1,005 research outputs found

    Results of the Magnetorquer Wrapping

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    This summer I had worked with a team of engineers on a life-changing research project that is important to the well-being of living. This project has also afforded me the opportunity to develop a lesson plan around the research that I conducted about satellites, not only will this lesson plan contain research done by myself but by other researchers as well. The first step of my research consisted of me learning about satellites and all their capabilities. Once I had gained new knowledge about satellites I was then tasked to learn about a specific satellite known as Technological and Educational Nanosatellite 7 (TechEdSat7), which was the satellite that the my team was tasked to working on in (JPL) Jet Propulsion Lab. The second step of my research then consisted of me doing “the history of mathematics” to find out what ideas had led to satellites being develop in today’s society. When doing the mathematics research I expanded my knowledge about mathematic techniques, methods, and formulas across many regions in the world like Europe 400-1200AD and Middle East 700-1200AD; furthermore, I learned about famous scientists/philosophers and their ideas like Sir Isaac Newton, Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz to help stretch my research. This preliminary research was important so that I can make a connection between mathematics and satellites so that I can translate such high level knowledge to elementary students. The next phase of my project was to then find out how the “Eratosthenes Measurement (276-195 B.C)” was so instrumental in astronomy for satellites to be so effective. The last stage of my project was helping develop a nanosatellite and creating a lab procedure for future and fellow engineers when making a nanosatellite

    Effective communication to 4th graders about vector borne diseases

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    This summer I have worked on a vital research project that is important to overall public health. This project has also afforded me the opportunity to develop a lesson plan around this research to be used in an elementary classroom setting. The first part of this research experience has centered around studying how the general public learns best through classroom activities and exhibits. I have expanded my understanding of how people learn by reading several books, articles, and shadowing teachers educators here at NCAR. This preliminary research was important so that I can communicate effectively with 4th grade students. The second part of this research has focused on learning about the vector mosquito Aedes Aegypti and vector borne diseases like zika, yellow fever, and dengue through fieldwork. In addition, to the vector mosquito, this project also looked at the environments that it can survive in as well as the habitats that it chooses to live in. People should care for their health through prevention by learning about what contributes to such vectors and vector borne diseases. It is important that the public including children learn about the dangers of vector borne diseases to the public. After conducting fieldwork this project has now focused on strengthening my writing and speaking skills to be better prepared to inform the public with a focus on 4th grade learners. This research complied from fieldwork and in the classroom inspired the creation of a short book and activity about the vector mosquito Aedes Aegypti. In the end, I have been able to translate my research and fieldwork into the classroom where numerous people/students can learn about the vector and vector borne diseases

    Prolonged treatment with pimelic o-aminobenzamide HDAC inhibitors ameliorates the disease phenotype of a Friedreich ataxia mouse model

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    NOTICE: this is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Neurobiology of Disease. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication.Friedreich ataxia (FRDA) is an inherited neurodegenerative disorder caused by GAA repeat expansion within the FXN gene, leading to epigenetic changes and heterochromatin-mediated gene silencing that result in a frataxin protein deficit. Histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors, including pimelic o-aminobenzamide compounds 106, 109 and 136, have previously been shown to reverse FXN gene silencing in short-term studies of FRDA patient cells and a knock-in mouse model, but the functional consequences of such therapeutic intervention have thus far not been described. We have now investigated the long-term therapeutic effects of 106, 109 and 136 in our GAA repeat expansion mutation-containing YG8R FRDA mouse model. We show that there is no overt toxicity up to 5 months of treatment and there is amelioration of the FRDA-like disease phenotype. Thus, while the neurological deficits of this model are mild, 109 and 106 both produced an improvement of motor coordination, whereas 109 and 136 produced increased locomotor activity. All three compounds increased global histone H3 and H4 acetylation of brain tissue, but only 109 significantly increased acetylation of specific histone residues at the FXN locus. Effects on FXN mRNA expression in CNS tissues were modest, but 109 significantly increased frataxin protein expression in brain tissue. 109 also produced significant increases in brain aconitase enzyme activity, together with reduction of neuronal pathology of the dorsal root ganglia (DRG). Overall, these results support further assessment of HDAC inhibitors for treatment of Friedreich ataxia.This work was supported by Repligen Corporation; Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) USA; Ataxia UK; Friedreich's Ataxia Research Alliance (FARA); GoFAR; and the Wellcome Trust [089757]

    Friedreich ataxia patient tissues exhibit increased 5-hydroxymethylcytosine modification and decreased CTCF binding at the FXN locus

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    © 2013 Al-Mahdawi et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use,distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.Friedreich ataxia (FRDA) is caused by a homozygous GAA repeat expansion mutation within intron 1 of the FXN gene, which induces epigenetic changes and FXN gene silencing. Bisulfite sequencing studies have identified 5-methylcytosine (5 mC) DNA methylation as one of the epigenetic changes that may be involved in this process. However, analysis of samples by bisulfite sequencing is a time-consuming procedure. In addition, it has recently been shown that 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5 hmC) is also present in mammalian DNA, and bisulfite sequencing cannot distinguish between 5 hmC and 5 mC.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement number 242193/EFACTS (CS), the Wellcome Trust [089757] (SA) and Ataxia UK (RMP) to MAP

