3,447 research outputs found

    Bernard Yarnton Mills 1920-2011

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    Bernie Mills is remembered globally as an influential pioneer in the evolving field of radio astronomy. His contributions with the 'Mills Cross' at the CSIRO Division of Radiophysics and later at the University of Sydney's School of Physics and the development of the Molonglo Observatory Synthesis Telescope (MOST) were widely recognised as astronomy evolved in the years 1948-1985 and radio astronomy changed the viewpoint of the astronomer as a host of new objects were discovered

    Thermal stress cycling of GaAs solar cells

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    A thermal cycling experiment was performed on GaAs solar cells to establish the electrical and structural integrity of these cells under the temperature conditions of a simulated low-Earth orbit of 3-year duration. Thirty single junction GaAs cells were obtained and tests were performed to establish the beginning-of-life characteristics of these cells. The tests consisted of cell I-V power output curves, from which were obtained short-circuit current, open circuit voltage, fill factor, and cell efficiency, and optical micrographs, spectral response, and ion microprobe mass analysis (IMMA) depth profiles on both the front surfaces and the front metallic contacts of the cells. Following 5,000 thermal cycles, the performance of the cells was reexamined in addition to any factors which might contribute to performance degradation. It is established that, after 5,000 thermal cycles, the cells retain their power output with no loss of structural integrity or change in physical appearance

    Características das cultivares de trigo recomendadas para cultivo em áreas aptas ao arroz irrigado do Rio Grande do Sul.

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    Measurements and modeling of flow structure in the wake of a low profile wishbone vortex generator

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    The results of an experimental examination of the vortex structures shed from a low profile 'wishbone' generator are presented. The vortex generator height relative to the turbulent boundary layer was varied by testing two differently sized models. Measurements of the mean three-dimensional velocity field were conducted in cross-stream planes downstream of the vortex generators. In all cases, a counter-rotating vortex pair was observed. Individual vortices were characterized by three descriptors derived from the velocity data; circulation, peak vorticity, and cross-stream location of peak vorticity. Measurements in the cross plane at two axial locations behind the smaller wishbone characterize the downstream development of the vortex pairs. A single region of stream wise velocity deficit is shared by both vortex cores. This is in contrast to conventional generators, where each core coincides with a region of velocity deficit. The measured cross-stream velocities for each case are compared to an Oseen model with matching descriptors. The best comparison occurs with the data from the larger wishbone

    Rendimento de grãos e algumas características agronômicas de cultivares de trigo avaliadas na região de Pelotas-RS, em 2003.

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    Comportamento de genótipos de trigo cultivados em dois ecossistemas de terras baixas na metade sul do Rio Grande do Sul.

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    Rendimento de grãos e fatores de produção de trigo em função da ocorrência de precipitação pluviométrica na fase reprodutiva.

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    Manejo na cultura do trigo com finalidade de duplo propósito-forragem e grãos.

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