6,366 research outputs found

    A review of knowledge: inter-row hoeing & its associated agronomy in organic cereal & pulse crops

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    The aim of this project was to establish the “state of the art” for inter-row hoeing and its associated agronomic practices in organic cereal and pulse crops. To achieve this a detailed review of literature was undertaken. • To facilitate inter-row cultivation in cereal and pulse crops, some adjustment of row spacing may be required. For cereals, drilling crops in 25 cm rows can reduce yield compared with normal drilling practice, primarily due to greater intra-specific competition amongst the crop (i.e. competition between crop plants). • The yield penalty resulting from widely spaced crop rows can be minimised using a number of approaches, depending on the drill: 1. Reducing the seed rate in widely spaced crop rows can help to minimise excessive intra-specific competition. 2. Band sowing the crop in wide rows can also help to minimise intra-specific competition as the seed is distributed over a greater area. 3. Using a twin-row arrangement can completely overcome the yield penalty. • The recommended row spacing for peas (up to 20 cm) and beans (up to 35 cm) does not require any further adjustment for inter-row hoeing. • Recent developments in automated guidance of inter-row hoeing equipment mean that weeding operations can now be conducted a much higher speeds (10 km h-1). This has highlighted the limitations of some of the cultivators currently used (e.g. ‘A’ blades), as excessive soil throw can occur at this high speed. Rolling cultivators may prove to be the most suitable at high forward speeds. For manually guided hoes working at slower speeds (5 km h-1), ‘A’ and ‘L’ blades offer an effective low cost solution. • In terms of the timing of inter-row hoeing, it is suggested that weeding operations should be conducted at an early stage in the growing season, as the weeds that emerge with or shortly after the crop are the ones that pose the most significant threat for crop yield. Weeding on two occasions can provide better levels of weed control than weeding once, but weeding more frequently offered little additional benefit. Reductions of weed biomass of up to 99 % have been reported as a result of inter-row hoeing, although this has not always resulted in a positive crop yield response. This is probably due to crop damage resulting from inaccurate hoeing, a problem that can be overcome with automated guidance. • There is some evidence to suggest that mechanical weeding operations can mineralise soil bound nitrogen. • The impact of inter-row hoeing on ground nesting birds is uncertain. Early indications suggest that skylarks prefer to nest directly adjacent to or in the crop row rather than between rows. The information contained within this review should enable farmers to make best use of inter-row hoeing in their arable crops. There are a number of areas that require further research and development: • The interaction of seed rate and row spacing needs to be confirmed in organic systems. • Relatively little is known about the mechanisms of weed kill and the detailed interaction between the cultivator blade, the weed and the soil. This is particularly important with the new automated guidance equipment that allows weeding at high forward speeds. • The timing and frequency of inter-row hoeing has received very little attention. The optimum weed control timings are based on small-plot crop:weed competition studies and need to be verified under field scale management with inter-row hoeing equipment. • Finally, the impact of inter-row hoeing and widely spaced crop rows on ground-nesting birds has not been looked at directly, but is of importance. Please see the main report for a more detailed summary before the full text

    Logarithmic corrections in the free energy of monomer-dimer model on plane lattices with free boundaries

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    Using exact computations we study the classical hard-core monomer-dimer models on m x n plane lattice strips with free boundaries. For an arbitrary number v of monomers (or vacancies), we found a logarithmic correction term in the finite-size correction of the free energy. The coefficient of the logarithmic correction term depends on the number of monomers present (v) and the parity of the width n of the lattice strip: the coefficient equals to v when n is odd, and v/2 when n is even. The results are generalizations of the previous results for a single monomer in an otherwise fully packed lattice of dimers.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Homological Error Correction: Classical and Quantum Codes

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    We prove several theorems characterizing the existence of homological error correction codes both classically and quantumly. Not every classical code is homological, but we find a family of classical homological codes saturating the Hamming bound. In the quantum case, we show that for non-orientable surfaces it is impossible to construct homological codes based on qudits of dimension D>2D>2, while for orientable surfaces with boundaries it is possible to construct them for arbitrary dimension DD. We give a method to obtain planar homological codes based on the construction of quantum codes on compact surfaces without boundaries. We show how the original Shor's 9-qubit code can be visualized as a homological quantum code. We study the problem of constructing quantum codes with optimal encoding rate. In the particular case of toric codes we construct an optimal family and give an explicit proof of its optimality. For homological quantum codes on surfaces of arbitrary genus we also construct a family of codes asymptotically attaining the maximum possible encoding rate. We provide the tools of homology group theory for graphs embedded on surfaces in a self-contained manner.Comment: Revtex4 fil

    Oral glucose tolerance test and continuous glucose monitoring for gestational diabetes diagnosis: a survey study of women and health care professionals

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    Aims: The oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), used for gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) diagnosis for over 65 years, has poor acceptability and tolerability. Continuous glucose monitoring is being considered as potential alternative. The aim of our study was to formally assess women’s and health care professionals’ perception of both tests as diagnostic tools for GDM. Methods: Participants in a pilot study on continuous glucose monitoring for GDM diagnosis were invited to fill two questionnaires, each of 6 Likert-scale and one optional open-ended question. A range of healthcare practitioners were also invited to fill a questionnaire of 13 Likert-scale and 7 optional open-ended questions. Results: Sixty women completed the OGTT and 70 the continuous glucose monitoring questionnaire. OGTT was reported as poorly acceptable. Continuous glucose monitoring was described as significantly more tolerable (81% vs 27% 5/5 general acceptability rate, p < 0.001); ninety-three percent of the participants would recommend it for GDM diagnosis. Thirty health care professionals completed the survey. Most of them (73%) had confidence in OGTT as a diagnostic test for GDM with 66% raising some concerns. Doubts on continuous glucose monitoring were raised in terms of costs, accessibility and accuracy for GDM diagnosis due to “lack of evidence”. Conclusions: Continuous glucose monitoring was substantially better tolerated for women than OGTT. Current lack of evidence for diagnostic accuracy for GDM underlines the need for studies on correlation between continuous glucose monitoring parameters and pregnancy outcomes to strengthen evidence for its use as diagnostic test for GDM

