47 research outputs found

    Structure of the VipA/B Type VI Secretion Complex Suggests a Contraction-State-Specific Recycling Mechanism

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    The bacterial type VI secretion system is a multicomponent molecular machine directed against eukaryotic host cells and competing bacteria. An intracellular contractile tubular structure that bears functional homology with bacteriophage tails is pivotal for ejection of pathogenic effectors. Here, we present the 6 A cryoelectron microscopy structure of the contracted Vibrio cholerae tubule consisting of the proteins VipA and VipB. We localized VipA and VipB in the protomer and identified structural homology between the C-terminal segment of VipB and the tail-sheath protein of T4 phages. We propose that homologous segments in VipB and T4 phages mediate tubule contraction. We show that in type VI secretion, contraction leads to exposure of the ClpV recognition motif, which is embedded in the type VI-specific four-helix-bundle N-domain of VipB. Disaggregation of the tubules by the AAA+ protein ClpV and recycling of the VipA/B subunits are thereby limited to the contracted state

    Behandlung komorbider Störungen, Syndrome und Symptome der Posttraumatischen Belastungsstörung nach Missbrauchserfahrungen in der Kindheit mit STAIR-NT. Klinische Empfehlungen und Herausforderungen

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    Background: Early interpersonal traumatic events, such as childhood maltreatment, increase the risk of developing complex posttraumatic stress symptoms. The biphasic treatment program STAIR-NT (Skills Training for Affective and Interpersonal Regulation with Narrative Therapy), developed specifically for this patient group, combines interventions to improve emotion regulation and interpersonal skills with narrative therapy. Objective: Many affected patients with PTSD after childhood maltreatment also suffer from various comorbid mental disorders and symptoms that can affect and impede the course and outcome of treatment with STAIR-NT. Method: Based on experience from a current treatment study, we provide recommendations for integrating treatment of comorbid mental symptoms into STAIR-NT. Results / Conclusion: Training affective and interpersonal regulation skills in the first treatment phase offers various interventions to efficiently adapt transdiagnostic mechanisms such as emotion dysregulation. In cases of severe comorbid mental disorders or symptoms, adding disorder-specific interventions to STAIR-NT may be indicated.Hintergrund: Frühe interpersonelle traumatische Erfahrungen, wie Misshandlung und Missbrauch in Kindheit und Jugend, erhöhen das Risiko eine komplexe posttraumatische Belastungssymptomatik zu entwickeln. Das zwei-phasische Therapieprogramm STAIR-NT (Skillstraining zur affektiven und interpersonellen Regulation mit narrativer Therapie), das speziell für diese Gruppe von Patient_innen entwickelte wurde, kombiniert Interventionen zur Verbesserung der Emotionsregulation und der interpersonellen Fähigkeiten mit einer narrativen Therapie. Fragestellung: Viele der Betroffenen mit einer PTBS nach Misshandlung und Missbrauch in der Kindheit leiden unter einer Vielzahl komorbider psychischer Symptome, die den Verlauf und das Ergebnis der Behandlung mit STAIR-NT beeinflussen und behindern können. Methode: Basierend auf den Erfahrungen aus einer aktuellen Therapiestudie werden hier Empfehlungen für die Integration der Behandlung komorbider psychischer Symptomatik in STAIR-NT gegeben. Ergebnis / Schlussfolgerung: Vor allem das Training affektiver und interpersoneller Regulationsfähigkeiten in der ersten Therapiephase bietet vielfältige Interventionen zur Veränderung störungsübergreifender Mechanismen wie Emotionsdysregulation. Bei besonders schwerwiegender komorbider Symptomatik kann die zusätzliche Anwendung von störungsspezifischen Interventionen zur STAIR-NT indiziert sein

    Proteasome assembly from 15S precursors involves major conformational changes and recycling of the Pba1-Pba2 chaperone

