6,029 research outputs found

    A relation between chiral central charge and ground state degeneracy in 2+1-dimensional topological orders

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    A bosonic topological order on dd-dimensional closed space Σd\Sigma^d may have degenerate ground states. The space Σd\Sigma^d with different shapes (different metrics) form a moduli space MΣd{\cal M}_{\Sigma^d}. Thus the degenerate ground states on every point in the moduli space MΣd{\cal M}_{\Sigma^d} form a complex vector bundle over MΣd{\cal M}_{\Sigma^d}. It was suggested that the collection of such vector bundles for dd-dimensional closed spaces of all topologies completely characterizes the topological order. Using such a point of view, we propose a direct relation between two seemingly unrelated properties of 2+1-dimensional topological orders: (1) the chiral central charge cc that describes the many-body density of states for edge excitations (or more precisely the thermal Hall conductance of the edge), (2) the ground state degeneracy DgD_g on closed genus gg surface. We show that cDg/2∈Z, g≥3c D_g/2 \in \mathbb{Z},\ g\geq 3 for bosonic topological orders. We explicitly checked the validity of this relation for over 140 simple topological orders. For fermionic topological orders, let Dg,σeD_{g,\sigma}^{e} (Dg,σoD_{g,\sigma}^{o}) be the degeneracy with even (odd) number of fermions for genus-gg surface with spin structure σ\sigma. Then we have 2cDg,σe∈Z2c D_{g,\sigma}^{e} \in \mathbb{Z} and 2cDg,σo∈Z2c D_{g,\sigma}^{o} \in \mathbb{Z} for g≥3g\geq 3.Comment: 8 pages. This paper supersedes Section XIV of an unpublished work arXiv:1405.5858. We add new results on fermionic topological orders and some numerical check

    A classification of 3+1D bosonic topological orders (I): the case when point-like excitations are all bosons

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    Topological orders are new phases of matter beyond Landau symmetry breaking. They correspond to patterns of long-range entanglement. In recent years, it was shown that in 1+1D bosonic systems there is no nontrivial topological order, while in 2+1D bosonic systems the topological orders are classified by a pair: a modular tensor category and a chiral central charge. In this paper, we propose a partial classification of topological orders for 3+1D bosonic systems: If all the point-like excitations are bosons, then such topological orders are classified by unitary pointed fusion 2-categories, which are one-to-one labeled by a finite group GG and its group 4-cocycle ω4∈H4[G;U(1)]\omega_4 \in \mathcal H^4[G;U(1)] up to group automorphisms. Furthermore, all such 3+1D topological orders can be realized by Dijkgraaf-Witten gauge theories.Comment: An important new result "Untwisted sector of dimension reduction is the Drinfeld center of E" is added in Sec. IIIC; other minor refinements and improvements; 23 pages, 10 figure

    Field control of single x-ray photons in nuclear forward scattering

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    Means to coherently control single x-ray photons in resonant scattering of light off nuclei by electric or magnetic fields are investigated theoretically. In order to derive the time response in nuclear forward scattering, we adapt the Maxwell-Bloch equations known from quantum optics to describe the resonant light pulse propagation through a nuclear medium. Two types of time-dependent perturbations of nuclear forward scattering are considered for coherent control of the resonantly scattered x-ray quanta. First, the simultaneous coherent propagation of two pulses through the nuclear sample is addressed. We find that the signal of a weak pulse can be enhanced or suppressed by a stronger pulse simultaneously propagating through the sample in counter-propagating geometry. Second, the effect of a time-dependent hyperfine splitting is investigated and we put forward a scheme that allows parts of the spectrum to be shifted forward in time. This is the inverse effect of coherent photon storage and may become a valuable technique if single x-ray photon wavepackets are to become the information carriers in future photonic circuits.Comment: 21 pages, 10 figures, v2 minor modifications in text to match the published version, results unchange

    A theory of 2+1D fermionic topological orders and fermionic/bosonic topological orders with symmetries

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    We propose that, up to invertible topological orders, 2+1D fermionic topological orders without symmetry and 2+1D fermionic/bosonic topological orders with symmetry GG are classified by non-degenerate unitary braided fusion categories (UBFC) over a symmetric fusion category (SFC); the SFC describes a fermionic product state without symmetry or a fermionic/bosonic product state with symmetry GG, and the UBFC has a modular extension. We developed a simplified theory of non-degenerate UBFC over a SFC based on the fusion coefficients NkijN^{ij}_k and spins sis_i. This allows us to obtain a list that contains all 2+1D fermionic topological orders (without symmetry). We find explicit realizations for all the fermionic topological orders in the table. For example, we find that, up to invertible p+ipp+\hspace{1pt}\mathrm{i}\hspace{1pt} p fermionic topological orders, there are only four fermionic topological orders with one non-trivial topological excitation: (1) the K=(−1002)K={\scriptsize \begin{pmatrix} -1&0\\0&2\end{pmatrix}} fractional quantum Hall state, (2) a Fibonacci bosonic topological order 214/5B2^B_{14/5} stacking with a fermionic product state, (3) the time-reversal conjugate of the previous one, (4) a primitive fermionic topological order that has a chiral central charge c=14c=\frac14, whose only topological excitation has a non-abelian statistics with a spin s=14s=\frac14 and a quantum dimension d=1+2d=1+\sqrt{2}. We also proposed a categorical way to classify 2+1D invertible fermionic topological orders using modular extensions.Comment: 23 pages, 8 table

    On the "Security analysis and improvements of arbitrated quantum signature schemes"

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    Recently, Zou et al. [Phys. Rev. A 82, 042325 (2010)] pointed out that two arbitrated quantum signature (AQS) schemes are not secure, because an arbitrator cannot arbitrate the dispute between two users when a receiver repudiates the integrity of a signature. By using a public board, they try to propose two AQS schemes to solve the problem. This work shows that the same security problem may exist in their schemes and also a malicious party can reveal the other party's secret key without being detected by using the Trojan-horse attacks. Accordingly, two basic properties of a quantum signature, i.e. unforgeability and undeniability, may not be satisfied in their scheme
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