. FS, Fusui; FS-JCS, Fusui-Jiuchongshan; FS-BZ, Fusui-Buzun; CZ, Chongzuo; CZ-N, Chongzuo-North; CZ-S, Chongzuo-South.</p><p>Summary of sampling locations, sample sizes, and sequence diversity indices of the mtDNA HVRI in the white-headed langur.</p

    Landscape Data

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    Landscape data (geographical distance, large habitat gap, small habitat gap, and roads) of 214 unique individual

    Genotype Data

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    Microsatellite genotype, sex and haplotype data of 214 unique individual