21 research outputs found

    Acoustic ranging in a dynamic, multipath environment

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    An acoustic experiment was carried out in October 2007 in Portsmouth Harbor, New Hampshire, to measure the effects of environmental variability on acoustic range measurements over a distance of 948 meters. A fixed source and receiver measured the one-way travel time and signal level fluctuations over four days. Wind, sound speed, tidal data, and current speed predictions were used to assess their effects on the acoustic measurements. The environmental data collected during this experiment showed variability at many scales, both temporally and spatially throughout the harbor. The acoustic data revealed the presence of multipath arrivals, with 2-3 strong arrivals for each transmitted ping. A simple geometric model was used, along with ray-tracing, to describe fluctuations in arrival time and signal level. Acoustic travel times between a fixed source and receiver were converted to range measurements and compared with GPS-derived ranges. This study provides a basis for understanding the capabilities and limitations of acoustic travel time measurements in Portsmouth Harbor, or similar dynamic multipath environments. Results showed an overall spread in range of between five and eight meters over the total range of 948 meters, with greater precision and accuracy possible with additional processing

    Observations of High Frequency, Long Range Acoustic Propagation in a Harbor Environment

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    The positioning and navigation of AUV\u27s in harbor environments using underwater acoustics is complicated by shallow waters, long propagation distances, and complex oceanographic features. This paper reports on high frequency (40 kHz) acoustic measurements made in Portsmouth Harbor, NH, USA, which is an estuary containing several riverine inputs and a strong tidal flow (2+ knots). A one-way propagation experiment was conducted at the mouth of the harbor for propagation distances up to 100 water depths. Strong signatures of a variety of phenomenon were observed in the acoustic signal levels, including tidal heights and currents, turbulent mixing, and wind/wave action. The relative importance of each of these will be discussed in terms of signal to noise level and the associated constraints on acoustic positioning systems

    Acoustic positioning and tracking in Portsmouth Harbour, New Hampshire

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    Portsmouth Harbor, New Hampshire, is frequently used as a testing area for multibeam and sidescan sonars, and is the location of numerous ground-truthing studies. Having the ability to accurately position underwater sensors is an important aspect of this type of work. However, underwater positioning in Portsmouth Harbor is challenging. It is relatively shallow, approximately one kilometer wide with depths of less than 25 meters. There is mixing between fresh river water and seawater, which is intensified by high currents and strong tides. This causes a very complicated spatial and temporal sound speed structure. Solutions that use the time-of-arrival of an acoustic pulse to estimate range will require very precise knowledge of the travel paths of the signal in order to separate out issues of multipath arrivals. An alternative solution is to use the phase measurements between closely spaced hydrophones to measure the bearing of an acoustic pinger. By using two bearing measurement devices that are widely separated, the intersection of the two bearings can be used to position the pinger. The advantage of this approach is that the sound speed only needs to be known at the location of the phase measurements. Both time-of-arrival and phase difference systems may encounter difficulties arising from horizontal refraction due to spatially varying sound speed. To ascertain which solution would be optimal in Portsmouth Harbor, the time-of-arrival and phase measurement approaches are being examined individually. Initial field tests have been conducted using a 40 kHz signal to look at bearing accuracy. Using hydrophones that are spaced 2/3 wavelengths apart, the bearing accuracy was found to be 1.25deg for angles up to 20deg from broadside with signal to noise ratios (SNR) greater than 15 dB. The results from the closely spaced hydrophones were used to resolve phase ambiguities, allowing finer bearing measurements to be made between hydrophones spaced 5 wavelengths apart. The fi- ne bearing measurements resulted in a bearing accuracy of 0.3deg for angles up to 20deg from broadside with SNR greater than 15 dB. Field tests planned for summer 2007 will include a more detailed investigation of how the environmental influences affect each of the measurement types including range, signal to noise ratio, currents, and sound speed structure

    The Cascadia Initiative : a sea change In seismological studies of subduction zones

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    Author Posting. © The Oceanography Society, 2014. This article is posted here by permission of The Oceanography Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Oceanography 27, no. 2 (2014): 138-150, doi:10.5670/oceanog.2014.49.Increasing public awareness that the Cascadia subduction zone in the Pacific Northwest is capable of great earthquakes (magnitude 9 and greater) motivates the Cascadia Initiative, an ambitious onshore/offshore seismic and geodetic experiment that takes advantage of an amphibious array to study questions ranging from megathrust earthquakes, to volcanic arc structure, to the formation, deformation and hydration of the Juan De Fuca and Gorda Plates. Here, we provide an overview of the Cascadia Initiative, including its primary science objectives, its experimental design and implementation, and a preview of how the resulting data are being used by a diverse and growing scientific community. The Cascadia Initiative also exemplifies how new technology and community-based experiments are opening up frontiers for marine science. The new technology—shielded ocean bottom seismometers—is allowing more routine investigation of the source zone of megathrust earthquakes, which almost exclusively lies offshore and in shallow water. The Cascadia Initiative offers opportunities and accompanying challenges to a rapidly expanding community of those who use ocean bottom seismic data.The Cascadia Initiative is supported by the National Science Foundation; the CIET is supported under grants OCE- 1139701, OCE-1238023, OCE‐1342503, OCE-1407821, and OCE-1427663 to the University of Oregon

    Characteristics of fin whale vocalizations recorded on instruments in the northeast Pacific Ocean

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-12This thesis focuses on fin whale vocalizations recorded on ocean bottom seismometers (OBSs) in the Northeast Pacific Ocean, using data collected between 2003 and 2013. OBSs are a valuable, and largely untapped resource for the passive acoustic monitoring of large baleen whales. This dissertation is divided into three parts, each of which uses the recordings of fin whale vocalizations to better understand their calling behaviors and distributions. The first study describes the development of a technique to extract source levels of fin whale vocalizations from OBS recordings. Source levels were estimated using data collected on a network of eight OBSs in the Northeast Pacific Ocean. The acoustic pressure levels measured at the instruments were adjusted for the propagation path between the calling whales and the instruments using the call location and estimating losses along the acoustic travel path. A total of 1241 calls were used to estimate an average source level of 189 +/-5.8 dB re 1uPa @ 1m. This variability is largely attributed to uncertainties in the horizontal and vertical position of the fin whale at the time of each call, and the effect of these uncertainties on subsequent calculations. The second study describes a semi-automated method for obtaining horizontal ranges to vocalizing fin whales using the timing and relative amplitude of multipath arrivals. A matched filter is used to detect fin whale calls and pick the relative times and amplitudes of multipath arrivals. Ray-based propagation models are used to predict multipath times and amplitudes as function of range. Because the direct and first multiple arrivals are not always observed, three hypotheses for the paths of the observed arrivals are considered; the solution is the hypothesis and range that optimizes the fit to the data. Ray-theoretical amplitudes are not accurate and solutions are improved by determining amplitudes from the observations using a bootstrap method. Data from ocean bottom seismometers at two locations are used to assess the method: one on the Juan de Fuca Ridge, a bathymetrically complex mid-ocean ridge environment, and the other at a flat sedimented location in the Cascadia Basin. At both sites, the method is reliable up to ~4 km range which is sufficient to enable estimates of call density. The third study explores spatial and temporal trends in fin whale calling patterns. The frequency and inter-pulse interval of fin whale 20 Hz vocalizations were observed over 10 years from 2003-2013 on bottom mounted hydrophones and OBSs in the northeast Pacific Ocean. The instrument locations extended from 40°N and 130°W to 125°W with water depths ranging from 1500-4000 m. The inter-pulse interval (IPI) of fin whale song sequences was observed to increase at a rate of 0.59 seconds/year over the decade of observation. During the same time period, peak frequency decreased at a rate of 0.16 Hz/year. Two primary call patterns were observed. During the earlier years, the more commonly observed pattern had a single frequency and single IPI. In later years, a doublet pattern emerged, with two dominant frequencies and two IPIs. Many call sequences in the intervening years appeared to represent a transitional state between the two patterns. The overall trend was consistent across the entire geographical span, although some regional differences exist

    High-frequency One-way Propagation Experiments in Portsmouth Harbor, NH

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    Portsmouth Harbor is a shallow water estuary with 3-m tide heights and 2-m/s tidal currents, exhibiting strong mixing between ocean water and several fresh water inputs. In order to help characterize the limitations for underwater acoustic positioning systems in this environment, high-frequency 40 kHz one-way acoustic propagation measurements were made at ranges up to 1 km in an area where the maximum depth reached 25 m. Synchronized acoustic transmissions were made from a bottom mounted projector as well as from a near-surface projector mounted on a moving research vessel. The signals were received at a pier-mounted hydrophone. Measurements of signal levels and arrival times show strong signatures from a variety of phenomenon including changes in tide height, changes in sound speed gradients in response to the tidal forcing functions, and turbulent mixing in the water. Each of these will be discussed in relation to signal fluctuations and constraints on measuring pulse arrival times

    Spatial and temporal trends in fin whale vocalizations recorded in the NE Pacific Ocean between 2003-2013.

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    In order to study the long-term stability of fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) singing behavior, the frequency and inter-pulse interval of fin whale 20 Hz vocalizations were observed over 10 years from 2003-2013 from bottom mounted hydrophones and seismometers in the northeast Pacific Ocean. The instrument locations extended from 40°N to 48°N and 130°W to 125°W with water depths ranging from 1500-4000 m. The inter-pulse interval (IPI) of fin whale song sequences was observed to increase at a rate of 0.54 seconds/year over the decade of observation. During the same time period, peak frequency decreased at a rate of 0.17 Hz/year. Two primary call patterns were observed. During the earlier years, the more commonly observed pattern had a single frequency and single IPI. In later years, a doublet pattern emerged, with two dominant frequencies and IPIs. Many call sequences in the intervening years appeared to represent a transitional state between the two patterns. The overall trend was consistent across the entire geographical span, although some regional differences exist. Understanding changes in acoustic behavior over long time periods is needed to help establish whether acoustic characteristics can be used to help determine population identity in a widely distributed, difficult to study species such as the fin whale

    Illustration showing the relationship between calls and IPI.

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    <p>Axes indicate frequency and time, so this schematic is analogous to a spectrogram representation. The green, purple and gray symbols indicate fin whale notes. A-type notes have a lower frequency than B-type notes. The IPI of a given note is the time between that note and the immediately preceding note, irrespective of note type.</p