4,234 research outputs found

    Examining the Irish connection in the southern American fiddle repertoire

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    Keynes's General Theory critique of the neoclassical theories of employment and aggregate demand

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    Includes bibliographical references (p. 33-34)

    Keynes's short run theory of employment

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    Writing Animated Documentary: A Theory of Practice

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    This short discussion provides some introductory remarks on writing for the documentary form in animation. Taking into account theories of the place of animation in utilitarian films, avant-garde works and the essay film, the analysis, based on auto-ethnographic insights, provides some methods and approaches to developing animated documentary work. These include ‘Making Animation Choices’,  ‘Staging in Space’, ‘Using Attachment and Detachment’, developing ‘Episodic lists and Micro-Narratives’, and deploying ‘Transition and Associative Relations’. The analysis seeks to show that these approaches to the animated documentary reveal and evidence a theory of practice, and a practice of theory

    ‘Chairy tales: Objects and materiality in animation’

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    This article addresses three issues of what I suggest here should be regarded as the shifting technological and matter-based apparatus of animation: first, the meanings and affect of objects and materials actually used in animated films; second, the visual dramaturgy made possible by objects and materials for animation screenwriters; and, third, the status of animation process materials as archival objects. The analysis looks at a number of animated films and specifically at their design form, material association, and narrative function to define what I will call the “scripted artefact”, and an “Animated Object Cycle”. This overview will also operate in a spirit of thinking about theories of practice and practices of theory in animation, and refer to both established theoretical perspectives as well as primary practice idioms

    Swi6 protein interactions and the regulation of the yeast cell cycle

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    In budding yeast, the cell cycle is initiated at a point in G1 called Start, which marks the irrevocable commitment to a round of mitotic cell division. At Start there is an increase in the expression of over 200 cell cycle-regulated genes depending in part, on the Start-specific transcription factor, Swi6p. The aim of this work was to identify factors that interact with Swi6p and thereby regulate its activity. The search for novel Swi6p protein-protein interactions was performed using the new and relatively untested Sos Recruitment System (SRS). This allowed not only the investigation of Swi6p interactions, but also the assessment of the effectiveness of the SRS system in yeast. The results of the screening ultimately proved inconclusive, as putative interactions could not be verified further by alternative m vivo or in vitro systems. The type of proteins identified from the screening, suggested a bias in the SRS system towards detecting conditional interactions. Nevertheless, during the investigation of the results from the SRS screen, a novel Swi6p interaction was discovered serendipitously by other means. In vitro assays with affinity-purified proteins demonstrated that Swi6p was a substrate of the major yeast cyclin dependent kinase, Cdc28p resulting in the specific phosphorylation of Swi6p at serine 160. Earlier work had identified phosphorylation at serine 160 as the signal for nuclear export of Swi6p but concluded also that this was Cdc28p independent. However, phosphorylation of serine 160 is at a canonical Cdc28p-phosphorylation site and is mainly catalysed by Clb5p/6p- Cdc28p complexes in vitro. In vivo, peak activity of Clb5p and Clb6p corresponds to the time of Swi6 phosphorylation and nuclear export. Furthermore, there is a delay in Swi6p nuclear export in clb5 clb6 mutants as judged by cellular observations of Swi6p-GFP fusion protein throughout the cell cycle. The fact the expression of CLB5 and CLB6 is regulated by Swi6p at Start suggests a negative feedback loop promoting cell cycle progression by removing Swi6p from the nucleus after Gl. Interestingly, phosphorylated serine 160 is a specific in vitro substrate of the essential mitotic phosphatase, Cdcl4p that is active at the M to G1 transition. The ability of Cdcl4p to dephosphorylate Swi6p suggests a feed forward mechanism whereby completion of anaphase directly promotes passage through Start by stimulating import of Swi6p back into the nucleus

    Factors Influencing Access to Paediatric Speech Pathology Services in Western Australia

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    Communication difficulties impact a child’s Health-Related Quality of Life, and over time, their academic and financial success. It is important to address communication difficulties, however some families find service access difficult, and others may be unable to access appropriate services. Speech pathologists and service designers can use The Model of Access to Speech Pathology Services (MASPS) as an interpretive model to review and improve service access for the Western Australian community

    Surviving a Divorce with an Intact Faith: A Strategy for Ministering to Those Experiencing Divorce in the Church

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    Effectively ministering to divorcees is a unique aspect of church leadership. The majority of church leaders have never experienced divorce, so the unique problems that divorce presents are not familiar to them. The purpose of this D. Min Thesis Project is to investigate those problems and develop strategies that will allow church leaders to minister to divorcees effectively. This will be accomplished using questionnaires and interviews where difficult questions are asked to divorcees, and honest answers are revealed. Church leaders will also be interviewed about their positions on divorce and their responses compared to those given by divorcees in order to determine where ministerial gaps exist. From these gaps, strategies will be developed that will help church leaders in their efforts to offer effective grace-filled guidance to divorcees. The results of this research will provide church leaders with multiple strategies that will be developed through direct input from divorcees, for effectively ministering to divorcees

    Energy Market Impacts of the Legal Definition of Geothermal Energy in the Western United States

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