33 research outputs found

    Nachweis von Candida und Bestimmung der Zytokine Interleukin-4, Interleukin-5 und Interleukin-13 sowie von Prostaglandin E2, Candida-spezifischem IgE und Gesamt-IgE im Vaginalsekret bei Frauen mit Verdacht auf chronisch rezidivierende Vulvovaginalcandidose

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    Das Krankheitsbild der chronisch rezidivierenden vulvovaginalen Candidose stellt sowohl diagnostisch als auch therapeutisch nach wie vor eine Herausforderung für den behandelnden Arzt dar. Wir untersuchten 104 Patientinnen, die klinisch Symptome wie Erythem, Pruritus, Brennen und weißlichen Fluor aufwiesen und mbei mindestens vier Episoden pro Jahr die Diagnose einer CRVVC gestellt wurde. Als Kontrollgruppe dienten 44 asymptomatische Patientinnen ohne anamnestische Pilzinfektion. Zum Nachweis von Candida und der Spezifizierung des Pilzes aus gewonnenem Vaginalsekret verwendeten wir sowohl die Methode der kulturellen Anzüchtung als die der PCR. Des Weiteren bestimmten wir mittels Elisa die Zytokine Interleukin-4, Interleukin-5, Interleukin-13 wie auch ProstaglandinE2, candidaspezifisches IgE und Gesamt-IgE aus dem Vaginalsekret. In der Gruppe der symptomatischen Patientinnen konnte bei nur 42,3% eine Pilzinfektion mittels PCR nachgewiesen werden, kulturell sogar nur bei 29,8% der Frauen, so dass bei 57,7% keine Pilzinfektion zum Zeitpunkt der Probenentnahme nachzuweisen war. Innerhalb der asymptomatischen und klinisch befundfreien Kontrollgruppe wurden 3 Patientinnen mit Hilfe der PCR positiv auf Candida getestet. Die Auswertung der Messergebnisse von IL-5, IL-13 und Gesamt-IgE zeigte im Vergleich der symptomatischen Patientinnen mit der Kontrollgruppe keine Zusammenhänge. Signifikante Unterschiede hingegen bestanden in der Konzentration von IL-4 (p<.0001), PgE2 (p<.0001) und candidaspezifischem IgE (p .02). Auch der Vergleich der symptomatischen Patientinnen, bei denen keine Pilzinfektion nachzuweisen war, mit der Kontrollgruppe zeigte für IL-4 (p< .0001) und PgE2 (p<.0001) signifikante Unterschiede; das candidaspezifische IgE war mit p<0.09 grenzwertig signifikant. Der Nachweis von IL-4 bei symptomatischen Patientinnen deutet auf eine lokale Immnsuppression als Ursache der Beschwerden hin. Erhöhte PgE2 – Werte, als auch der Nachweis von candidaspezifischem IgE, sprechen für ein allergisches Geschehen als Ursache der Symptomatik. Die Bestimmung von IL-4, PgE2 und candidaspezifischem IgE könnte somit, speziell bei symptomatischen Patientinnen ohne Pilznachweis, der Verifizierung der Beschwerden als auch der Anwendung neuer therapeutischer Möglichkeiten dienen. So könnte zum einen die Gabe von Immunstimulanzien bei erhöhten IL-4-Werten, als auch die Gabe von Antihistaminika und Prostaglandin-Synthese-Inhibitoren bei erhöhten PgE2-Konzentrationen und Nachweis von candidaspezifischem IgE neue Therapieformen und damit Besserung der chronischen Beschwerden ermöglichen. Das Ziel sollte eine Identifikation und Katalogisierung der Unterschiede in der Empfänglichkeit eines jeden Patienten für eine Infektion sein, so dass der Arzt in der Lage ist, abseits der üblichen Basistherapie eine speziell auf jede Patientin einzeln fokussiertes Therapieschema zu erstellen

    Flowcytometric assessment of fetomaternal hemorrhage during external cephalic version at term

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    External cephalic version (ECV) at term is a safe procedure and reduces the incidence of cesarean sections for breech presentation. One of the known complications, however, is an ECV-related disruption of the placental barrier and a subsequent transfusion of fetal blood into maternal circulation. While the incidence of ECV-related fetomaternal hemorrhage (FMH) has been determined recently in a large trial using a manual Kleihauer-Betke test (KBT), questions remain on the amount of ECV-related FMH. KBT, which detects fetal red blood cells (RBC) on the basis of acidic resistance of fetal hemoglobin (HbF), is known to be a sensitive test, yet prone to procedural errors limiting its accuracy in quantifying FMH. In this study we investigated 50 patients for FMH before and after ECV, using a dual-color flow cytometric test kit with a lower limit of quantification of 0.05% fetal RBC in maternal peripheral blood. Three patients had a quantifiable increase of fetal RBC detected after ECV (0.06%; 0.08%; 0.1%). None of these subtle increments was predictable by ECV-related clinical parameters or translated into fetal compromise. Using a sensitive and accurate flow cytometric test method, our data provide further assurance to mothers on the safety of ECV at term

    Binding of galectin-1 to breast cancer cells MCF7 induces apoptosis and inhibition of proliferation in vitro in a 2D-and 3D-cell culture model

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    Background: Galectin-1 (gal-1) belongs to the family of beta-galactoside-binding proteins which primarily recognizes the Gal beta 1-4GlcNAc sequences of oligosaccharides associated with several cell surface glycoconjugates. The lectin recognizes correspondent glycoepitopes on human breast cancer cells. Galectin-1 is expressed both in normal and malignant tissues. Lymphatic organs naturally possessing high rates of apoptotic cells, express high levels of Galectin-1. Furthermore galectin-1 can initiate T cell apoptosis. Binding of galectin-1 to trophoblast tumor cells presenting the oncofetal Thomsen-Friedenreich (TF) carbohydrate antigen inhibits tumor cell proliferation. In this study we examined the impact galectin-1 has in vitro on cell proliferation, apoptotic potential and metabolic activity of MCF-7 and T-47D breast cancer cells in dependence to their expression of the Thomsen-Friedenreich (TF) tumor antigen. Methods: For proliferation and apoptosis assays cells were grown in presence of 10, 30 and 60 mu g gal-1/mlmedium. Cell proliferation was determined by a BrdU uptake ELISA. Detection of apoptotic cells was done by M30 cyto death staining, in situ nick translation and by a nucleosome ELISA method. Furthermore we studied the impact galectin-1 has on the metabolic activity of MCF-7 and T-47D cells in a homotypic three-dimensional spheroid cell culture model mimicking a micro tumour environment. Results: Gal-1 inhibited proliferation of MCF-7 cells (strong expression of the TF epitope) but did not significantly change proliferation of T-47D cells (weak expression of the TF epitope). The incubation of MCF-7 cells with gal-1 raised number of apoptotic cells significantly. Treating the spheroids with 30 mu g/ml galectin-1 in addition to standard chemotherapeutic regimes (FEC, TAC) resulted in further suppression of the metabolic activity in MCF-7 cells whereas T-47D cells were not affected. Conclusions: Our results demonstrate that galectin-1 can inhibit proliferation und metabolic cell activity and induce apoptosis in breast tumor cell lines with high expression levels of the Thomsen-Friedenreich (TF) antigen in monolayer and spheroid cell culture models

    Binding of galectin-1 to breast cancer cells MCF7 induces apoptosis and inhibition of proliferation in vitro in a 2D-and 3D-cell culture model

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    Background: Galectin-1 (gal-1) belongs to the family of beta-galactoside-binding proteins which primarily recognizes the Gal beta 1-4GlcNAc sequences of oligosaccharides associated with several cell surface glycoconjugates. The lectin recognizes correspondent glycoepitopes on human breast cancer cells. Galectin-1 is expressed both in normal and malignant tissues. Lymphatic organs naturally possessing high rates of apoptotic cells, express high levels of Galectin-1. Furthermore galectin-1 can initiate T cell apoptosis. Binding of galectin-1 to trophoblast tumor cells presenting the oncofetal Thomsen-Friedenreich (TF) carbohydrate antigen inhibits tumor cell proliferation. In this study we examined the impact galectin-1 has in vitro on cell proliferation, apoptotic potential and metabolic activity of MCF-7 and T-47D breast cancer cells in dependence to their expression of the Thomsen-Friedenreich (TF) tumor antigen. Methods: For proliferation and apoptosis assays cells were grown in presence of 10, 30 and 60 mu g gal-1/mlmedium. Cell proliferation was determined by a BrdU uptake ELISA. Detection of apoptotic cells was done by M30 cyto death staining, in situ nick translation and by a nucleosome ELISA method. Furthermore we studied the impact galectin-1 has on the metabolic activity of MCF-7 and T-47D cells in a homotypic three-dimensional spheroid cell culture model mimicking a micro tumour environment. Results: Gal-1 inhibited proliferation of MCF-7 cells (strong expression of the TF epitope) but did not significantly change proliferation of T-47D cells (weak expression of the TF epitope). The incubation of MCF-7 cells with gal-1 raised number of apoptotic cells significantly. Treating the spheroids with 30 mu g/ml galectin-1 in addition to standard chemotherapeutic regimes (FEC, TAC) resulted in further suppression of the metabolic activity in MCF-7 cells whereas T-47D cells were not affected. Conclusions: Our results demonstrate that galectin-1 can inhibit proliferation und metabolic cell activity and induce apoptosis in breast tumor cell lines with high expression levels of the Thomsen-Friedenreich (TF) antigen in monolayer and spheroid cell culture models

    Analysis of Epithelial Growth Factor-Receptor (EGFR) Phosphorylation in Uterine Smooth Muscle Tumors

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    Uterine fibroids are the commonest uterine benign tumors. A potential mechanism of malignant transformation from leiomyomas to leiomyosarcomas has beendescribed. Tyrosine phosphorylation is a key mechanism that controls biological functions, such as proliferation and cell differentiation. The aim of the current study was to evaluate the phosphorylation of epithelial growth factor-receptor (EGFR) in normal myometrium, uterine myomas and uterine leiomyosarcomas. Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue samples from normal myometrium, leiomyomas and leiomyosarcomas were studied. Samples were immunohistochemically (IHC) assessed using the anti-EGFR phosphorylation of Y845 (pEGFR-Y845) and anti-pEGFR-Y1173 phosphorylation-specific antibodies. IHC staining was evaluated using a semiquantitative score. The expression of pEGFR-Y845 was significantly upregulated in leiomyosarcomas (p < 0.001) compared to leiomyomas and normal myometrium. In contrast, pEGFR-Y1173 did not differ significantly between the three groups of the study. Correlation analysis revealed an overall positive correlation between pEGFR Y845 and mucin 1 (MUC1). Further subgroup analysis within the tumoral group (myomas and leiomyosarcomas) revealed an additional negative correlation between pEGFR Y845 and galectin-3 (gal-3) staining. On the contrary no significant correlation was noted within the non-tumoral group. An upregulated EGFR phosphorylation of Y845 in leiomyosarcomas compared to leiomyomas implicates EGFR activation at this special receptor site. Due to these pEGFR-Y845 variations, it can be postulated that MUC1 interacts with it, whereas gal-3 seems to be cleaved from Y845 phosphorylated EGFR. Further research on this field could focus on differences in EGFR pathways as a potentially advantageous diagnostic tool for investigation of benign and malignant signal transduction processes

    Effects of Phytoestrogen Extracts Isolated from Elder Flower on Hormone Production and Receptor Expression of Trophoblast Tumor Cells JEG-3 and BeWo, as well as MCF7 Breast Cancer Cells

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    Hereinwe investigated the effect of elderflower extracts (EFE) and of enterolactone/enterodiol on hormone production and proliferation of trophoblast tumor cell lines JEG-3 and BeWo, as well as MCF7 breast cancer cells. The EFE was analyzed by mass spectrometry. Cells were incubated with various concentrations of EFE. Untreated cells served as controls. Supernatants were tested for estradiol production with an ELISA method. Furthermore, the effect of the EFE on ER alpha/ER beta /PR expression was assessed by immunocytochemistry. EFE contains a substantial amount of lignans. Estradiol production was inhibited in all cells in a concentration-dependent manner. EFE upregulated ER alpha in JEG-3 cell lines. In MCF7 cells, a significant ER alpha downregulation and PR upregulation were observed. The control substances enterolactone and enterodiol in contrast inhibited the expression of both ER and of PR in MCF7 cells. In addition, the production of estradiol was upregulated in BeWo and MCF7 cells in a concentration dependent manner. The downregulating effect of EFE on ER alpha expression and the upregulation of the PR expression in MFC-7 cells are promising results. Therefore, additional unknown substances might be responsible for ER alpha downregulation and PR upregulation. These findings suggest potential use of EFE in breast cancer prevention and/or treatment and warrant further investigation

    Comparison of HER2 Expression in Primary Tumor and Disseminated Tumor Cells in the Bone Marrow of Breast Cancer Patients

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to measure the human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) status of disseminated tumor cells (DTCs) from bone marrow (BM) aspirates and to assess correspondence or discrepancy with the primary tumor. Methods: DTCs were isolated from the BM of 156 breast cancer patients. Cytokeratin-positive DTCs were further analyzed by the chromogenic in situ hybridization method to detect HER2 gene amplification. Results: A significant correlation (p = 0.021) was found between the HER2 status of DTCs and the primary tumors. Sixty-one (68.5%) patients had a corresponding status. However, a shift of phenotype between primary tumor and DTCs was found in the remaining patients. Conclusion: This study showed a significant grade of discordance of the HER2 status between primary tumors and DTCs in the BM of a relevant subgroup of patients. Detection of HER2 amplification on DTCs could therefore help to better stratify patients for a more tailored therapy, since they would benefit from a HER2-targeted therapy. (C) 2016 S. Karger AG, Base

    Interleukin 15 and Eotaxin correlate with the outcome of breast cancer patients vice versa independent of CTC status

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    BACKGROUND Circulating tumor cells (CTC) in the peripheral blood in women with breast cancer has been found to be an indicator of prognosis before the start of systemic treatment. The aim of this study is the assessment of specific cytokine profiles as markers for CTC involvement that could act as independent prognostic markers in terms of survival outcome for breast cancer patients. METHODS Patients selected for this study were defined as women with breast cancer of the SUCCESS study. A total of 200 patients' sera were included in this study, 100 patients being positive for circulating tumor cells (CTC) and 100 patients being CTC negative. The matching criteria were histo-pathological grading, lymph node metastasis, hormone receptor status, TNM classification, and patient survival. Commercial ELISA with a multi cytokine/chemokine array was used to screen the sera for Interleukin 15 (IL-15) and eotaxin. RESULTS Statistically significant concentrations were exposed for IL-15 levels regardless of the CTC-Status, lymph node involvement, or hormone receptor status. Significantly enhanced serum IL-15 concentrations were observed in those patients with worse overall survival (OS) and disease-free survival (DFS). Elevated serum concentrations of IL-15 significantly correlate with patients diagnosed with Grade 3 tumor and worse OS. In contrast, patients with a Grade 3 tumor with a favourable OS and DFS demonstrated significantly decreased IL-15 values. The CTC negative patient subgroup with a favourable OS and DFS, showed statistically significant elevated eotaxin values. CONCLUSION These findings suggest a potential functional interaction of increased IL-15 concentrations in the peripheral blood of patients with a worse OS and DFS, regardless of prognostic factors at primary diagnosis. The increased levels of the chemokine eotaxin in CTC negative patients and a favourable OS and DFS, on the other hand, suggest that the overexpression inhibits CTCs entering the peripheral blood, thus emphasizing a significant inhibition of circulation specific metastasis. To sum up, IL-15 could be used as an independent prognostic marker in terms of survival outcome for breast cancer patients and used as an early indicator to highlight high-risk patients and consequently the adjustment of cancer therapy strategies

    The influence of obesity on survival in early, high-risk breast cancer: results from the randomized SUCCESS A trial

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    Introduction: Obese breast cancer patients have worse prognosis than normal weight patients, but the level at which obesity is prognostically unfavorable is unclear. Methods: This retrospective analysis was performed using data from the SUCCESS A trial, in which 3754 patients with high-risk early breast cancer were randomized to anthracycline- and taxane-based chemotherapy with or without gemcitabine. Patients were classified as underweight/normal weight (body mass index (BMI) < 25.0), overweight (BMI 25.0–29.9), slightly obese (BMI 30.0–34.9), moderately obese (BMI 35.0–39.9) and severely obese (BMI ≥ 40.0), and the effect of BMI on disease-free survival (DFS) and overall survival (OS) was evaluated (median follow-up 65 months). In addition, subgroup analyses were conducted to assess the effect of BMI in luminal A-like, luminal B-like, HER2 (human epidermal growth factor 2)-positive and triple-negative tumors. Results: Multivariate analyses revealed an independent prognostic effect of BMI on DFS (p = 0.001) and OS (p = 0.005). Compared with underweight/normal weight patients, severely obese patients had worse DFS (hazard ratio (HR) 2.70, 95 % confidence interval (CI) 1.71–4.28, p < 0.001) and OS (HR 2.79, 95 % CI 1.63–4.77, p < 0.001), while moderately obese, slightly obese and overweight patients did not differ from underweight/normal weight patients with regard to DFS or OS. Subgroup analyses showed a similar significant effect of BMI on DFS and OS in patients with triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC), but not in patients with other tumor subtypes. Conclusions: Severe obesity (BMI ≥ 40) significantly worsens prognosis in early breast cancer patients, particularly for triple-negative tumors. Trial registration: Clinicaltrials.gov NCT02181101. Registered September 200