200 research outputs found

    Corporate Ownership, Leadership and Job Charateristics in Russian Enterprises

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    This study tests the application of the Western theory of organization's ownership in Russia, suggesting that ownership types – such as state-owned and private – influence leadership style and employees' jobs characteristics. A sample of 724 Russian employees in 15 service and manufacturing companies was surveyed. The results indicate that, contrary to Western theories, the leadership in Russian state-owned enterprises tends to be perceived as being more effective than the leadership in private enterprises. Similarly, jobs in state-owned enterprises are more enriched than in private companies. Explanations and implications are provided.leadership, job characteristics, state-owned enterprises, private organizations, Russia

    Earnings in Poland: The Private Versus the Public Sector

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    The transition of Poland to a free market economy, concurrent to a substantial increase of the private sector, promoted entrepreneurship, joint ventures, self-employment, labor reallocation, growth of financial markets and direct foreign investments. Previous studies have provided inconclusive evidence regarding earning disparities in Poland. The present study proposes a model that employs demographic, employment and organizational characteristics, revealing that earnings in the private sector are 9.8% higher than in the public sector; human capital characteristics are more influential in the private than in the public sector; the return to general training is higher for both workers with a higher education and those in the private sector; and the return to firm-specific-training is higher in the private sector. The results are discussed in light of the structure of a transitional economy and the changing labor market

    Gender Differences in Personality across the Ten Aspects of the Big Five

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    This paper investigates gender differences in personality traits, both at the level of the Big Five and at the sublevel of two aspects within each Big Five domain. Replicating previous findings, women reported higher Big Five Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism scores than men. However, more extensive gender differences were found at the level of the aspects, with significant gender differences appearing in both aspects of every Big Five trait. For Extraversion, Openness, and Conscientiousness, the gender differences were found to diverge at the aspect level, rendering them either small or undetectable at the Big Five level. These findings clarify the nature of gender differences in personality and highlight the utility of measuring personality at the aspect level

    Education and Unemployment in Israel, 1976-1994: Reducing the Anomaly

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    Dans les pays industrialisés, on trouve une tendance commune sur le marché du travail à l'effet que les taux de chômage sont inversement liés aux niveaux de scolarité. Depuis la création de l'État d'Israël en 1948, on observe une relation anormale entre niveaux de scolarité et chômage. Les moins scolarisés comme les plus instruits ont des taux de chômage plus bas alors que ceux possédant un secondaire ont eu et ont encore des taux de chômage plus élevés. Cela produit une relation inverse en forme de U comparée à la relation inverse dans les autres pays développés. Le facteur responsable de cette anomalie semble résulter des politiques gouvernementales visant à protéger les immigrants plus instruits avec une famille nombreuse. Le rôle actif joué par le gouvernement d'Israël donnant préférence sur le marché du travail à ces personnes économiquement et socialement désavantagées a été responsable des taux de chômage relativement bas des moins instruits.Nous examinons et analysons ici tant l'existence continue de cette relation inverse en forme de U en Israël entre niveaux de scolarité et chômage que la tendance récente à l'aplanissement de cette relation depuis le début des années 80. Deux facteurs sont responsables de cette tendance récente : l'accroissement du taux de chômage de ceux qui ont de 0 à 8 ans de scolarité, et la baisse du taux d'activité de ce même groupe. Certes, deux autres facteurs ont contribué à maintenir cette relation inverse en forme de U, soit l'accroissement du taux national de chômage et le facteur de tendance temporelle; mais leur impact fut annulé par les deux premiers facteurs. Les raisons de cette dominance des deux premiers facteurs relèvent des changements politiques, sociaux et institutionnels survenus en Israël depuis la fin des années 70. Ces changements incluent la réduction de la création d'emplois pour les moins instruits, la baisse du recrutement par les sociétés de la Couronne, l'abandon du traitement préférentiel par les services d'emploi gouvernementaux et un déplacement des subsides publics vers les nouveaux immigrants plus instruits sous la forme de projets d'initiation aux hautes technologies.Mais la question demeure : pourquoi y a-t-il encore une relation inverse en forme de U entre le niveau de scolarité et le chômage ? Il semble que les politiques sociales en Israël conservent des éléments significatifs de support aux personnes moins instruites. Par exemple, pendant la période d'immigration massive en provenance des ex-pays soviétiques après 1989, le gouvernement a continué à financer plusieurs projets publics de travail afin de réduire le chômage chez les immigrants, indépendamment de leur niveau de scolarité.L'implication pour la théorie du capital humain est que la présence de politiques publiques favorisant les moins instruits peut annuler les forces du marché, même pour une longue période de temps. Clairement, cela a fait partie de la politique israélienne depuis 1948. Pour Israël, un nouveau pays dont la population est constituée de gens provenant de plus de cent pays avec différents niveaux et types de scolarité, d'habiletés et de valeurs sociales, le processus d'intégration à la société a été extrêmement difficile.Les tensions sociales ont été nombreuses et, l'éthique sociale aidant, il y a eut un désir chez les gouvernants de réduire ces tensions causées par les familles nombreuses moins instruites. Ces personnes ont fait face à des difficultés d'ajustement à une nouvelle société majoritairement moderne. Et ces difficultés étaient assez sérieuses pour ne pas être envenimées davantage par le chômage. Israël a même mis sur pied un ministère de l'intégration visant les nouveaux immigrants.Le renforcement des forces du marché et l'affaiblissement de l'éthique socialiste semble avoir modéré l'étendue de la relation inverse en forme de U, l'amenant graduellement vers une simple relation inverse. Cependant, le fait que cette relation en U existe encore en Israël démontre le pouvoir continu de la politique sociale du gouvernement. Pour combien de temps ? Cela est difficile à dire tant à cause de l'incertitude des priorités politiques futures que de l'évolution du marché du travail.In industrialized economics, unemployment rates are inversely related to education levels. Data from 1963 to 1994 show that Israël is an anomaly exhibiting an inverted U-shaped relationship. Workers with 9-12 years of schooling consistently experienced a higher level of unemployment than the schooling groups with less and more education. Multivariate regression analysis of data for Israël during the 1976-1994 period indicates that this inverted U-shaped relationship is moderating. The national unemployment rate and a time trend variable had positive and significant effects tending to strengthen the inverted U-shaped relationship. However, an increase in the unemployment rate within the 0-8 education group relative to the 9-12 group and a decline in the labour force participation rate of the 0-8 group overrode these factors, resulting in a flattening of the inverse relationship. The major factor responsible for the anomaly in the education-unemployment relationship in Israël appears to be government policies intended to protect low-educated immigrants with large familles. A reduction in government support over recent years seems to have increased the exposure of the least educated to labour market forces.En las economìas industrializadas, la tasa de desempleo esta inversamente relacionada al nivel de educaciòn. Informaciòn de 1963 a 1994 muestra que Israël es una anomalìa mostrando una relaciòn invertida en forma de U. Trabajadores con estudios de 9 a 12 anos consistentemente se encontraron con tasas de desempleo mas elevadas que los grupos con mas y menos educaciòn. Un anàlisis de Regresiòn en multi-variables de la informaciòn de Israël durante los anos de 1976 a 1994 indica que la relaciòn antes mencionada se ha ido moderando. La tasa de desempleo nacional y una variable de la tendencia a través del tiempo tuvieron un buen efecto con tendencias a reforzar la forma del la curva. Sin embargo un aumento de la tasa de desempleo del grupo de educaciòn de 0 a 8 anos en relaciòn con el grupo mencionado y un déclive de la participaciòn de la fuerza laboral del grupo de 0 a 8 anos se sobrepuso a las tendencias resultando en un aplanamiento de la curva. El factor mas importante responsable por la anomalìa en la relaciòn entre el desempleo y la educaciòn en Israël es aparentemente las polìticas del gobierno que pretenden protéger los inmigrantes de baja escolaridad con grandes familias. Una reducciòn en el soporte gubemamental en los ùltimos anos parece haber sometido a una mayor exposiciòn de los trabajadores con menos educaciòn a las fuerzas del mercado laboral

