80 research outputs found

    Additional file 2: Figure S1 and S2. of Follicular thyroid carcinoma but not adenoma recruits tumor-associated macrophages by releasing CCL15

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    Immunostain of CD68 in entire tissue of FTC/FA samples. (A) An example of immunohistochemistry analysis of CD68 in whole tissue samples of FTC (left panel) and FA (right panel). Stars indicated blank areas were taked out for tissue microarrays constructing. CD68+ cells in ten 200 μm *300 μm areas (green-red marked) of every sample were counted. Bar = 1 mm. (B) Enlarged picture of one count area (one green-red area in A). Arrows indicate the CD68+ macrophages in FTC (left panel) or FA (right panel). Bar = 20 μm. Figure S2. Densities of CD206+ cells in FTC are significantly higher than those in FA. Immunohistochemistry analysis of CD206 in 55 cases of tissue samples from FTC and FA patients. Arrows indicate the CD206+ macrophages. Bar = 20 μm. (PDF 509 kb

    Additional file 1: Table S1-S5. of Follicular thyroid carcinoma but not adenoma recruits tumor-associated macrophages by releasing CCL15

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    Comparison of CD68 immunostain in FTCs/FAs in tissue microarray and in the corresponding entire tissue sample sections. Table S2. Increased Density of CD206 Positive Macrophages in FTCs comparing to FAs. Table S3. Correlations of CD68 Positive TAMs Density with Clinicopathological Features of FTC Patients. Table S4. Correlations of CCL15 expression level with Clinicopathological Features of FTC Patients. Table S5. Sequence of primers used in this study. (DOCX 25.5 kb

    The unadjusted and adjusted ORs and 95% CI from the logistic regressions predicting the likelihood of positive BAT in the subgroup with low outdoor temperature (<20°C).

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    <p>Data are odds ratios, 95% confidence interval. The backward multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to evaluate the ORs for positive BAT:</p><p>*P<0.0001,</p><p><sup>†</sup>P<0.001,</p><p><sup>‡</sup>P<0.05.</p><p>WC, Waist Circumferences; SFA, subcutaneous fat areas; VFA, visceral fat areas</p><p>The unadjusted and adjusted ORs and 95% CI from the logistic regressions predicting the likelihood of positive BAT in the subgroup with low outdoor temperature (<20°C).</p

    BAT activity can be detected by PET/CT in pheochromocytoma patients with elevated TMN concentration.

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    <p>The results of PET–CT scanning in pheochromocytoma patients were compared to healthy subjects. Panels A-C shows images of the neck and upper thoracic region of individuals with variable physiologic uptake and distribution of <sup>18</sup>F-fluorodeoxyglucose (<sup>18</sup>F-FDG) in adipose tissue. A front and a side scan were shown individually. The images in row (A) are from three pheochromocytoma patients with high total metanephrine (TMN) levels (Group A). Three pheochromocytoma patients with normal TMN concentrations from Group B and three healthy subjects from Group C were shown in row (B) and (C) accordingly. A PET scan in the transverse plane (Panel D, left) shows the areas of brown adipose tissue (arrow), and a CT scan (Panel D, middle) confirms the areas of brown adipose tissue (arrow) according to fat density and location. Fusion of the PET and CT scans (Panel D, right) shows that <sup>18</sup>F-FDG uptake is localized in fatty tissue (arrow).</p

    Comparison of body fat areas between subjects bearing detectable (+) and undetectable (-) amounts of BAT by gender.

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    <p>All continuous parameters were summarized by means ± SD. For skewness distribution data, median and interquartile range was used. P values were calculated from analysis of variance for continuous variable, chi-square tests for categorical variable or rank sum tests for skewness distribution variable:</p><p>*p<0.05,</p><p><sup>†</sup>p<0.0001.</p><p>Comparison of body fat areas between subjects bearing detectable (+) and undetectable (-) amounts of BAT by gender.</p

    Robust regression analysis to identify factors that are independently associated with brown-adipose-tissue activity.

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    <p>Robust regression analysis was performed to identify factors that are independently associated with brown-adipose-tissue (BAT, log scale). An initial robust regression model included age, sex, body mass index (BMI), visceral fat areas (VFA), subcutaneous fat areas (SFA), waist circumferences (WC), visceral/total fat areas (V/T) and log (TMN). Those variables that did not make significant contributions to the models were deleted in a stage-wise manner, yielding the final models. The final model is shown including 2 significant predictors, Log(TMN) and waist circumferences.</p

    The prevalence of brown adipose tissue was inversely related with adiposity.

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    <p>Body-mass-index (the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters, panel A), Waist Circumferences (panel B), Subcutaneous Fat Areas (Panel C), Visceral Fat Areas (Panel D). The percentage of patients in each group (shown as BMI<25, 25~30, ≥30; central obesity and non-obesity which were defined from waist circumferences; and quintiles of subcutaneous and visceral fat areas) who had detectable BAT was shown, and a univariate analysis was used to assess the significance of differences in the percentages with the use of a chi-square test.</p

    Characteristics of the subjects.

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    #<p>Brown adipose tissues activity was quantified by mean standardized uptake values (SUVmean · g/ml) by PET/CT.</p> ˆ<p>Total metanephrines were calculated as metanephrine (MN) plus normetanephrine (NMN).</p>†<p>Body mass index was calculated as weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared.</p>‡<p>Visceral fat areas, subcutaneous fat areas and waist circumferences were examined at the umbilicus level in the supine position using CT.</p><p>*compared to pheochromocytoma patients with high TMN (Group A), p<0.001.</p

    The prevalence of brown adipose tissue was nversely related with metabolic parameters.

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    <p>Fasting plasma glucose (Panel A), triglycerides (Panel B) and total cholesterol (Panel C) levels were divided into thirds. The percentage of patients in each subgroup who had detectable BAT was shown, and the P values for trend were calculated by using Mantel-Haenszel Chi-Square test.</p
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