3,519 research outputs found

    Friends with benefits, or a reluctant threesome? : arbuscular mycorrhizal partnerships and their effects on crop pathogens

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    High yield losses of crops due to plant pathogens represent a serious problem in agriculture. More effective and sustainable control measures, such as biological control, are essential. Most terrestrial plants, including important crop plants, benefit from a mutualistic symbiosis with arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi through enhanced nutrition and improved immune responses. Although this latter phenomenon, known as Mycorrhiza Induced Resistance (MIR), is well-reported and molecular responses to AM symbiosis have been observed, how AM fungi prime disease resistance is still poorly understood. Several factors and mechanisms have been suggested to impact the outcome of MIR, but how this phenomenon occurs and how different factors impact MIR is not known. Evidence suggests that AM fungal species differ in their abilities to defend plants and that plant species, and even varieties, can have differing colonisation levels leading to changing outcomes of MIR. However, the underlying molecular mechanisms on a biochemical level leading to alterations of MIR are not well understood and require examination of patterns related to MIR effects and involved molecular factors in these interactions to exploit the biocontrol potential of AM fungi. To achieve this, my doctoral thesis investigates some of these fundamental MIR knowledge gaps by combining interdisciplinary research including phenotyping observations as well as molecular approaches (transcriptomics and metabolomics). The results of my PhD research provide increased and novel insights into comprehensive phenotypic, transcriptional and biochemical patterns and mechanisms related to mediation of MIR. Investigation of basic plant gene expression patterns revealed the involvement of beneficial and pathogenic microbes in non-defence-related biological processes and shows that MIR is involved in a large number of processes within the transcriptomic profile. This thesis provided further evidence of the importance of AM fungal identity on the outcome of MIR and showed that the differences in metabolic profiles reflect these observations. My thesis also highlights the importance of studying MIR in natural contexts, where plants interact with diverse fungal communities, by showing the non-additive effects of AM fungal communities compared to single species observations. I also show that plant varieties with different potentials for AM fungal colonisation demonstrate opposing MIR metabolomic responses. Moreover, the potential involvement of down-regulated metabolic pathways to protect plants against pathogen addition has been demonstrated. These studies highlight the need for further investigations of the biochemical networks leading to the strength of MIR

    Stochastic Gene Expression in a Lentiviral Positive Feedback Loop: HIV-1 Tat Fluctuations Drive Phenotypic Diversity

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    Stochastic gene expression has been implicated in a variety of cellular processes, including cell differentiation and disease. In this issue of Cell, Weinberger et al. (2005) take an integrated computational-experimental approach to study the Tat transactivation feedback loop in HIV-1 and show that fluctuations in a key regulator, Tat, can result in a phenotypic bifurcation. This phenomenon is observed in an isogenic population where individual cells display two distinct expression states corresponding to latent and productive infection by HIV-1. These findings demonstrate the importance of stochastic gene expression in molecular "decision-making."Comment: Supplemental data available as q-bio.MN/060800

    A Dusty Disk Around GD 362, a White Dwarf With a Uniquely High Photospheric Metal Abundance

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    Eighteen years after an infrared excess was discovered associated with the white dwarf G29-38, we report ground-based measurements (JHKL'N') with mJy-level sensitivity of GD 362 that show it to be a second single white dwarf with an infrared excess. As a first approximation, the excess around GD 362, which amounts to about 3% of the total stellar luminosity, can be explained by emission from a passive, flat, opaque dust disk that lies within the Roche radius of the white dwarf. The dust may have been produced by the tidal disruption of a large parent body such as an asteroid. Accretion from this circumstellar disk could account for the remarkably high abundance of metals in the star's photosphere.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures. ApJ Letters, in pres

    Tunable spin transport in CrAs: role of correlation effects

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    Correlation effects on the electronic structure of half-metallic CrAs in zinc-blende structure are studied for different substrate lattice constants. Depending on the substrate the spectral weight of the non-quasiparticle states might be tuned from a well developed value in the case of InAs substrate to an almost negligible contribution for the GaAs one. A piezoelectric material that would allow the change in the substrate lattice parameters opens the possibility for practical investigations of the switchable (tunable) non-quasiparticle states. Since the latter are important for the tunneling magnetoresistance and related phenomena it creates new opportunities in spintronics.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables. accepted PRB 71, 1 (2005

    Splitting along a submanifold pair

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    The paper introduces a group LSPLSP of obstructions for splitting a homotopy equivalence along a pair of submanifolds. We develop exact sequences relating the LSPLSP-groups with various surgery obstruction groups for manifold triple and structure sets arising from triples of manifolds. The natural map from the surgery obstruction group of the ambient manifold to the LSPLSP-group provides an invariant when elements of the Wall group are not realized by normal maps of closed manifolds. Some LSPLSP-groups are computed precisely.Comment: K-theory, to appea

