13 research outputs found

    Developing collaborative learning environments, a blended learning training concept for inclusive mathematics teaching

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    Der vorliegende Beitrag beschreibt den theoretischen Hintergrund und das Design des Projekts GLUE (Gemeinsame Lern-Umgebungen Entwickeln). Die Konzeption der Gemeinsamen Lern-Umgebungen zielt im Sinne der Prinzipien des \u27Universal Design of Learning\u27 [...] darauf ab, den inklusiven Mathematikunterricht von einem gemeinsamen Lerngegenstand aus zu denken, der einerseits ZugĂ€nglichkeit fĂŒr alle Lernenden schafft und andererseits UnterstĂŒtzungsmaßnahmen auf unterschiedlichen Niveaustufen zulĂ€sst. Das Projekt geht der Frage nach, wie sich die Kompetenzentwicklung von berufserfahrenen LehrkrĂ€ften der allgemeinen Schule und fĂŒr sonderpĂ€dagogische Förderung durch Fortbildungsangebote zum inklusiven Mathematikunterricht wirksam unterstĂŒtzen lĂ€sst. Hierzu wurde ein Blended-Learning-Angebot zur Entwicklung gemeinsamer Lernumgebungen fĂŒr alle Kinder einer Lerngruppe erarbeitet, die sich auch von mehreren LehrkrĂ€ften gemeinsam entwickeln lassen. In diesem Beitrag werden der theoretische Hintergrund, die Konzeption und die methodische Anlage des Projekts vorgestellt. Kapitel 1 befasst sich mit Differenzieren und Fördern im Mathematikunterricht der Primarstufe, Kapitel 2 diskutiert zentrale Befunde zur Wirksamkeit von Lehrerfortbildungsmaßnahmen sowie zu Blended-Learning-Angeboten. Im dritten Kapitel werden auf dieser Grundlage die Ziele des Projekts (Kap. 3.1), die Inhalte und die Struktur des Fortbildungsangebots (Kap., 3.2), die Forschungsfragen (Kap. 3.3) und das Design der Interventionsstudie dargestellt (Kap. 3.4). Die Wirksamkeit wird in einem ausbalancierten PrĂ€-Post-Follow-Up-Test-Design im Vergleich zu unbegleiteten Online-Angeboten evaluiert, die Ergebnisse sollen in einer Folgepublikation kommuniziert werden. (DIPF/Orig.)This paper describes the theoretical background and the design of the GLUE project (Gemeinsame Lern-Umgebungen Entwickeln; Developing Collaborative Learning Environments). In line with the principles of ‚Universal Design of Learning‘ (Hall, Meyer & Rose, 2012), the GLUE conception aims to base inclusive mathematics education - wherever appropriate - on common topics. This approach provides accessibility for all learners on the one hand and allows support measures at different levels on the other. The project addresses the question of how the development of competence of experienced teachers of different professions can be effectively supported by inservice education courses for inclusive mathematics education. For this purpose, a blended learning course on the design of collaborative learning environments has been developed. In this article, the theoretical background and the research design of the project will be presented. Section 1 will discuss the topics of differentiation and promotion in primary school mathematics education. Section 2 will introduce key findings on the effectiveness of teacher training and blended learning services. In the third chapter, the objectives of the project (Section 3.1), the content and structure of the inservice course (Section 3.2), the research questions (Section 3.3) and the design of the intervention study will be presented (Section 3.4). The effectiveness shall be evaluated in a balanced pre-post follow-up test design by comparison with unaccompanied online offers in an investigation to be reported on in a future publication

    An approach to diagnosing learning disabilities within a Piagetian framework

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    Thesis (M.Ed.)--University of Washington, 1978The hypothesis that learning disabled children are delayed in cognitive development and Piagetfs theory of horizontal decalage were tested. Forty-five learning disabled and forty-five non-disabled students, 15 each in the age groups 7-8 years, 9-10 years, and 11-12 years, were tested on conservation of number, liquid, weight, and volume. The assessment procedures varied from Piaget1s classical pro- cedures in that the relevant stimulus dimension was expressed verbally for every task. Correct judgment only was employed as criterion for the presence of the conservation concept. An analysis of variance re- vealed a highly significant (p .001) main effect for the age factor only but no interaction effects and no main effect for the learning disability variable. Scalogram analyses showed a high degree of reversals from the horizontal decalage. The importance of methodology in conservation assessment was discussed, since both results were inconsistent with previous findings. Forty percent of the young learning disabled children were found to be on a preoperational stage of cognitive functioning. In light of that, a possible explanation for early failure in school was presented. Possible merits of further assessments with Piagetian tests were discussed. It was concluded that definite statements about the cognitive status of learning disabled children cannot be drawn before methodological problems are solved and before a broader data base is available


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    Entdeckendes Lernen

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    Werning R, LĂŒtje-Klose B. Entdeckendes Lernen. In: Heimlich U, Wember FB, eds. Didaktik des Unterrichts bei Lernschwierigkeiten: Ein Handbuch fĂŒr Studium und Praxis. 4., aktualisierte Auflage . Stuttgart: Kohlhammer; 2020: 166-180