164 research outputs found

    To PEG or not to PEG that is the question

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    Nutrition support involves the use of oral supplements, enteral tube feeding or parenteral nutrition. These interventions are considered when oral intake alone fails to meet nutritional requirements. Special diets and oral supplements are usually the first approach to managing malnutrition; however, their role becomes limited when oral intake is restricted or if swallowing is unsafe. Enteral tube feeding or parenteral nutrition are alternative means of providing nutrition support for this select group of patients. Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) feeding was introduced into clinical practice in 1980. It describes a feeding tube placed directly into the stomach under endoscopic guidance. It is an established means of providing enteral nutrition to those who have functionally normal gastrointestinal tracts, but who cannot meet their nutritional requirements due to inadequate oral intake. The intervention is usually reserved when nutritional intake is likely to be inadequate for more than 4–6 weeks. Although the benefits of PEG have been shown for a select group of patients, there currently exists concerns about the increasing frequency of this intervention, and also uncertainty about the long-term benefits for certain patients. The 2004 UK National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death report emphasised this concern, with almost a fifth of PEG being undertaken for futile indications that negatively influenced morbidity and mortality. The present review paper discusses the indications for, controversies surrounding and complications of gastrostomy feeding and provides practical advice on optimising patient selection for this intervention

    A phase I study in paediatric patients to evaluate the safety and pharmacokinetics of SPI-77, a liposome encapsulated formulation of cisplatin

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    Pre-clinical studies indicate that cisplatin encapsulated in STEALTH®liposomes (SPI-77) retains anti-tumour activity, but has a much reduced toxicity, compared to native cisplatin. A phase I study was conducted to determine the toxicity and pharmacokinetics of SPI-77 administered to children with advanced cancer not amenable to other treatment. Paediatric patients were treated at doses ranging from 40 to 320 mg m−2by intravenous infusion every 4 weeks. Blood samples taken during, and up to 3 weeks after, administration and plasma and ultrafiltrate were prepared immediately. Urine was collected, when possible, for 3 days after administration. SPI-77 administration was well tolerated with the major toxicity being an infusion reaction which responded to modification of the initial infusion rate of SPI-77. Limited haematological toxicity and no nephrotoxicity were observed. No responses to treatment were seen during the course of this phase I study. Measurement of total plasma platinum showed that cisplatin was retained in the circulation with a half life of up to 134 h, with maximum plasma concentrations approximately 100-fold higher than those reported following comparable doses of cisplatin. Comparison of plasma and whole blood indicated that cisplatin was retained in the liposomes and there was no free platinum measurable in the ultrafiltrate. Urine recovery was less than 4% of the dose administered over 72 h. Results from this phase I study indicate that high doses of liposomal cisplatin can safely be given to patients, but further studies are required to address the issue of reformulation of liposomally bound cisplatin. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign http://www.bjcancer.co

    Competition for nitrogen and potassium in Agropyron repens

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    A comparison of competitive effects of some common weed species

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    Equipment for sampling roots of field crops

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