2,608 research outputs found

    Phase Structure of Compact Star in Modified Quark-Meson Coupling Model

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    The K^- condensation and quark deconfinement phase transitions are investigated in the modified quark-meson coupling model. It is shown that K^- condensation is suppressed because of the quark deconfinement when B1/4<B^{1/4}<202.2MeV, where BB is the bag constant for unpaired quark matter. With the equation of state (EOS) solved self-consistently, we discuss the properties of compact stars. We find that the EOS of pure hadron matter with condensed K^- phase should be ruled out by the redshift for star EXO0748-676, while EOS containing unpaired quark matter phase with B1/4B^{1/4} being about 180MeV could be consistent with this observation and the best measured mass of star PSR 1913+16. We then probe into the change of the phase structures in possible compact stars with deconfinment phase as the central densities increase. But if the recent inferred massive star among Terzan 5 with M>>1.68M_{\odot} is confirmed, all the present EOSes with condensed phase and deconfined phase would be ruled out and therefore these exotic phases are unlikely to appear within neutron stars.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    "Antiscepticism and Easy Justification" - Ch 5 of Seemings and Epistemic Justification

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    In this chapter I investigate epistemological consequences of the fact that seeming-based justification is elusive, in the sense that the subject can lose this justification simply by reflecting on her seemings. I argue that since seeming-based justification is elusive, the antisceptical bite of phenomenal conservatism is importantly limited. I also contend that since seeming-based justification has this feature, phenomenal conservatism isn’t actually afflicted by easy justification problems

    Neutron star properties in a chiral SU(3) model

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    We investigate various properties of neutron star matter within an effective chiral SU(3)L×SU(3)RSU(3)_L \times SU(3)_R model. The predictions of this model are compared with a Walecka-type model. It is demonstrated that the importance of hyperon degrees are strongly depending on the interaction used, even if the equation of state near saturation density is nearly the same in both models. While the Walecka-type model predicts a strange star core with strangeness fraction fS4/3f_S \approx 4/3, the chiral model allows only for fS1/3f_S \approx 1/3 and predicts that Σ0\Sigma^0, Σ+\Sigma^+ and Ξ0\Xi^0 will not exist in star, in contrast to the Walecka-type model.Comment: 13 pages, Revtex, 5 figs include

    A CLEAN-based Method for Deconvolving Interstellar Pulse Broadening from Radio Pulses

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    Multipath propagation in the interstellar medium distorts radio pulses, an effect predominant for distant pulsars observed at low frequencies. Typically, broadened pulses are analyzed to determine the amount of propagation-induced pulse broadening, but with little interest in determining the undistorted pulse shapes. In this paper we develop and apply a method that recovers both the intrinsic pulse shape and the pulse broadening function that describes the scattering of an impulse. The method resembles the CLEAN algorithm used in synthesis imaging applications, although we search for the best pulse broadening function, and perform a true deconvolution to recover intrinsic pulse structre. As figures of merit to optimize the deconvolution, we use the positivity and symmetry of the deconvolved result along with the mean square residual and the number of points below a given threshold. Our method makes no prior assumptions about the intrinsic pulse shape and can be used for a range of scattering functions for the interstellar medium. It can therefore be applied to a wider variety of measured pulse shapes and degrees of scattering than the previous approaches. We apply the technique to both simulated data and data from Arecibo observations.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Upper and lower treeline biogeographic patterns in semi-arid pinyon-juniper woodlands

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    none7siAim: Upper and lower treelines are particularly exposed to a changing climate. It has been hypothesized that upper treelines are constrained by growing season temperature, whereas lower tree lines are water limited. We expect different causal mechanisms of upper versus lower tree line formation to generate distinct patterns of spatial heterogeneity. Here, we compare dynamics, spatial patterns and shape complexity of upper and lower tree lines of semi‐arid pinyon‐juniper woodlands. Location: Toiyabe Range of the Nevada Great Basin (western US). Taxon: Pinus monophylla Torr. & Frém. and Juniperus osteosperma (Torr.). Methods: Within 20 sample plots (10 along the upper and 10 along the lower tree line), we mapped tree canopies through photointerpretation of high‐resolution imagery. We performed point pattern analyses to compare the spatial arrangement of trees and used LANDSAT 30‐year time series and NDVI to understand the vegetation dynamics of these ecotones. We adopted the surface roughness method to measure tree line shape complexity. Results: Lower tree lines were denser and showed a stronger trend of increasing NDVI change over the 1984–2015 period. Trees at the lower tree line were more strongly aggregated than at the upper tree line at spatial scales ranging from 15 to 65 meters. Shape complexity was higher at upper tree lines, expressed by a higher mean surface roughness; however, the spatial structures of upper and lower tree lines were similar. Main conclusions: Upper tree line expansion of pinyon‐juniper woodlands in the study area has been limited and highly variable, but lower tree line downslope expansion into adjacent shrub steppe vegetation was evident. The expected difference between energy‐ and water‐limited tree lines did not manifest in the observed spatial structures. Differences in tree line shape complexity were not significant, although lower tree lines exhibited less complex shapes, likely because they have been more strongly influenced by anthropogenic factors.The datasets generated and analysed during the current study are available in the Figshare repository, https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.11836284mixedGarbarino, Matteo; Malandra, Francesco; Dilts, Thomas; Flake, Sam; Montalto, Luigi; Spinsante, Susanna; Weisberg, Peter J.Garbarino, Matteo; Malandra, Francesco; Dilts, Thomas; Flake, Sam; Montalto, Luigi; Spinsante, Susanna; Weisberg, Peter J