    Fetal abdominal wall defects in an Australian tertiary setting: contemporary characteristics, ultrasound accuracy, and outcome

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    Purpose: In this study, we aimed to comprehensively evaluate risk factors, ultrasound estimation of fetal weight, prenatal management, and pregnancy outcomes of gastroschisis and omphalocele at a metropolitan Australian hospital. Material and methods: This was a retrospective single-center cohort study from 2006 to 2014 at a tertiary hospital with colocated neonatal surgical facilities. Demographic, pregnancy, ultrasound, birth and neonatal data were compared between gastroschisis and omphalocele. Correlation between routine (Hadlock 1 &2) and specific (Siemer) estimated fetal weight (EFW) estimation formulae with birth weight (BW) was made for those 50 gastroschisis cases with ≥2 third trimester scans and last scan ≤2 weeks prior to birth. Results: There were 126 abdominal wall defects: 83 gastroschisis and 43 omphalocele. Consistent with international literature, the average maternal age was lower for gastroschisis and rates of smoking higher, while there were more intrauterine deaths and pregnancy terminations in omphalocele. Gastroschisis mothers were more likely living outside Sydney, had more infections in pregnancy and were followed with a larger number of antenatal visits, with a shorter period from the last visit to birth. In omphalocele pregnancies, amniocentesis was more likely performed, with more abnormal results than in gastroschisis fetuses. All EFW formulae had a good correlation between Z score for the last US and actual BW (ICC 0.693–0.815), with Hadlock 2 being the best. Siemer formula had the best correlation from first to the last scan. Gastroschisis newborns were born earlier (36.8 versus 38.2 wks p =.001), with smaller birthweight (2.52 versus 3.03 kg, p <.001), a longer request of intensive care (central line, parenteral nutrition, intubation) and second surgery, along with more multisystem complications (average 1.5 versus 0.7, p =.004) and a longer hospital stay (58.8 versus 36.8 d, p <.001). Conclusion: Demographic, antenatal, and pregnancy outcome data for abdominal wall defects correlated well with the international literature. Hadlock 1–2 gave the most consistent EFW estimate, with all formulae showing good correlation

    Spanning Trees on Lattices and Integration Identities

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    For a lattice Λ\Lambda with nn vertices and dimension dd equal or higher than two, the number of spanning trees NST(Λ)N_{ST}(\Lambda) grows asymptotically as exp(nzΛ)\exp(n z_\Lambda) in the thermodynamic limit. We present exact integral expressions for the asymptotic growth constant zΛz_\Lambda for spanning trees on several lattices. By taking different unit cells in the calculation, many integration identities can be obtained. We also give zΛ(p)z_{\Lambda (p)} on the homeomorphic expansion of kk-regular lattices with pp vertices inserted on each edge.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    What is the probability of connecting two points ?

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    The two-terminal reliability, known as the pair connectedness or connectivity function in percolation theory, may actually be expressed as a product of transfer matrices in which the probability of operation of each link and site is exactly taken into account. When link and site probabilities are pp and ρ\rho, it obeys an asymptotic power-law behavior, for which the scaling factor is the transfer matrix's eigenvalue of largest modulus. The location of the complex zeros of the two-terminal reliability polynomial exhibits structural transitions as 0ρ10 \leq \rho \leq 1.Comment: a few critical polynomials are at the end of the .tex source fil

    The Computational Complexity of Knot and Link Problems

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    We consider the problem of deciding whether a polygonal knot in 3-dimensional Euclidean space is unknotted, capable of being continuously deformed without self-intersection so that it lies in a plane. We show that this problem, {\sc unknotting problem} is in {\bf NP}. We also consider the problem, {\sc unknotting problem} of determining whether two or more such polygons can be split, or continuously deformed without self-intersection so that they occupy both sides of a plane without intersecting it. We show that it also is in NP. Finally, we show that the problem of determining the genus of a polygonal knot (a generalization of the problem of determining whether it is unknotted) is in {\bf PSPACE}. We also give exponential worst-case running time bounds for deterministic algorithms to solve each of these problems. These algorithms are based on the use of normal surfaces and decision procedures due to W. Haken, with recent extensions by W. Jaco and J. L. Tollefson.Comment: 32 pages, 1 figur

    On the fundamental group of the complement of a complex hyperplane arrangement

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    We construct two combinatorially equivalent line arrangements in the complex projective plane such that the fundamental groups of their complements are not isomorphic. The proof uses a new invariant of the fundamental group of the complement to a line arrangement of a given combinatorial type with respect to isomorphisms inducing the canonical isomorphism of the first homology groups.Comment: 12 pages, Latex2e with AMSLaTeX 1.2, no figures; this last version is almost the same as published in Functional Analysis and its Applications 45:2 (2011), 137-14