    External scaffold of spherical immature poxvirus particles is made of protein trimers, forming a honeycomb lattice

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    During morphogenesis, poxviruses undergo a remarkable transition from spherical immature forms to brick-shaped infectious particles lacking helical or icosahedral symmetry. In this study, we show that the transitory honeycomb lattice coating the lipoprotein membrane of immature vaccinia virus particles is formed from trimers of a 62-kD protein encoded by the viral D13L gene. Deep-etch electron microscopy demonstrated that anti-D13 antibodies bound to the external protein coat and that lattice fragments were in affinity-purified D13 preparations. Soluble D13 appeared mostly trimeric by gel electrophoresis and ultracentrifugation, which is consistent with structural requirements for a honeycomb. In the presence or absence of other virion proteins, a mutated D13 with one amino acid substitution formed stacks of membrane-unassociated flat sheets that closely resembled the curved honeycombs of immature virions except for the absence of pentagonal facets. A homologous domain that is present in D13 and capsid proteins of certain other lipid-containing viruses support the idea that the developmental stages of poxviruses reflect their evolution from an icosahedral ancestor

    AMN107 (nilotinib): a novel and selective inhibitor of BCR-ABL

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    Chronic myelogenous leukaemia (CML) and Philadelphia chromosome positive (Ph+) acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) are caused by the BCR-ABL oncogene. Imatinib inhibits the tyrosine kinase activity of the BCR-ABL protein and is an effective, frontline therapy for chronic-phase CML. However, accelerated or blast-crisis phase CML patients and Ph+ ALL patients often relapse due to drug resistance resulting from the emergence of imatinib-resistant point mutations within the BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase domain. This has stimulated the development of new kinase inhibitors that are able to over-ride resistance to imatinib. The novel, selective BCR-ABL inhibitor, AMN107, was designed to fit into the ATP-binding site of the BCR-ABL protein with higher affinity than imatinib. In addition to being more potent than imatinib (IC50<30 nM) against wild-type BCR-ABL, AMN107 is also significantly active against 32/33 imatinib-resistant BCR-ABL mutants. In preclinical studies, AMN107 demonstrated activity in vitro and in vivo against wild-type and imatinib-resistant BCR-ABL-expressing cells. In phase I/II clinical trials, AMN107 has produced haematological and cytogenetic responses in CML patients, who either did not initially respond to imatinib or developed imatinib resistance. Dasatinib (BMS-354825), which inhibits Abl and Src family kinases, is another promising new clinical candidate for CML that has shown good efficacy in CML patients. In this review, the early characterisation and development of AMN107 is discussed, as is the current status of AMN107 in clinical trials for imatinib-resistant CML and Ph+ ALL. Future trends investigating prediction of mechanisms of resistance to AMN107, and how and where AMN107 is expected to fit into the overall picture for treatment of early-phase CML and imatinib-refractory and late-stage disease are discussed

    Mineralogy and petrology of comet 81P/wild 2 nucleus samples

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    The bulk of the comet 81P/Wild 2 (hereafter Wild 2) samples returned to Earth by the Stardust spacecraft appear to be weakly constructed mixtures of nanometer-scale grains, with occasional much larger (over 1 micrometer) ferromagnesian silicates, Fe-Ni sulfides, Fe-Ni metal, and accessory phases. The very wide range of olivine and low-Ca pyroxene compositions in comet Wild 2 requires a wide range of formation conditions, probably reflecting very different formation locations in the protoplanetary disk. The restricted compositional ranges of Fe-Ni sulfides, the wide range for silicates, and the absence of hydrous phases indicate that comet Wild 2 experienced little or no aqueous alteration. Less abundant Wild 2 materials include a refractory particle, whose presence appears to require radial transport in the early protoplanetary disk