19 research outputs found

    Cross-realm assessment of climate change impacts on species' abundance trends

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    Climate change, land-use change, pollution and exploitation are among the main drivers of species' population trends; however, their relative importance is much debated. We used a unique collection of over 1,000 local population time series in 22 communities across terrestrial, freshwater and marine realms within central Europe to compare the impacts of long-term temperature change and other environmental drivers from 1980 onwards. To disentangle different drivers, we related species' population trends to species- and driver-specific attributes, such as temperature and habitat preference or pollution tolerance. We found a consistent impact of temperature change on the local abundances of terrestrial species. Populations of warm-dwelling species increased more than those of cold-dwelling species. In contrast, impacts of temperature change on aquatic species' abundances were variable. Effects of temperature preference were more consistent in terrestrial communities than effects of habitat preference, suggesting that the impacts of temperature change have become widespread for recent changes in abundance within many terrestrial communities of central Europe.Additionally, we appreciate the open access marine data provided by the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. We thank the following scientists for taxonomic or technical advice: C. Brendel, T. Caprano, R. Claus, K. Desender, A. Flakus, P. R. Flakus, S. Fritz, E.-M. Gerstner, J.-P. Maelfait, E.-L. Neuschulz, S. Pauls, C. Printzen, I. Schmitt and H. Turin, and I. Bartomeus for comments on a previous version of the manuscript. R.A. was supported by the EUproject LIMNOTIP funded under the seventh European Commission Framework Programme (FP7) ERA-Net Scheme (Biodiversa, 01LC1207A) and the long-term ecological research program at the Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB). R.W.B. was supported by the Scottish Government Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services Division (RESAS) through Theme 3 of their Strategic Research Programme. S.D. acknowledges support of the German Research Foundation DFG (grant DO 1880/1-1). S.S. acknowledges the support from the FP7 project EU BON (grant no. 308454). S.K., I.Kü. and O.S. acknowledge funding thorough the Helmholtz Association’s Programme Oriented Funding, Topic ‘Land use, biodiversity, and ecosystem services: Sustaining human livelihoods’. O.S. also acknowledges the support from FP7 via the Integrated Project STEP (grant no. 244090). D.E.B. was funded by a Landes–Offensive zur Entwicklung Wissenschaftlich–ökonomischer Exzellenz (LOEWE) excellence initiative of the Hessian Ministry for Science and the Arts and the German Research Foundation (DFG: Grant no. BO 1221/23-1).Peer Reviewe

    Leaf Trait-Environment Relationships in a Subtropical Broadleaved Forest in South-East China

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    Although trait analyses have become more important in community ecology, trait-environment correlations have rarely been studied along successional gradients. We asked which environmental variables had the strongest impact on intraspecific and interspecific trait variation in the community and which traits were most responsive to the environment. We established a series of plots in a secondary forest in the Chinese subtropics, stratified by successional stages that were defined by the time elapsed since the last logging activities. On a total of 27 plots all woody plants were recorded and a set of individuals of every species was analysed for leaf traits, resulting in a trait matrix of 26 leaf traits for 122 species. A Fourth Corner Analysis revealed that the mean values of many leaf traits were tightly related to the successional gradient. Most shifts in traits followed the leaf economics spectrum with decreasing specific leaf area and leaf nutrient contents with successional time. Beside succession, few additional environmental variables resulted in significant trait relationships, such as soil moisture and soil C and N content as well as topographical variables. Not all traits were related to the leaf economics spectrum, and thus, to the successional gradient, such as stomata size and density. By comparing different permutation models in the Fourth Corner Analysis, we found that the trait-environment link was based more on the association of species with the environment than of the communities with species traits. The strong species-environment association was brought about by a clear gradient in species composition along the succession series, while communities were not well differentiated in mean trait composition. In contrast, intraspecific trait variation did not show close environmental relationships. The study confirmed the role of environmental trait filtering in subtropical forests, with traits associated with the leaf economics spectrum being the most responsive ones

    Soil Bacterial Community Structure Responses to Precipitation Reduction and Forest Management in Forest Ecosystems across Germany

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    Soil microbial communities play an important role in forest ecosystem functioning, but how climate change will affect the community composition and consequently bacterial functions is poorly understood. We assessed the effects of reduced precipitation with the aim of simulating realistic future drought conditions for one growing season on the bacterial community and its relation to soil properties and forest management. We manipulated precipitation in beech and conifer forest plots managed at different levels of intensity in three different regions across Germany. The precipitation reduction decreased soil water content across the growing season by between 2 to 8% depending on plot and region. T-RFLP analysis and pyrosequencing of the 16S rRNA gene were used to study the total soil bacterial community and its active members after six months of precipitation reduction. The effect of reduced precipitation on the total bacterial community structure was negligible while significant effects could be observed for the active bacteria. However, the effect was secondary to the stronger influence of specific soil characteristics across the three regions and management selection of overstorey tree species and their respective understorey vegetation. The impact of reduced precipitation differed between the studied plots; however, we could not determine the particular parameters being able to modify the response of the active bacterial community among plots. We conclude that the moderate drought induced by the precipitation manipulation treatment started to affect the active but not the total bacterial community, which points to an adequate resistance of the soil microbial system over one growing season

    Significance test (MRPP) of the effect of reduced precipitation on the bacterial community structure.

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    <p><sup>a</sup> Pairwise comparison of the control and precipitation manipulated subplots. For plot ID see <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0122539#pone.0122539.t001" target="_blank">Table 1</a>;</p><p>* p < 0.05,</p><p>** p < 0.01</p><p>Significance test (MRPP) of the effect of reduced precipitation on the bacterial community structure.</p

    Ratio of the absolute soil water content between reduced precipitation and control subplots.

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    <p>The absolute water content in the upper 20 cm of the soil was estimated using the forest-hydrological model LWF- Brook90 for all three exploratories (S = Schorfheide; H = Hainich; A = Schwäbische Alb).</p

    Differences in the number of phylotypes at the genus level.

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    <p>The bacterial community was compared between the reduced precipitation (R) and the control (C) subplots of conifer intensive (left) and beech unmanaged (right) plots. (a—Schorfheide, b—Hainich, c—Schwäbische Alb). For plot ID see <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0122539#pone.0122539.t001" target="_blank">Table 1</a>.</p

    General plot information and characteristics of the understorey plant community.

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    <p>Plot and understorey properties were obtained from the control and precipitation manipulated subplots for the different exploratories and management types.</p><p>Species richness = total number of species found on the quadratic area of 2.45 m<sup>2</sup>, LAI<sub>sp</sub> = leaf area index and H’ = Shannon’s diversity index; mean values and standard deviation of means are provided (n = 4). Plot Sbu had no understorey vegetation.</p><p><sup>a</sup> S = Schorfheide-Chorin; H = Hainich-Dün; A = Schwäbische Alb; bu = beech, unmanaged; bm = beech, managed; cm = conifer, intensively managed;</p><p><sup>b</sup> According to WRB [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0122539#pone.0122539.ref049" target="_blank">49</a>].</p><p>General plot information and characteristics of the understorey plant community.</p

    Phylotypes with abundance shifts between the reduced precipitation and the control subplots.

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    <p>Shown groups had a relative abundance of more than 1% of the bacterial community and increased or decreased by more than 50% due to reduced precipitation. For plot ID see <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0122539#pone.0122539.t001" target="_blank">Table 1</a>.</p