151 research outputs found

    The Social Costs of Unemployment: Accounting for Unemployment Duration

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    The social costs of unemployment, in terms of unemployment's impact on European citizens' life satisfaction, relate strongly to unemployment duration. At any level of general joblessness, reducing long-term unemployment is more important than reducing the number of people unemployed at any point in time.unemployment; unemployment duration; life satisfaction; happiness; social costs

    Labor Market Institutions: Curse or Blessing?

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    Previous literature has identified considerable non-pecuniary costs to macroeconomic fluctuation and uncertainty. The present paper investigates whether and to what extent labor market institutions can mitigate those costs. We study how life satisfaction of European citizens is affected by employment protection and the level and duration of unemployment benefit payments. We differentiate between direct effects (at given macroeconomic conditions) and total effects (including the feedback through the institutions? effect on macroeconomic outcomes). We find that the total effect of employment protection is positive, whereas the total effect of benefit duration is negative. The direct and indirect effects of a higher benefit level nearly neutralize each other.unemployment benefit; employment protection; macroeconomic uncertainty; cost-benefit analysis; life satisfaction; happiness

    FEL R&D within LA3NET

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    The detailed diagnostics of the shortest beam pulses in free-electron lasers still pose significant challenges to beam instrumentation. Electro-optical methods are a promising approach for the non-intercepting measurement of electron bunches with a time resolution of better than 50 fs, but suitable optical materials need to be better understood and carefully studied. In addition, adequate timing systems with stability in the femtosecond regime based on mode-locked fibre laser optical clocks, and actively length-stabilised optical fibre distribution require further investigation. These important problems are being addressed within the broader EU-funded LAÂłNET project by an international consortium of research centres, universities, and industry partners. This contribution gives an overview of the wider LAÂłNET project and results from initial studies in both areas. It also describes the events that LAÂłNET will organize

    The social costs of unemployment: Accounting for unemployment duration

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    The social costs of unemployment, in terms of unemployment's impact on European citizens' life satisfaction, relate strongly to unemployment duration. At any level of general joblessness, reducing long-term unemployment is more important than reducing the number of people unemployed at any point in time

    Beam Dynamics Studies and Design Optimisation of New Low Energy Antiproton Facilities

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    Antiprotons, stored and cooled at low energies in a storage ring or at rest in traps, are highly desirable for the investigation of a large number of basic questions on fundamental interactions. This includes the static structure of antiprotonic atomic systems and the time-dependent quantum dynamics of correlated systems. The Antiproton Decelerator (AD) at CERN is currently the worlds only low energy antiproton factory dedicated to antimatter experiments. New antiproton facilities, such as the Extra Low ENergy Antiproton ring (ELENA) at CERN and the Ultra-low energy Storage Ring (USR) at FLAIR, will open unique possibilities. They will provide cooled, high quality beams of extra-low energy antiprotons at intensities exceeding those achieved presently at the AD by factors of ten to one hundred. These facilities, operating in the energy regime between 100 keV down to 20 keV, face several design and beam dynamics challenges, for example nonlinearities, space charge and scattering effects limiting beam life time. Detailed investigations into the low energy and long term beam dynamics have been carried out to address many of those challenges towards the design optimisation. Results from these studies are presented in this contribution, showing some examples for ELENA.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, 12th International Conference on Low Energy Antiproton Physics, LEAP 2016. Submitted to JPS Conference Proceeding

    Labor market institutions: Curse or blessing?

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    Previous literature has identified considerable non-pecuniary costs to macroeconomic fluctuation and uncertainty. The present paper investigates whether and to what extent labor market institutions can mitigate those costs. We study how life satisfaction of European citizens is affected by employment protection and the level and duration of unemployment benefit payments. We differentiate between direct effects (at given macroeconomic conditions) and total effects (including the feedback through the institutions' effect on macroeconomic outcomes). We find that the total effect of employment protection is positive, whereas the total effect of benefit duration is negative. The direct and indirect effects of a higher benefit level nearly neutralize each other

    Untersuchungen zum technischen und teilchenoptischen Design kompakter Speicherringe fĂŒr Ionen