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    The chaperones Ump1 and Pba1-Pba2 promote efficient biogenesis of 20S proteasome core particles from its subunits via 15S intermediates containing alpha and beta subunits, except beta7. Here we elucidate the structural role of these chaperones in late steps of core particle biogenesis using biochemical, electron microscopy, cross-linking and mass spectrometry analyses. In 15S precursor complexes, Ump1 is largely unstructured, lining the inner cavity of the complex along the interface between alpha and beta subunits. The alpha and beta subunits form loosely packed rings with a wider alpha ring opening than in the 20S core particle, allowing for the Pba1-Pba2 heterodimer to be partially embedded in the central alpha ring cavity. During biogenesis, the heterodimer is expelled from the alpha ring by a restructuring event that organizes the beta ring and leads to tightening of the alpha ring opening. In this way, the Pba1-Pba2 chaperone is recycled for a new round of proteasome assembly

    Immune Modulation to Enhance Bone Healing -A New Concept to Induce Bone Using Prostacyclin to Locally Modulate Immunity

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    Within an aging population, fracture incidences will rise and with the augmented risks of impaired healing the overall risk of delayed bone regeneration will substantially increase in elderly patients. Thus, new strategies to rescue fracture healing in the elderly are highly warranted. Modulating the initial inflammatory phase toward a reduced pro-inflammation launches new treatment options for delayed or impaired healing specifically in the elderly. Here, we evaluated the capacity of the prostacyclin analog Iloprost to modulate the inflammatory phase toward a pro-regenerative milieu using in vitro as well as in vivo model systems. In vitro, Iloprost administration led to a downregulation of potential unfavorable CD8+ cytotoxic T cells as well as their pro-inflammatory cytokine secretion profile. Furthermore, Iloprost increased the mineralization capacity of osteogenic induced mesenchymal stromal cells through both direct as well as indirect cues. In an in vivo approach, Iloprost, embedded in a biphasic fibrin scaffold, decreased the pro-inflammatory and simultaneously enhanced the anti-inflammatory phase thereby improving bone healing outcome. Overall, our presented data confirms a possible strategy to modulate the early inflammatory phase in aged individuals toward a physiological healing by a downregulation of an excessive pro-inflammation that otherwise would impair healing. Further confirmation in phase I/II trials, however, is needed to validate the concept in a broader clinical evaluation

    A personalized patient preference predictor for substituted judgments in healthcare: technically feasible and ethically desirable

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    When making substituted judgments for incapacitated patients, surrogates may often struggle to guess what the patient would want if they had capacity. Surrogates may also agonise over having the (sole) responsibility of making such a determination. To address such concerns, a Patient Preference Predictor (PPP) has been proposed that would use an algorithm to infer the treatment preferences of individual patients from population-level data about the known preferences of people with similar demographic characteristics. However, critics have suggested that even if such a PPP were more accurate, on average, than human surrogates in accurately identifying patient preferences, the proposed algorithm would nevertheless fail to respect the patient’s (former) autonomy since it draws on the ‘wrong’ kind of data: namely, data that are not specific to the individual patient and which therefore may not reflect their actual values, or their reasons for having the preferences they do. Taking such criticisms on board, we here propose a new approach: the Personalized Patient Preference Predictor (P4). The P4 is based on recent advances in machine learning, which allow technologies including large language models to be more cheaply and efficiently ‘fine-tuned’ on person-specific data. The P4, unlike the PPP, would be able to infer an individual patient’s preferences from material (e.g., prior treatment decisions) that is in fact specific to them. Thus, we argue, in addition to being potentially more accurate at the individual level than the previously proposed PPP, the predictions of a P4 would also more directly reflect each patient’s own reasons and values. In this article, we review recent discoveries in artificial intelligence research that suggest a P4 is technically feasible, and argue that, if it is developed and appropriately deployed, it should assuage some of the main autonomy-based concerns of critics of the original PPP. We then consider various objections to our proposal and offer some tentative replies

