467 research outputs found

    The Dilemmas of Humanitarian Action in the Occupied Palestinian Territories

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    AIDS: Legal Issues in Search of a Cure

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    Career Adaptation Wheel to Address Issues Faced by Older Workers

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    Accurate measurement of extremely low surface recombination velocities on charged, oxidized silicon surfaces using a simple metal-oxide-semiconductor structure

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    The authors report a simple technique to determine the surface recombination velocity of silicon and other semiconductor surfaces which have been passivated with a dielectric layer, as a function of charge density. A metal-oxide-semiconductor structure, employing large area, partially transparent metal contacts, is used to enable the charging of the surfaces. Simultaneous measurement of the emitter saturation current density Jœ and the effective instantaneous lifetime τinst allows accurate extraction of the effective surface recombination velocity Seff at any given injection level. Extremely low Jœ values of 1.8 fA cm-2 are measured on the silicon-silicon oxide (Si–SiO2) interface of a thermally oxidized, charged wafer

    Violence Prevention in Middle School: A Preliminary Study

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    Violence in schools continues reflecting violence within society. There is a growing need for violence prevention programs within the schools that provide students with the skills needed to cope with interpersonal and relationship is-sues effectively. This study was conducted at a middle school and there were 345 middle school students (6th to 8th grade) who participated in the study. The students participated in a violence prevention program. In this study, the researchers used a pre-test/post-test design and the results indicated that there were some changes in attitudes towards violence that occurred after the intervention

    Asynchronous online focus groups for research with people living with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and family caregivers: Usefulness, acceptability and lessons learned

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    Background: People with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) face disability- and travel-related barriers to research participation. We investigate the usefulness and acceptability of asynchronous, online focus groups (AOFGs) for research involving people affected by ALS (patients and family caregivers) and outline lessons learned.Methods: The ALS Talk Project, consisting of seven AOFGs and 100 participants affected by ALS, provided context for this investigation. Hosted on the secure itracks Board™ platform, participants interacted in a threaded web forum structure. Moderators posted weekly discussion questions and facilitated discussion. Data pertaining to methodology, participant interaction and experience, and moderator technique were analyzed using itracks and NVivo 12 analytics (quantitative) and conventional content analysis and the constant-comparative approach (qualitative).Results: There was active engagement within groups, with post lengths averaging 111.48 words and a complex network of branching interactions between participants. One third of participant responses included individual reflections without further interaction. Participants affirmed their co-group members, offered practical advice, and discussed shared and differing perspectives. Moderators responded to all posts, indicating presence and probing answers. AOFGs facilitated qualitative and quantitative data-gathering and flexible response to unanticipated events. Although total participation fell below 50% after 10–12 weeks, participants valued interacting with peers in an inclusive, confidential forum. Participants used a variety of personal devices, browsers, and operating systems when interacting on the online platform.Conclusions: This methodological examination of AOFGs for patient-centred investigations involving people affected by ALS demonstrates their usefulness and acceptability, and advances knowledge of online research methodologies. Lessons learned include: early identification of research goals and participant needs is critical to selecting an AOFG platform; although duration longer than 10–12 weeks may be burdensome in this population, participants were positive about AOFGs; AOFGs offer real world flexibility enabling response to research challenges and opportunities; and, AOGFs can effectively foster safe spaces for sharing personal perspectives and discussing sensitive topics. With moderators playing an important role in fostering engagement, AOFGs facilitated rich data gathering and promoted reciprocity by fostering the exchange of ideas and interaction between peers. Findings may have implications for research involving other neurologically impaired and/or medically vulnerable populations
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