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Berechnung und dem Bau von elektrostatischen Speicherringen. Eine solche Maschine kann als eine Kreuzung zwischen elektrostatischen Fallen und "klassischen" magnetischen Ringen angesehen werden. Kompakte Bauform, gute ZugĂ€nglichkeit der Elemente und vergleichsweise niedrigen Kosten werden mit hoher FlexibilitĂ€t in Bezug auf mögliche Experimente kombiniert. Im 1. Kapitel werden zunĂ€chst die Unterschiede der Bewegung von Ionen in elektrostatischen und magnetischen Speicherringen untersucht. Die MassenunabhĂ€ngigkeit der Teilchenbewegung bei gegebener Energie und Ladung in rein elektrostatischen Feldern erlaubt es, unterschiedlichste Ionen im Prinzip in direkter Folge in einen elektrostatischen Ring einzuschießen, ohne dass die Felder der optischen Elemente verĂ€ndern werden mĂŒssen. Die Felder in den fĂŒr einen Speicherring notwendigen StrahlfĂŒhrungskomponenten werden berechnet, die zugehörigen Bewegungsgleichungen aufgestellt und in linearer NĂ€herung gelöst. Dabei werden zunĂ€chst die Bahnen einzelner Teilchen untersucht und dann das Strahlverhalten insgesamt durch Übergang auf einen Matrizenformalismus beschrieben. Die aus dieser Darstellung resultierenden Trajektorien stellen eine starke Vereinfachung dar. Die Untersuchung der realen Teilchenbewegung mit Einfluss von Randfeldern, Positionierungsfehlern und die Berechnung der dreidimensionalen Feldverteilung ist Gegenstand des 2. Kapitels. Ein kritischer Punkt bei der Bewegung von Teilchen in Ringbeschleunigern sind durch Feldfehler induzierten Resonanzerscheinungen. Zur Diskussion der verschiedenen möglichen Resonanzen werden im 3. Kapitel die Effekte durch zusĂ€tzliche Dipol- und Quadrupolfelder analysiert, dargestellt und schließlich anhand eines Resonanzdiagramms erlĂ€utert. In den geplanten Speicherring werden Ionen in einem einzigen Bunch, mit einer Ausdehnung von rund dem halben Ringumfang, injiziert. Ihre Lebensdauer hĂ€ngt wesentlich von dem erzielbaren Vakuumenddruck ab. Die vorgesehenen Getterpumpen weisen eine sehr hohe Pumpleistung fĂŒr die meisten Gase auf. Ihre Wirkungsweise wird im 4. Kapitel beschrieben und praktische Aspekte ihrer Handhabung diskutiert. FĂŒr den Betrieb eines Speicherrings ist es notwendig, die Parameter des umlaufenden Strahls zu jeder Zeit zu kennen und gegebenenfalls modifizieren zu können. Zentrales Element des Kontroll- und Diagnosesystems sind Strahlpositionsmonitore. In elektrostatischen Pickup-Elektroden induziert der Strahl beim Durchgang Spannungen ĂŒber die eine Positionsbestimmung möglich ist. Die Wirkungsweise dieser Sonden wird in der zweiten HĂ€lfte des 4. Kapitels diskutiert und Methoden zur Signalaufbereitung und -analyse beschrieben. Die allgemeinen Ergebnisse der Überlegungen zu elektrostatischen Speicherringen aus den ersten Kapiteln werden schließlich auf spezielle FĂ€lle ĂŒbertragen. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden verschiedene EntwĂŒrfe fĂŒr einen elektrostatischen Speicherring angefertigt und ein Viertelringsegment zu Testzwecken entworfen und aufgebaut. Die Ergebnisse sind Inhalt des abschließenden 5. Kapitels. Mit den in dieser Arbeit vorgestellten Methoden ist es möglich, elektrostatische Speicherringe detailliert zu berechnen und an die experimentellen Rahmenbedingungen anzupassen. SĂ€mtliche Rechnungen wurden im Hinblick auf den geplanten Bau eines Rings fĂŒr Teilchen mit Energien bis 50 keV durchgefĂŒhrt

    Operational experience with a CID camera system

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    In future high intensity, high energy accelerators particle losses must be minimized as activation of the vacuum chambers or other components makes maintenance and upgrade work time consuming and costly. It is imperative to have a clear understanding of the mechanisms that can lead to halo formation, and to have the possibility to test available theoretical models with an adequate experimental setup. Measurements based on optical transition radiation (OTR) provide an interesting opportunity for analyzing the transverse beam profile due to the fast time response and very good linearity of the signal with respect to the beam intensity. On the other hand, the dynamic range of typical acquisition systems as they are used in the CLIC test facility (CTF3) is typically limited and must be improved before these systems can be applied to halo measurements. One possibility for high dynamic range measurements is an innovative camera system based on charge injection device (CID) technology. With possible future measurements in CTF3 in mind, comparative measurements performed with this innovative camera system, a standard CCD camera and a step-by-step measurement technique based on a small photomultiplier are summarized with emphasi

    Design and first operation of a supersonic gas jet based beam profile monitor

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    Noninterceptive beam profile monitors are of great importance for many particle accelerators worldwide. Extra challenges are posed by high energy, high intensity machines and low energy low intensity accelerators. For these applications, existing diagnostics are no longer suitable due to the high power of the beam or the very low intensity. In addition, many other accelerators, from medical to industrial will benefit from a noninvasive, real time beam profile monitor. In this paper we present a new beam profile monitor with a novel design for the nozzle and skimmer configuration to generate a supersonic gas jet meeting ultrahigh vacuum conditions and we describe the first results for such a beam profile monitor at the Cockcroft Institute. This monitor is able to measure two-dimensional profiles of the particle beam while causing negligible disturbance to the beam or to the accelerator vacuum. The ultimate goal for this diagnostic is to provide a versatile and universal beam profile monitor suitable for measuring any beams
