3,495 research outputs found

    Complex Probabilities on R^N as Real Probabilities on C^N and an Application to Path Integrals

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    We establish a necessary and sufficient condition for averages over complex valued weight functions on R^N to be represented as statistical averages over real, non-negative probability weights on C^N. Using this result, we show that many path-integrals for time-ordered expectation values of bosonic degrees of freedom in real-valued time can be expressed as statistical averages over ensembles of paths with complex-valued coordinates, and then speculate on possible consequences of this result for the relation between quantum and classical mechanics.Comment: 4 pages, 0 figure

    Complementarity and Chiral Fermions in SU(2) gauge Theories

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    Complementarity - the absence of a phase boundary separating the Higgs and confinement phases of a gauge theory - can be violated by the addition of chiral fermions. We utilize chiral symmetry violating fermion correlators such as \langle \bps \psi \rangle as order parameters to investigate this issue. Using inequalities similar to those of Vafa-Witten and Weingarten, we show that SU(2) gauge theories with Higgs and fermion fields in the fundamental representation exhibit chiral symmetry breaking in the confined phase and therefore do {\it not} lead to massless composite fermions. We discuss the implications for the Abbott-Farhi strongly interacting standard model.Comment: 10 pages, HUTP-92-A047, 2 figures not include

    Some New/Old Approaches to QCD

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    This is a talk delivered at the Meeting on Integrable Quantum Field Theories, Villa Olmo and at STRINGS 1992, Rome, September 1992. I discuss some recent attempts to revive two old ideas regarding an analytic approach to QCD-the development of a string representation of the theory and the large N limit of QCD.Comment: 20 page

    Chiral Symmetry Breaking without Bilinear Condensates, Unbroken Axial Z_N Symmetry, and Exact QCD Inequalities

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    An alternative pattern of the chiral symmetry breaking, suggested recently by Stern, is investigated. It could be self-consistent provided that the chiral SU(Nf)Ă—SU(Nf)SU(N_f) \times SU(N_f) symmetry is broken spontaneously down to SU(Nf)Ă—ZNfSU(N_f) \times Z_{N_f} rather than to SU(Nf)VSU(N_f)_V. The discrete axial ZNfZ_{N_f} then would play a custodial role preventing the quark bilinears from condensation. It is shown that this pattern of the chiral symmetry breaking is ruled out in QCD by exact inequalities. It is not ruled out, however, in other gauge theories with scalar quarks and/or Yukawa couplings.Comment: 9 pages, Latex, clarifying comments and several references adde

    New Glueball-Meson Mass Relations

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    Using the ``glueball dominance'' picture of the mixing between q\bar{q} mesons of different hidden flavors, we establish new glueball-meson mass relations which serve as a basis for glueball spectral systematics. For the tensor glueball mass 2.3\pm 0.1 GeV used as an input parameter, these relations predict the following glueball masses: M(0^{++})\simeq 1.65\pm 0.05 GeV, M(1^{--})\simeq 3.2\pm 0.2 GeV, M(2^{-+})\simeq 2.95\pm 0.15 GeV, M(3^{--})\simeq 2.8\pm 0.15 GeV. We briefly discuss the failure of such relations for the pseudoscalar sector. Our results are consistent with (quasi)-linear Regge trajectories for glueballs with slope \simeq 0.3\pm 0.1 GeV^{-2}.Comment: Extensive revision including response to comments received, value of glueball Regge slope, and a consideration of radial excitations. 14 pages, LaTe

    Baryon Structure and the Chiral Symmetry of QCD

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    Beyond the spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking scale light and strange baryons should be considered as systems of three constituent quarks with an effective confining interaction and a chiral interaction that is mediated by the octet of Goldstone bosons (pseudoscalar mesons) between the constituent quarks.Comment: Lecture given at the 35. Universit\"atswochen f\"ur Kern- und Teilchenphysik, Schladming, Austria, March 1996 (Perturbative and Nonperturbative Aspects of Quantum Field Theory, ed. by H. Latal and W. Schweiger, Springer 1996). Paper (23 pages) with 2 figures and the required macro lamuphy

    Positive Parity Scalar Mesons in the 1-2 GeV Mass Range

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    Based on the observation that K_0(1430) is lighter than its SU_3 counterpart, a_0(1450), we examine the possibility that these particles, together with f_0(1370), f_0(1500) and f_0(1710), fill a tetraquark recurrence of the sub-GeV 0^{++} nonet mixed with a glueball state. We find the picture to be consistent with the known data about the three f_0 resonances, more than the q-qbar hypothesis. Conventional spin-orbit coupling suggests the q-qbar, P-wave, nonet to lie around 1200 MeV. We review possible experimental indications of a scalar isovector resonance at 1.29 GeV, first observed by OBELIX in p-pbar annihilation.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures. Extended version. References added. Results and conclusions unchange

    Eta' Mass and Chiral Symmetry Breaking at Large Nc and Nf

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    We propose a method for implementing the large-Nc, large-Nf limit of QCD at the effective Lagrangian level. Depending on the value of the ratio Nf/Nc, different patterns of chiral symmetry breaking can arise, leading in particular to different behaviors of the eta-prime mass in the combined large-N limit.Comment: revtex 12 pages, one postscript figur

    Speeding up finite step-size updating of full QCD on the lattice

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    We propose various improvements of finite step-size updating for full QCD on the lattice that might turn finite step-size updating into a viable alternative to the hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm. These improvements are noise reduction of the noisy estimator of the fermion determinant, unbiased inclusion of the hopping parameter expansion and a multi-level Metropolis scheme. First numerical tests are performed for the 2 dimensional Schwinger model with two flavours of Wilson fermions and for QCD two flavours of Wilson fermions and Schr"odinger functional boundary conditions.Comment: 22 pages, 1 figur

    Masses of the physical mesons from an effective QCD--Hamiltonian

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    The front form Hamiltonian for quantum chromodynamics, reduced to an effective Hamiltonian acting only in the qqˉq\bar q space, is solved approximately. After coordinate transformation to usual momentum space and Fourier transformation to configuration space a second order differential equation is derived. This retarded Schr\"odinger equation is solved by variational methods and semi-analytical expressions for the masses of all 30 pseudoscalar and vector mesons are derived. In view of the direct relation to quantum chromdynamics without free parameter, the agreement with experiment is remarkable, but the approximation scheme is not adequate for the mesons with one up or down quark. The crucial point is the use of a running coupling constant αs(Q2)\alpha_s(Q^2), in a manner similar but not equal to the one of Richardson in the equal usual-time quantization. Its value is fixed at the Z mass and the 5 flavor quark masses are determined by a fit to the vector meson quarkonia.Comment: 18 pages, 4 Postscript figure
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