692,139 research outputs found

    Rescue of Synthetic Genomic RNA Analogs of Rabies Virus by Plasmid-Encoded Proteins

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    Proteins eolirely expressed from cDNA wen used to rescue synthetic RNA genome analogs into infectious defective particles or rabies virus (RV). Synthetic negative-stranded RNAs coßtalning 3' · and S'-terminal RV sequences and tnlßscriptional signal sequences wen transcribed (rom plasmids transfeded into cells expressing 1'7 RNA polymerase (rom recombinant vaccinia virus. After simultaneous expression or RV N, P, and L proteiDS (rom plasmids containing a T7 RNA polymerase promoter, tbe synthetic genomes wen encapsidated. replicated, and transcribed by tbe RV polymerase proteiDS. Insertion or the bac1erial chloramphenicol acetyUransferase gene or l3·galactosidase (IacZ) gene between the 3 ' and 5 ' termini containing transcriptional signal sequenees resulted in transcription of mRNAs and expression of ehloramphenlco

    Comment on "A special attack on the multiparty quantum secret sharing of secure direct communication using single photons"

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    In this comment, we show that the special attack [S.-J. Qin, F. Gao, Q.-Y. Wen, F.-C. Zhu, Opt. Commun. 281 (2008) 5472.], which claims to be able to obtain all the transmitted secret message bit values of the protocol of the multiparty quantum secret sharing of secure direct communication using single photons with random phase shift operations, fails. Furthermore, a class of similar attacks are also shown to fail to extract the secrete message.Comment: 2 pages (two-column

    Transmuting CHY formulae

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    © The Author(s) 2019.The various formulations of scattering amplitudes presented in recent years have underlined a hidden unity among very different theories. The KLT and BCJ relations, together with the CHY formulation, connect the S-matrices of a wide range of theories: the transmutation operators, recently proposed by Cheung, Shen and Wen, provide an account for these similarities. In this note we use the transmutation operators to link the various CHY integrands at tree-level. Starting from gravity, we generate the integrands for YangMills, biadjoint scalar, Einstein-Maxwell, Yang-Mills scalar, Born-Infeld, Dirac-Born-Infeld, non-linear sigma model and special Galileon theories, as well as for their extensions. We also commence the study of the CHY-like formulae at loop level.Peer reviewe

    Desensitization is a property of the cholinergic binding region of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, not of the receptor-integral ion channel

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    The reversible acctylchollne esternse inhibitor (-}.physostiilmine (¢serine) is th© prolotypc of a new class of nie~tinlc ucetylcholinc receptor (nAChR) activating liga,ds: it induces cation fluxes into nAChR.rich membrane vesicl~s from 7~r#eda marmoeata cle~:tric tissue even under condl. lions of antalionist blocked :tcctylcholin~ binding sil~s (Okonjo, Kuhlm~mn. Maelicke. Neuron, in press). This su~tlest's that escrine exerts it~ than. nel.activating proi'~rty via binding sites at the nAChR separate from those of tile natural transmitter. We now report thllt eserine e'-m activate the channel wen when the receptor has t~en preincub~ttcd (des©nsitiz©d) with elevated concentrations of acetylcholi~e, Titus the confornudional state Of the receptor corresponding to de~nsitixation is confined to the transmitter bindinB rclli0n, leaving the ch=tr'4nel fully activatable ,- albeit only from other than the tr~msmitter bindin~ site(s)