    The Relationship Between Belief and Credence

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    Sometimes epistemologists theorize about belief, a tripartite attitude on which one can believe, withhold belief, or disbelieve a proposition. In other cases, epistemologists theorize about credence, a fine-grained attitude that represents one’s subjective probability or confidence level toward a proposition. How do these two attitudes relate to each other? This article explores the relationship between belief and credence in two categories: descriptive and normative. It then explains the broader significance of the belief-credence connection and concludes with general lessons from the debate thus far

    Male Competition Reverses Female Preference For Male Chemical Cues

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    Females must choose among potential mates with different phenotypes in a variety of social contexts. Many male traits are inherent and unchanging, but others are labile to social context. Competition, for example, can cause physiological changes that reflect recent wins and losses that fluctuate throughout time. We may expect females to respond differently to males depending on the outcome of their most recent fight. In Bolitotherus cornutus (forked fungus beetles), males compete for access to females, but copulation requires female cooperation. In this study, we use behavioral trials to determine whether females use chemical cues to differentiate between males and whether the outcome of recent male competition alters female preference. We measured female association time with chemical cues of two size‐matched males both before and after male–male competition. Females in our study preferred to associate with future losers before males interacted, but changed their preference for realized winners following male competitive interactions. Our study provides the first evidence of change in female preference based solely on the outcome of male–male competition

    Management of imatinib-resistant CML patients

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    Imatinib has had marked impact on outcomes in chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) patients for all stages of the disease and is endorsed by international treatment guidelines as the first line option. Although imatinib is highly effective and well tolerated, the development of resistance represents a clinical challenge. Since the most frequently identified mechanism of acquired imatinib resistance is bcr-abl kinase domain point mutations, periodic hematologic, cytogenetic, and molecular monitoring is critical throughout imatinib therapy. Once cytogenetic remission is achieved, residual disease can be monitored by bcr-abl transcript levels as assayed by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Detection of bcr-abl mutants prior to and during imatinib therapy can aid in risk stratification as well as in determining therapeutic strategies. Thus, mutation screening is indicated in patients lacking or losing hematologic response. Moreover, search for mutations should also be performed when a 3-log reduction of bcr-abl transcripts is not achieved or there is a reproducible increase of transcript levels. In patients harboring mutations which confer imatinib resistance, novel second line tyrosine kinase inhibitors have demonstrated encouraging efficacy with low toxicity. Only the T315I bcr-abl mutant has proved totally resistant to all clinically available bcr-abl inhibitors. Strategies to further increase the rates of complete molecular remissions represent the next frontier in the targeted therapy of CML patients

    Circular Polarization in Pulsar Integrated Profiles: Updates

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    We update the systematic studies of circular polarization in integrated pulse profiles by Han et al (1998). Data of circular polarization profiles are compiled. Sense reversals can occur in core or cone components, or near the intersection between components. The correlation between the sense of circular polarization and the sense of position angle variation for conal-double pulsars is confirmed with a much large database. Circular polarization of some pulsars has clear changes with frequency. Circular polarization of millisecond pulsars is marginally different from that of normal pulsars.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, accepted and will be published soon by Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics (ChJAA

    A transient component in the pulse profile of PSR J0738-4042

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    One of the tenets of the radio pulsar observational picture is that the integrated pulse profiles are constant with time. This assumption underpins much of the fantastic science made possible via pulsar timing. Over the past few years, however, this assumption has come under question with a number of pulsars showing pulse shape changes on a range of timescales. Here, we show the dramatic appearance of a bright component in the pulse profile of PSR J0738-4042 (B0736-40). The component arises on the leading edge of the profile. It was not present in 2004 but strongly present in 2006 and all observations thereafter. A subsequent search through the literature shows the additional component varies in flux density over timescales of decades. We show that the polarization properties of the transient component are consistent with the picture of competing orthogonal polarization modes. Faced with the general problem of identifying and characterising average profile changes, we outline and apply a statistical technique based on a Hidden Markov Model. The value of this technique is established through simulations, and is shown to work successfully in the case of low signal-to-noise profiles.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA