7,703 research outputs found

    Cartographic quality of ERTS-1 images

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    Analyses of simulated and operational ERTS images have provided initial estimates of resolution, ground resolution, detectability thresholds and other measures of image quality of interest to earth scientists and cartographers. Based on these values, including an approximate ground resolution of 250 meters for both RBV and MSS systems, the ERTS-1 images appear suited to the production and/or revision of planimetric and photo maps of 1:500,000 scale and smaller for which map accuracy standards are compatible with the imaged detail. Thematic mapping, although less constrained by map accuracy standards, will be influenced by measurement thresholds and errors which have yet to be accurately determined for ERTS images. This study also indicates the desirability of establishing a quantitative relationship between image quality values and map products which will permit both engineers and cartographers/earth scientists to contribute to the design requirements of future satellite imaging systems

    An interregional analysis of natural vegetation analogues using ERTS-1 imagery

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    The identification of ecological analogs of natural vegetation and food crops using ERTS-1 imagery is discussed. Signatures of four natural vegetation analogs have been determined from color photography. Color additive techniques to improve the photointerpretation are examined. Tests were conducted at test sites in Louisiana, California, and Colorado

    Plan for the uniform mapping of earth resources and environmental complexes from Skylab imagery. Assessment of natural vegetation, environmental, and crop analogs

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    The author has identified the following significant results. For interpreting a wide range of natural vegetation analogs, S-190A color infrared and the ERTS-1 color composite were consistently more useful than were conventional color or black and white photos. Color infrared was superior for five vegetation analogs while color was superior for only three. The errors in identification appeared to associate more with black and white single band images than with multiband color. For rice crop analogs, spectral and spatial discriminations both contribute to the usefulness of images for data collection. Tests and subjective analyses conducted in this study indicated that the spectral bands exploited in color infrared film were the most useful for agricultural crop analysis. Accuracy of crop identification on any single date of Skylab images was less than that of multidate analysis due to differences in crop calendar, cultural practices used, rice variety, planting date, planting method, water use, fertilization, disease, or mechanical problems

    Radiation trapping in coherent media

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    We show that the effective decay rate of Zeeman coherence, generated in a Rb87 vapor by linearly polarized laser light, increases significantly with the atomic density. We explain this phenomenon as the result of radiation trapping. Our study shows that radiation trapping must be taken into account to fully understand many electromagnetically induced transparency experiments with optically thick media

    Sharpening Sharpe Ratios

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    It is now well known that the Sharpe ratio and other related reward-to-risk measures may be manipulated with option-like strategies. In this paper we derive the general conditions for achieving the maximum expected Sharpe ratio. We derive static rules for achieving the maximum Sharpe ratio with two or more options, as well as a continuum of derivative contracts. The optimal strategy rules for increasing the Sharpe ratio. Our results have implications for performance measurement in any setting in which managers may use derivative contracts. In a performance measurement setting, we suggest that the distribution of high Sharpe ratio managers should be compared with that of the optimal Sharpe ratio strategy. This has particular application in the hedge fund industry where use of derivatives is unconstrained and manager compensation itself induces a non-linear payoff. The shape of the optimal Sharpe ratio leads to further conjectures. Expected returns being held constant, high Sharpe ratio strategies are, by definition, strategies that generate regular modest profits punctunated by occasional crashes. Our evidence suggests that the 'peso problem' may be ubiquitous in any investment management industry that rewards high Sharpe ratio managers.

    "A Bed of Nails": Professional Musicians' Accounts of the Experience of Performance Anxiety From a Phenomenological Perspective

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    Most investigations of musical performance anxiety have employed quantitative methodologies. Whereas such methodologies can provide useful insights into the measurable aspects of the experience in a larger group of participants, the complexity, subtlety and individuality of the emotional experience and the importance of the individual's interpretation of it are often overlooked. This study employed a phenomenological approach to investigate the lived, subjective experience of performance anxiety, as described in professional musicians' narratives. Semi-structured interviews with four professional musicians (two males, two females) specializing in Western classical and jazz music genres were conducted and analyzed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). The analysis revealed the presence of four overarching themes: (1) Intensity of performance anxiety experience, (2) perceived effects, (3) development of coping strategies, and (4) achieving release from anxiety. Findings suggest that the lived experience of performance anxiety is multifaceted, characterized by a physical and a psychological dimension. Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis is a useful research tool that can facilitate our understanding of the subjective experience of performance anxiety (how it is felt and understood at an individual level) and can thus be useful in the development of tailor-made intervention programs for musicians

    A robust design methodology suitable for application to one-off products

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    Robust design is an activity of fundamental importance when designing large, complex, one-off engineering products. Work is described which is concerned with the application of the theory of design of experiments and stochastic optimization methods to explore and optimize at the concept design stage. The discussion begins with a description of state-of-the-art stochastic techniques and their application to robust design. The content then focuses on a generic methodology which is capable of manipulating design algorithms that can be used to describe a design concept. An example is presented, demonstrating the use of the system for the robust design of a catamaran with respect to seakeeping

    Concentration and localization of zinc during seed development and germination in wheat

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    In a field experiment, the effect of foliar Zn applications on the concentration of Zn in seeds of a bread wheat cultivar (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Balatilla) was studied during different stages of seed development. In addition, a staining method using dithizone (DTZ: diphenyl thiocarbazone) was applied to (1) study the localization of Zn in seeds, (2) follow the remobilization of Zn during germination, and (3) develop a rapid visual Zn screening method for seed and flour samples. In all seed development stages, foliar Zn treatments were effective in increasing seed Zn concentration. The highest Zn concentration in the seeds was found in the first stage of seed development (around the early milk stage); after this, seed Zn concentration gradually decreased until maturity. When reacting with Zn, DTZ forms a redcolored complex. The DTZ staining of seed samples revealed that Zn is predominantly located in the embryo and aleurone parts of the seeds. After 36 h of germination, the coleoptile and roots that emerged from seeds showed very intensive red color formation and had Zn concentrations up to 200 mg kg1, indicating a substantial remobilization of Zn from seed pools into the developing roots (radicle) and coleoptile. The DTZ staining method seems to be useful in ranking flour samples for their Zn concentrations. There was a close relationship between the seed Zn concentrations and spectral absorbance of the methanol extracts of the flour samples stained with DTZ. The results suggest that (1) accumulation of Zn in seeds is particularly high during early seed development, (2) Zn is concentrated in the embryo and aleurone parts, and (3) the DTZ staining method can be used as a rapid, semiquantitative method to estimate Zn concentrations of flour and seed samples and to screen genotypes for their Zn concentrations in seeds

    Influence of supercoiling on the disruption of dsDNA

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    We propose that supercoiling energizes double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) so as to facilitate thermal fluctuations to an unzipped state. We support this with a model of two elastic rods coupled via forces that represent base pair interactions. Supercoiling is shown to lead to a spatially localized higher energy state in a small region of dsDNA consisting of a few base pairs. This causes the distance between specific base pairs to be extended, enhancing the thermal probability for their disruption. Our theory permits the development of an analogy between this unzipping transition and a second order phase transition, for which the possibility of a new set of critical exponents is identified