    HST-STIS Spatially Resolved Spectroscopy and Coronagraphic Imaging of the TW Hydrae Circumstellar Disk

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    We present the first spatially resolved spectrum of scattered light from the TW Hydrae protoplanetary disk. This nearly face-on disk is optically thick, surrounding a classical T Tauri star in the nearby 10 Myr old TW Hya association. The spectrum was taken with the HST-STIS CCD, providing resolution R ~ 360 over the wavelength range 5250 - 10300 A. Spatially resolved spectroscopy of circumstellar disks is difficult due to the high contrast ratio between the bright star and faint disk. Our novel observations provide optical spectra of scattered light from the disk between 40 AU and 155 AU from the star. The scattered light has the same color as the star (gray scattering) at all radii, except the innermost region. This likely indicates that the scattering dust grains are larger than about 1 micron all the way out to large radii. From the spectroscopic data, we also obtained radial profiles of the integrated disk brightness at two position angles, over almost the same region as previously observed in HST-WFPC2 and NICMOS coronagraphic images (35 AU to 173 AU from the star). The profiles have the same shape as the earlier ones, but show a small azimuthal asymmetry in the disk not previously noted. Our STIS broad-band coronagraphic images of TW Hya confirm the reality of this asymmetry, and show that the disk surface brightness interior to 140 AU has a sinusoidal dependence on azimuthal angle. The maximum brightness occurs at a position angle of 233.6 +/- 5.7 degrees East of North. This might be caused by the combination of forward-scattering and an increase in inclination in the inner region of the disk, suggesting that the TW Hya disk has a warp like that seen in the Beta Pictoris debris disk.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures (some in color). First version submitted to ApJ 2004-08-29, posted to astro-ph 2004-10-10. Revised version accepted for publication in ApJ 2004-12-07, posted to astro-ph 2004-12-0

    Heterogeneous Face Recognition with CNNs

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    International audienceHeterogeneous face recognition aims to recognize faces across different sensor modalities. Typically, gallery images are normal visible spectrum images, and probe images are infrared images or sketches. Recently significant improvements in visible spectrum face recognition have been obtained by CNNs learned from very large training datasets. In this paper, we are interested in the question to what extent the features from a CNN pre-trained on visible spectrum face images can be used to perform heterogeneous face recognition. We explore different metric learning strategies to reduce the discrepancies between the different modalities. Experimental results show that we can use CNNs trained on visible spectrum images to obtain results that are on par or improve over the state-of-the-art for heterogeneous recognition with near-infrared images and sketches

    Fully relativistic calculation of magnetic properties of Fe, Co and Ni adclusters on Ag(100)

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    We present first principles calculations of the magnetic moments and magnetic anisotropy energies of small Fe, Co and Ni clusters on top of a Ag(100) surface as well as the exchange-coupling energy between two single adatoms of Fe or Co on Ag(100). The calculations are performed fully relativistically using the embedding technique within the Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker method. The magnetic anisotropy and the exchange-coupling energies are calculated by means of the force theorem. In the case of adatoms and dimers of iron and cobalt we obtain enhanced spin moments and, especially, unusually large orbital moments, while for nickel our calculations predict a complete absence of magnetism. For larger clusters, the magnitudes of the local moments of the atoms in the center of the cluster are very close to those calculated for the corresponding monolayers. Similar to the orbital moments, the contributions of the individual atoms to the magnetic anisotropy energy strongly depend on the position, hence, on the local environment of a particular atom within a given cluster. We find strong ferromagnetic coupling between two neighboring Fe or Co atoms and a rapid, oscillatory decay of the exchange-coupling energy with increasing distance between these two adatoms.Comment: 8 pages, ReVTeX + 4 figures (Encapsulated Postscript), submitted to PR

    Age-related alterations in default mode network: Impact on working memory performance

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    The default mode network (DMN) is a set of functionally connected brain regions which shows deactivation (task-induced deactivation, TID) during a cognitive task. Evidence shows an age-related decline in task-load-related modulation of the activity within the DMN during cognitive tasks. However, the effect of age on the functional coupling within the DMN and their relation to cognitive performance has hitherto been unexplored. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, we investigated functional connectivity within the DMN in older and younger subjects during a working memory task with increasing task load. Older adults showed decreased connectivity and ability to suppress low frequency oscillations of the DMN. Additionally, the strength of the functional coupling of posterior cingulate (pCC) with medial prefrontal cortex (PFC) correlated positively with performance and was lower in older adults. pCC was also negatively coupled with task-related regions, namely the dorsolateral PFC and cingulate regions. Our results show that in addition to changes in canonical task-related brain regions, normal aging is also associated with alterations in the activity and connectivity of brain regions within the DMN. These changes may be a reflection of a deficit in cognitive control associated with advancing age that results in deficient resource allocation to the task at hand