4,948 research outputs found

    RDoCs redux

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    Analytic frameworks for assessing dialogic argumentation in online learning environments

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    Over the last decade, researchers have developed sophisticated online learning environments to support students engaging in argumentation. This review first considers the range of functionalities incorporated within these online environments. The review then presents five categories of analytic frameworks focusing on (1) formal argumentation structure, (2) normative quality, (3) nature and function of contributions within the dialog, (4) epistemic nature of reasoning, and (5) patterns and trajectories of participant interaction. Example analytic frameworks from each category are presented in detail rich enough to illustrate their nature and structure. This rich detail is intended to facilitate researchersā€™ identification of possible frameworks to draw upon in developing or adopting analytic methods for their own work. Each framework is applied to a shared segment of student dialog to facilitate this illustration and comparison process. Synthetic discussions of each category consider the frameworks in light of the underlying theoretical perspectives on argumentation, pedagogical goals, and online environmental structures. Ultimately the review underscores the diversity of perspectives represented in this research, the importance of clearly specifying theoretical and environmental commitments throughout the process of developing or adopting an analytic framework, and the role of analytic frameworks in the future development of online learning environments for argumentation

    Duration judgements in patients with schizophrenia

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    Background. The ability to encode time cues underlies many cognitive processes. In the light of schizophrenic patients' compromised cognitive abilities in a variety of domains, it is noteworthy that there are numerous reports of these patients displaying impaired timing abilities. However, the timing intervals that patients have been evaluated on in prior studies vary considerably in magnitude (e.g. 1 s, 1 min, 1 h etc.). Method. In order to obviate differences in abilities in chronometric counting and place minimal demands on cognitive processing, we chose tasks that involve making judgements about brief durations of time (<1 s). Results. On a temporal generalization task, patients were less accurate than controls at recognizing a standard duration. The performance of patients was also significantly different from controls on a temporal bisection task, in which participants categorized durations as short or long. Although time estimation may be closely intertwined with working memory, patients' working memory as measured by the digit span task did not correlate significantly with their performance on the duration judgement tasks. Moreover, lowered intelligence scores could not completely account for the findings. Conclusions. We take these results to suggest that patients with schizophrenia are less accurate at estimating brief time periods. These deficits may reflect dysfunction of biopsychological timing processes

    African vegetable diversity in the limelight: project activities by ProNIVA.

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    Poster presented at Botanical Congress. Hamburg (Germany), 3-7 Sep 200

    Surveyor batteries Final engineering report

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    Design and performance of Surveyor spacecraft silver-zinc main batter

    Numerically improved computational scheme for the optical conductivity tensor in layered systems

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    The contour integration technique applied to calculate the optical conductivity tensor at finite temperatures in the case of layered systems within the framework of the spin-polarized relativistic screened Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker band structure method is improved from the computational point of view by applying the Gauss-Konrod quadrature for the integrals along the different parts of the contour and by designing a cumulative special points scheme for two-dimensional Brillouin zone integrals corresponding to cubic systems.Comment: 17 pages, LaTeX + 4 figures (Encapsulated PostScript), submitted to J. Phys.: Condensed Matter (19 Sept. 2000

    Early oral colostrum administration in preterm infants

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    Supersymmetry, homology with twisted coefficients and n-dimensional knots

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    Let nn be any natural number. Let KK be any nn-dimensional knot in Sn+2S^{n+2}. We define a supersymmetric quantum system for KK with the following properties. We firstly construct a set of functional spaces (spaces of fermionic \{resp. bosonic\} states) and a set of operators (supersymmetric infinitesimal transformations) in an explicit way. Thus we obtain a set of the Witten indexes for KK. Our Witten indexes are topological invariants for nn-dimensional knots. Our Witten indexes are not zero in general. If KK is equivalent to the trivial knot, all of our Witten indexes are zero. Our Witten indexes restrict the Alexander polynomials of nn-knots. If one of our Witten indexes for an nn-knot KK is nonzero, then one of the Alexander polynomials of KK is nontrivial. Our Witten indexes are connected with homology with twisted coefficients. Roughly speaking, our Witten indexes have path integral representation by using a usual manner of supersymmetric theory.Comment: 10pages, no figure

    Electrical Resistivity of a Thin Metallic Film

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    The electrical resistivity of a pure sample of a thin metallic film is found to depend on the boundary conditions. This conclusion is supported by a free-electron model calculation and confirmed by an ab initio relativistic Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker computation. The low-temperature resistivity is found to be zero for a free-standing film (reflecting boundary conditions) but nonzero when the film is sandwiched between two semi-infinite samples of the same material (outgoing boundary conditions). In the latter case, this resistivity scales inversely with the number of monolayers and is due to the background diffusive scattering by a finite lattice.Comment: 20 pages. To be published in Physical Review B, December 15, 199
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