631 research outputs found

    Free-field propagation of high intensity noise

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    Observed spectral data from supersonic jet aircraft are known to contain much more high frequency energy than can be explained by linear acoustic propagation theory. It is believed that the high frequency energy is an effect of nonlinear distortion due to the extremely high acoustic levels generated by the jet engines. The objective, to measure acoustic waveform distortion for spherically diverging high intensity noise, was reached by using an electropneumatic acoustic source capable of generating sound pressure levels in the range of 140 to 160 decibels (re 20 micro Pa). The noise spectrum was shaped to represent the spectra generated by jet engines. Two microphones were used to capture the acoustic pressure waveform at different points along the propagation path in order to provide a direct measure of the waveform distortion as well as spectral distortion. A secondary objective was to determine that the observed distortion is an acoustic effect. To do this an existing computer prediction code that deals with nonlinear acoustic propagation was used on data representative of the measured data. The results clearly demonstrate that high intensity jet noise does shift the energy in the spectrum to the higher frequencies along the propagation path. In addition, the data from the computer model are in good agreement with the measurements, thus demonstrating that the waveform distortion can be accounted for with nonlinear acoustic theory

    Free-field propagation of high intensity noise

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    Research on high intensity (finite amplitude) acoustic waves shows that nonlinear distortion effects generally result in a shift of energy to higher frequencies. The higher intensities associated with supersonic jets would therefore indicate that high frequency enhancement of the spectrum should occur, resulting in the differences observed between subsonic and supersonic jets. A 10,000 acoustic watt source installed in an anechoic chamber generates sound levels such that acoustic shocks are readily observable. Dual frequency excitation of the source produces a strong parametric effect with a difference frequency comparable in level to the primary frequency. The test set up and recording equipment being used to determine the finite amplitude noise representative of an actual supersonic jet are described as well as the development of a computer program based on Burger's equation. The spectra of 1/2 octave band, 1 kHz sine wave, and dual frequency input and output are presented in graphs along with waveforms at Z = .025, 0.1, and 1.0

    Two-photon interference with true thermal light

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    Two-photon interference and "ghost" imaging with entangled light have attracted much attention since the last century because of the novel features such as non-locality and sub-wavelength effect. Recently, it has been found that pseudo-thermal light can mimic certain effects of entangled light. We report here the first observation of two-photon interference with true thermal light.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, PRA72, 043805 (2005

    A LEED structural analysis of the Co(100) surface

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    The structure of the clean Co(1010) surface has been analysed by LEED. Application of a recently developed computational scheme reveals the prevalence of the termination A in which the two topmost layers exhibit a narrow spacing of 0.62 Å, corresponding to a 12.8(±0.5)% contraction with respect to the bulk value, while the spacing between the second and third layer is slightly expanded by 0.8(±0.2)%

    Construction of a combined sorghum linkage map from two recombinant inbred populations using AFLP, SSR, RFLP, and RAPD markers, and comparison with other sorghum maps

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    Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] is an important crop in the semi-arid tropics that also receives growing attention in genetic research. A comprehensive reference map of the sorghum genome would be an essential research tool. Here, a combined sorghum linkage map from two recombinant inbred populations was constructed using AFLP, SSR, RFLP and RAPD markers. The map was aligned with other published sorghum maps which are briefly reviewed. The two recombinant inbred populations (RIPs) analyzed in this study consisted of 225 (RIP 1) and 226 (RIP 2) F3:5 lines, developed from the crosses IS 9830 Ă— E 36-1 (RIP 1) and N 13 Ă— E 36-1 (RIP 2), respectively. The genetic map of RIP 1 had a total length of 1,265 cM (Haldane), with 187 markers (125 AFLPs, 45 SSRs, 14 RFLPs, 3 RAPDs) distributed over ten linkage groups. The map of RIP 2 spanned 1,410 cM and contained 228 markers (158 AFLPs, 54 SSRs, 16 RFLPs) in 12 linkage groups. The combined map of the two RIPs contained 339 markers (249 AFLPs, 63 SSRs, 24 RFLPs, 3 RAPDs) on 11 linkage groups and had a length of 1,424 cM. It was in good agreement with other sorghum linkage maps, from which it deviated by a few apparent inversions, deletions, and additional distal region