    T Lymphocytes Influence the Mineralization Process of Bone

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    Bone is a unique organ able to regenerate itself after injuries. This regeneration requires the local interplay between different biological systems such as inflammation and matrix formation. Structural reconstitution is initiated by an inflammatory response orchestrated by the host immune system. However, the individual role of T cells and B cells in regeneration and their relationship to bone tissue reconstitution remain unknown. Comparing bone and fracture healing in animals with and without mature T and B cells revealed the essential role of these immune cells in determining the tissue mineralization and thus the bone quality. Bone without mature T and B cells is stiffer when compared to wild-type bone thus lacking the elasticity that helps to absorb forces, thus preventing fractures. In-depth analysis showed dysregulations in collagen deposition and osteoblast distribution upon lack of mature T and B cells. These changes in matrix deposition have been correlated with T cells rather than B cells within this study. This work presents, for the first time, a direct link between immune cells and matrix formation during bone healing after fracture. It illustrates specifically the role of T cells in the collagen organization process and the lack thereof in the absence of T cells

    Experience in the Adaptive Immunity Impacts Bone Homeostasis, Remodeling, and Healing

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    Bone formation as well as bone healing capacity is known to be impaired in the elderly. Although bone formation is outpaced by bone resorption in aged individuals, we hereby present a novel path that considerably impacts bone formation and architecture: Bone formation is substantially reduced in aged individual owing to the experience of the adaptive immunity. Thus, immune-aging in addition to chronological aging is a potential risk factor, with an experienced immune system being recognized as more pro-inflammatory. The role of the aging immune system on bone homeostasis and on the bone healing cascade has so far not been considered. Within this study mice at different age and immunological experience were analyzed toward bone properties. Healing was assessed by introducing an osteotomy, immune cells were adoptively transferred to disclose the difference in biological vs. chronological aging. In vitro studies were employed to test the interaction of immune cell products (cytokines) on cells of the musculoskeletal system. In metaphyseal bone, immune-aging affects bone homeostasis by impacting bone formation capacity and thereby influencing mass and microstructure of bone trabeculae leading to an overall reduced mechanical competence as found in bone torsional testing. Furthermore, bone formation is also impacted during bone regeneration in terms of a diminished healing capacity observed in young animals who have an experienced human immune system. We show the impact of an experienced immune system compared to a naive immune system, demonstrating the substantial differences in the healing capacity and bone homeostasis due to the immune composition. We further showed that in vivo mechanical stimulation changed the immune system phenotype in young mice toward a more naive composition. While this rescue was found to be significant in young individuals, aged mice only showed a trend toward the reconstitution of a more naive immune phenotype. Considering the immune system's experience level in an individual, will likely allow one to differentiate (stratify) and treat (immune-modulate) patients more effectively. This work illustrates the relevance of including immune diagnostics when discussing immunomodulatory therapeutic strategies for the progressively aging population of the industrial countries

    Immune Modulation to Enhance Bone Healing—A New Concept to Induce Bone Using Prostacyclin to Locally Modulate Immunity

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    Within an aging population, fracture incidences will rise and with the augmented risks of impaired healing the overall risk of delayed bone regeneration will substantially increase in elderly patients. Thus, new strategies to rescue fracture healing in the elderly are highly warranted. Modulating the initial inflammatory phase toward a reduced pro-inflammation launches new treatment options for delayed or impaired healing specifically in the elderly. Here, we evaluated the capacity of the prostacyclin analog Iloprost to modulate the inflammatory phase toward a pro-regenerative milieu using in vitro as well as in vivo model systems. In vitro, Iloprost administration led to a downregulation of potential unfavorable CD8+ cytotoxic T cells as well as their pro-inflammatory cytokine secretion profile. Furthermore, Iloprost increased the mineralization capacity of osteogenic induced mesenchymal stromal cells through both direct as well as indirect cues. In an in vivo approach, Iloprost, embedded in a biphasic fibrin scaffold, decreased the pro-inflammatory and simultaneously enhanced the anti-inflammatory phase thereby improving bone healing outcome. Overall, our presented data confirms a possible strategy to modulate the early inflammatory phase in aged individuals toward a physiological healing by a downregulation of an excessive pro-inflammation that otherwise would impair healing. Further confirmation in phase I/II trials, however, is needed to validate the concept in a broader clinical evaluation