    Bartonella species detection in captive, stranded and free-ranging cetaceans

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    We present prevalence of Bartonella spp. for multiple cohorts of wild and captive cetaceans. One hundred and six cetaceans including 86 bottlenose dolphins (71 free-ranging, 14 captive in a facility with a dolphin experiencing debility of unknown origin, 1 stranded), 11 striped dolphins, 4 harbor porpoises, 3 Risso's dolphins, 1 dwarf sperm whale and 1 pygmy sperm whale (all stranded) were sampled. Whole blood (n = 95 live animals) and tissues (n = 15 freshly dead animals) were screened by PCR (n = 106 animals), PCR of enrichment cultures (n = 50 animals), and subcultures (n = 50 animals). Bartonella spp. were detected from 17 cetaceans, including 12 by direct extraction PCR of blood or tissues, 6 by PCR of enrichment cultures, and 4 by subculture isolation. Bartonella spp. were more commonly detected from the captive (6/14, 43%) than from free-ranging (2/71, 2.8%) bottlenose dolphins, and were commonly detected from the stranded animals (9/21, 43%; 3/11 striped dolphins, 3/4 harbor porpoises, 2/3 Risso's dolphins, 1/1 pygmy sperm whale, 0/1 dwarf sperm whale, 0/1 bottlenose dolphin). Sequencing identified a Bartonella spp. most similar to B. henselae San Antonio 2 in eight cases (4 bottlenose dolphins, 2 striped dolphins, 2 harbor porpoises), B. henselae Houston 1 in three cases (2 Risso's dolphins, 1 harbor porpoise), and untyped in six cases (4 bottlenose dolphins, 1 striped dolphin, 1 pygmy sperm whale). Although disease causation has not been established, Bartonella species were detected more commonly from cetaceans that were overtly debilitated or were cohabiting in captivity with a debilitated animal than from free-ranging animals. The detection of Bartonella spp. from cetaceans may be of pathophysiological concern

    BVRI Light Curves for 29 Type Ia Supernovae

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    BVRI light curves are presented for 27 Type Ia supernovae discovered during the course of the Calan/Tololo Survey and for two other SNe Ia observed during the same period. Estimates of the maximum light magnitudes in the B, V, and I bands and the initial decline rate parameter m15(B) are also given.Comment: 17 pages, figures and tables are not included (contact first author if needed), to appear in the Astronomical Journa

    From the Trenches: A Cross-Sectional Study Applying the GRADE Tool in Systematic Reviews of Healthcare Interventions

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    Background: GRADE was developed to address shortcomings of tools to rate the quality of a body of evidence. While much has been published about GRADE, there are few empirical and systematic evaluations. Objective: To assess GRADE for systematic reviews (SRs) in terms of inter-rater agreement and identify areas of uncertainty. Design: Cross-sectional, descriptive study. Methods: We applied GRADE to three SRs (n = 48, 66, and 75 studies, respectively) with 29 comparisons and 12 outcomes overall. Two reviewers graded evidence independently for outcomes deemed clinically important a priori. Inter-rater reliability was assessed using kappas for four main domains (risk of bias, consistency, directness, and precision) and overall quality of evidence. Results: For the first review, reliability was: k = 0.41 for risk of bias; 0.84 consistency; 0.18 precision; and 0.44 overall quality. Kappa could not be calculated for directness as one rater assessed all items as direct; assessors agreed in 41 % of cases. For the second review reliability was: 0.37 consistency and 0.19 precision. Kappa could not be assessed for other items; assessors agreed in 33 % of cases for risk of bias; 100 % directness; and 58 % overall quality. For the third review, reliability was: 0.06 risk of bias; 0.79 consistency; 0.21 precision; and 0.18 overall quality. Assessors agreed in 100 % of cases for directness. Precision created the most uncertainty due to difficulties in identifying ‘‘optimal’ ’ information size and ‘‘clinica

    The type IC SN 1990B in NGC 4568

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    We present a study of the Type Ic supernova (SN) 1990B that includes most of the observations obtained from around the world. The combined data set comprises 84 BV(RI)c photometric points spanning approximately 360 days after maximum light and 14 spectra from 5 up to ~150 days after maximum light. In contrast to other Type Ic SNe, SN 1990B did not display a weak but distinct He I λ5876 line indicating that its He content was smaller or that the He layers were rather effectively shielded from the radioactive matter in the ejecta. The behavior of the Na I D line, however, suggests that He I λ5876 was blended with it. SN 1990B appeared on a sharply varying background that complicates the usual techniques of digital photometry. In order to do unbiased photometry, we modeled and subtracted the background of each image with the SN using images of NGC 4568 taken ~2500 days after the explosion, when SN 1990B had faded beyond detection. We compare the performance of standard point-spread function fitting photometry of the SN in the images with and without the background of the parent galaxy and find the results to differ systematically at late times. The photometry done on the images with the background light of NGC 4568 subtracted shows the light curves of SN 1990B to be of the slow Type Ic variety, with a slope steeper than that of the Type Ib SN 1983N or the Type II transition (Type IIb) SN 1993J but slower than that of the Type Ic SN 1994I. We estimate the reddening by foreground matter in the Galaxy and NGC 4568 and compute BV(RI)c light curves spanning ~110 days after maximum light