24 research outputs found
Ground state energies of quantum dots in high magnetic fields: A new approach
We present a new method for calculating ground state properties of quantum
dots in high magnetic fields. It takes into account the equilibrium positions
of electrons in a Wigner cluster to minimize the interaction energy in the high
field limit. Assuming perfect spin alignment the many-body trial function is a
single Slater determinant of overlapping oscillator functions from the lowest
Landau level centered at and near the classical equilibrium positions. We
obtain an analytic expression for the ground state energy and present numerical
results for up to N=40.Comment: 4 pages, including 2 figures, contribution to the Proceedings of
EP2DS-14, submitted to Physica
Ground state energies of quantum dots in high magnetic fields: A new approach
We present a new method for calculating ground state properties of quantum
dots in high magnetic fields. It takes into account the equilibrium positions
of electrons in a Wigner cluster to minimize the interaction energy in the high
field limit. Assuming perfect spin alignment the many-body trial function is a
single Slater determinant of overlapping oscillator functions from the lowest
Landau level centered at and near the classical equilibrium positions. We
obtain an analytic expression for the ground state energy and present numerical
results for up to N=40.Comment: 4 pages, including 2 figures, contribution to the Proceedings of
EP2DS-14, submitted to Physica
The Collapse of the Spin-Singlet Phase in Quantum Dots
We present experimental and theoretical results on a new regime in quantum
dots in which the filling factor 2 singlet state is replaced by new spin
polarized phases. We make use of spin blockade spectroscopy to identify the
transition to this new regime as a function of the number of electrons. The key
experimental observation is a reversal of the phase in the systematic
oscillation of the amplitude of Coulomb blockade peaks as the number of
electrons is increased above a critical number. It is found theoretically that
correlations are crucial to the existence of the new phases.Comment: REVTeX4, 4 pages, 4 figures, to appear in PR
Exchange-correlation energy densities for two-dimensional systems from quantum dot ground-states
In this paper we present a new approach how to extract polarization-dependent
exchange-correlation energy densities for two-dimensional systems from
reference densities and energies of quantum dots provided by exact
diagonalization. Compared with results from literature we find systematic
corrections for all polarizations in the regime of high densities.Comment: 7 figures. submitted to Phys. Rev.
Exchange-correlation vector potentials and vorticity-dependent exchange-correlation energy densities in two-dimensional systems
We present a new approach how to calculate the scalar exchange-correlation
potentials and the vector exchange-correlation potentials from current-carrying
ground states of two-dimensional quantum dots. From these exchange-correlation
potentials we derive exchange-correlation energy densities and examine their
vorticity (or current) dependence. Compared with parameterizations of
current-induced effects in literature we find an increased significance of
corrections due to paramagnetic current densities.Comment: 5 figures, submitted to PR
Coherent coupling of two quantum dots embedded in an Aharonov-Bohm ring
We define two laterally gated small quantum dots (~ 15 electrons) in an
Aharonov-Bohm geometry in which the coupling between the two dots can be
broadly changed. For weakly coupled quantum dots we find Aharonov-Bohm
oscillations. In an intermediate coupling regime we concentrate on the
molecular states of the double dot and extract the magnetic field dependence of
the coherent coupling.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure
Quantum-dot lithium in zero magnetic field: Electronic properties, thermodynamics, and a liquid-solid transition in the ground state
Energy spectra, electron densities, pair correlation functions and heat
capacity of a quantum-dot lithium in zero external magnetic field (a system of
three interacting two-dimensional electrons in a parabolic confinement
potential) are studied using the exact diagonalization approach. A particular
attention is given to a Fermi-liquid -- Wigner-solid transition in the ground
state of the dot, induced by the intra-dot Coulomb interaction.Comment: 12 pages, incl. 16 figure
Dissociation of vertical semiconductor diatomic artificial molecules
We investigate the dissociation of few-electron circular vertical
semiconductor double quantum dot artificial molecules at 0 T as a function of
interdot distance. Slight mismatch introduced in the fabrication of the
artificial molecules from nominally identical constituent quantum wells induces
localization by offsetting the energy levels in the quantum dots by up to 2
meV, and this plays a crucial role in the appearance of the addition energy
spectra as a function of coupling strength particularly in the weak coupling
limit.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let
A vertical diatomic artificial molecule in the intermediate coupling regime in a parallel and perpendicular magnetic field
We present experimental results for the ground state electrochemical
potentials of a few electron semiconductor artificial molecule made by
vertically coupling two quantum dots, in the intermediate coupling regime, in
perpendicular and parallel magnetic fields up to 5 T. We perform a quantitative
analysis based on local-spin density functional theory. The agreement between
theoretical and experimental results is good, and the phase transitions are
well reproduced.Comment: Typeset using Revtex, 13 pages and 8 Postscript figure