    Experience in the Adaptive Immunity Impacts Bone Homeostasis, Remodeling, and Healing

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    Bone formation as well as bone healing capacity is known to be impaired in the elderly. Although bone formation is outpaced by bone resorption in aged individuals, we hereby present a novel path that considerably impacts bone formation and architecture: Bone formation is substantially reduced in aged individual owing to the experience of the adaptive immunity. Thus, immune-aging in addition to chronological aging is a potential risk factor, with an experienced immune system being recognized as more pro-inflammatory. The role of the aging immune system on bone homeostasis and on the bone healing cascade has so far not been considered. Within this study mice at different age and immunological experience were analyzed toward bone properties. Healing was assessed by introducing an osteotomy, immune cells were adoptively transferred to disclose the difference in biological vs. chronological aging. In vitro studies were employed to test the interaction of immune cell products (cytokines) on cells of the musculoskeletal system. In metaphyseal bone, immune-aging affects bone homeostasis by impacting bone formation capacity and thereby influencing mass and microstructure of bone trabeculae leading to an overall reduced mechanical competence as found in bone torsional testing. Furthermore, bone formation is also impacted during bone regeneration in terms of a diminished healing capacity observed in young animals who have an experienced human immune system. We show the impact of an experienced immune system compared to a naïve immune system, demonstrating the substantial differences in the healing capacity and bone homeostasis due to the immune composition. We further showed that in vivo mechanical stimulation changed the immune system phenotype in young mice toward a more naïve composition. While this rescue was found to be significant in young individuals, aged mice only showed a trend toward the reconstitution of a more naïve immune phenotype. Considering the immune system's experience level in an individual, will likely allow one to differentiate (stratify) and treat (immune-modulate) patients more effectively. This work illustrates the relevance of including immune diagnostics when discussing immunomodulatory therapeutic strategies for the progressively aging population of the industrial countries

    A Personalized Patient Preference Predictor for Substituted Judgments in Healthcare: Technically Feasible and Ethically Desirable

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    When making substituted judgments for incapacitated patients, surrogates often struggle to guess what the patient would want if they had capacity. Surrogates may also agonize over having the (sole) responsibility of making such a determination. To address such concerns, a Patient Preference Predictor (PPP) has been proposed that would use an algorithm to infer the treatment preferences of individual patients from population-level data about the known preferences of people with similar demographic characteristics. However, critics have suggested that even if such a PPP were more accurate, on average, than human surrogates in identifying patient preferences, the proposed algorithm would nevertheless fail to respect the patient’s (former) autonomy since it draws on the ‘wrong’ kind of data: namely, data that are not specific to the individual patient and which therefore may not reflect their actual values, or their reasons for having the preferences they do. Taking such criticisms on board, we here propose a new approach: the Personalized Patient Preference Predictor (P4). The P4 is based on recent advances in machine learning, which allow technologies including large language models to be more cheaply and efficiently ‘fine-tuned’ on person-specific data. The P4, unlike the PPP, would be able to infer an individual patient’s preferences from material (e.g., prior treatment decisions) that is in fact specific to them. Thus, we argue, in addition to being potentially more accurate at the individual level than the previously proposed PPP, the predictions of a P4 would also more directly reflect each patient’s own reasons and values. In this article, we review recent discoveries in artificial intelligence research that suggest a P4 is technically feasible, and argue that, if it is developed and appropriately deployed, it should assuage some of the main autonomy-based concerns of critics of the original PPP. We then consider various objections to our proposal and offer some tentative replies