    Improved methodologies for breeding striga-resistant sorghums

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    Parasitic flowering weeds of the genus Striga (Scrophulariaceae) cause substantial losses in sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] production in sub-Saharan Africa. Striga-resistant sorghum cultivars could be a major component of integrated striga management, if resistance was available in adapted, productive germplasm. In this paper we review methodologies for breeding striga-resistant sorghums. The agar-gel assay is an excellent tool to screen host genotypes in the laboratory for low production of the striga seed germination stimulant. Further laboratory assays are needed which allow the non-destructive, rapid and inexpensive evaluation of individual plants for additional resistance mechanisms. Field screening for striga resistance is hampered by high microvariability in African soils, heterogeneity of natural infestations, and concomitant large environmental effects on striga emergence. An improved field testing methodology should include one or several of the following practices: field inoculation with striga seeds; appropriate experimental design including elevated replication number; specific plot layout; use of appropriate susceptible and resistant checks; evaluation in adjacent infested and uninfested plots; and the use of selection indices derived from emerged striga counts, striga vigor, and grain yield or a host plant damage score. Due to the extreme variability of the parasite and significant genotypeĂ—environment interaction effects, multi-locational screening is recommended to obtain materials with stable performance. Additional strategies include: careful definition of the target environments; determination of the most important selection traits in each target environment; characterization of crop germplasm and improvement of available sources of resistance for better agronomic performance; transfer and pyramiding of resistance genes into adapted, farmer-selected cultivars; development of striga-resistant parent lines for hybrid or synthetic cultivars; and development of random-mating populations with multiple sources of resistance. The development of marker-assisted selection techniques for broad-based, polygenic striga resistance is underway. This approach is particularly promising because striga resistance tests are difficult, expensive, and sometimes unreliable; the parasite is quarantined; and some resistance genes are recessive. Transgenic, herbicide-tolerant sorghums could contribute to an immediate, cost-effective control of striga by herbicides, but such cultivars are not yet available. The selection of sorghum cultivars with specific adaptation to integrated striga management approaches could contribute to sustainable sorghum production in striga-infested areas of sub-Saharan Afric

    Enhancement of Anisotropy due to Fluctuations in Quasi-One-Dimensional Antiferromagnets

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    It is shown that the observed anisotropy of magnetization at high magnetic fields in RbMnBr3 , a quasi-one-dimensional antiferromagnet on a distorted stacked triangular lattice, is due to quantum and thermal fluctuations. These fluctuations are taken into account in the framework of linear spin-wave theory in the region of strong magnetic fields. In this region the divergent one-dimensional integrals are cut off by magnetic field and the bare easy-plane anisotropy. Logarithmical dependence on the cutoff leads to the "enhancement" of the anisotropy in magnetization. Comparison between magnetization data and our theory with parameters obtained from neutron scattering experiments has been done.Comment: 15 pages + 5 postscript figures available upon request, RevTex

    Analysis of resistance to Striga hermonthica in diallel crosses of sorghum

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    Parasitic flowering weeds of the genus Striga are major biotic constraints to sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) production in sub-Saharan Africa. The agar-gel assay was used to evaluate stimulation of Striga hermonthica (Del.) Benth. seed germination by a complete F1 diallel involving nine sorghum cultivars and inbred lines. Striga populations from Mali and Niger were employed. The same genetic materials were planted in pot trials in both countries to observe striga plant emergence. Variation in hybrid performance was determined by general (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) effects, with preponderance of GCA, for both germination distance in the agar-gel assay and number of emerged striga. Reciprocal effects were significant only in the agar-gel assay and were unstable across striga populations. For lines and hybrids, estimates of broad-sense heritabilities were 0.97 and 0.91 for germination distance, and 0.38 and 0.58 for emerged striga, respectively. Only a weak positive relationship existed between in vitro germination distance and emerged striga number in the pot trial. Although selection for low germination distance has merit, valuable material with resistance mechanisms other than low stimulant production may be lost if these traits are not additionally assessed. Laboratory assays which allow a non-destructive, quick and economical screening for resistance mechanisms other than the low stimulant character are likely to increase the efficiency of breeding programs for striga resistance. The significant contribution of SCA effects indicates that thorough screening of testcrosses is indispensable for selection in hybrid sorghum breeding programs

    Quasi-1D spin-1/2 Heisenberg magnets in their ordered phase: correlation functions

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    We study weakly coupled antiferromagnetic spin chains in their ordered phase by combinining an exact solution of the single-chain problem with an RPA analysis of the interchain interaction. A single chain is described by a quantum Sine-Gordon model and dynamical staggered susceptibilities are determined by employing the formfactor approach to quantum correlation functions. We consider both antiferromagnetic order encountered in quasi-1D materials like KCuF3KCuF_3 and spin-Peierls order as found in CuGeO3CuGeO_3.Comment: 16 pages of revtex, 12 figure
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