15,486 research outputs found

    On the Speed of Gravity and the v/cv/c Corrections to the Shapiro Time Delay

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    Using a relatively simple method, I compute the v/c correction to the gravitational time delay for light passing by a massive object moving with speed v. It turns out that the v/c effects are too small to have been measured in the recent experiment involving Jupiter and quasar J0842+1845 that was used to measure the speed of gravity.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX (or Latex, etc), one figure, which is also available at http://www-theory.lbl.gov/~samuel/sog_figure.pdf; Revised version is the one to appear in Phys. Rev. Lett

    Perturbatively Defined Effective Classical Potential in Curved Space

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    The partition function of a quantum statistical system in flat space can always be written as an integral over a classical Boltzmann factor \exp[ -\beta V^{\rm eff cl({\bf x}_0)], where V^{\rm eff cl({\bf x}_0) is the so-called effective classical potential containing the effects of all quantum fluctuations. The variable of integration is the temporal path average {\bf x_0\equiv \beta ^{-1}\int_0^ \beta d\tau {\bf x}(\tau). We show how to generalize this concept to paths qμ(τ)q^\mu(\tau) in curved space with metric g_{\mu \nu (q), and calculate perturbatively the high-temperature expansion of V^{\rm eff cl(q_0). The requirement of independence under coordinate transformations qμ(τ)qμ(τ)q^\mu(\tau)\to q'^\mu(\tau) introduces subtleties in the definition and treatment of the path average q0μq_0^\mu, and covariance is achieved only with the help of a suitable Faddeev-Popov procedure.Comment: Author Information under http://www.physik.fu-berlin.de/~kleinert/institution.html . Latest update of paper (including all PS fonts) at http://www.physik.fu-berlin.de/~kleinert/33

    On the power counting of loop diagrams in general relativity

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    A class of loop diagrams in general relativity appears to have a behavior which would upset the utility of the energy expansion for quantum effects. We show through the study of specific diagrams that cancellations occur which restore the expected behaviour of the energy expansion. By considering the power counting in a physical gauge we show that the apparent bad behavior is a gauge artifact, and that the quantum loops enter with a well behaved energy expansion.Comment: 29 pages, uses axodraw and epsfig.tex, one small .eps file is included. The full PostScript version is also available as http://het.phast.umass.edu/students/kakukk/powercount_hepth.p

    Bi-partite entanglement entropy in massive two-dimensional quantum field theory

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    Recently, Cardy, Castro Alvaredo and the author obtained the first exponential correction to saturation of the bi-partite entanglement entropy at large region length, in massive two-dimensional integrable quantum field theory. It only depends on the particle content of the model, and not on the way particles scatter. Based on general analyticity arguments for form factors, we propose that this result is universal, and holds for any massive two-dimensional model (also out of integrability). We suggest a link of this result with counting pair creations far in the past.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures. v2: improved presentation of result and calculations, section "discussion" adjusted, references adjuste

    What is the Discrete Gauge Symmetry of the MSSM?

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    We systematically study the extension of the Supersymmetric Standard Model (SSM) by an anomaly-free discrete gauge symmetry Z_N. We extend the work of Ibanez and Ross with N=2,3 to arbitrary values of N. As new fundamental symmetries, we find four Z_6, nine Z_9 and nine Z_18. We then place three phenomenological demands upon the low-energy effective SSM: (i) the presence of the mu-term in the superpotential, (ii) baryon-number conservation upto dimension-five operators, and (iii) the presence of the see-saw neutrino mass term LHLH. We are then left with only two anomaly-free discrete gauge symmetries: baryon-triality, B_3, and a new Z_6, which we call proton-hexality, P_6. Unlike B_3, P_6 prohibits the dimension-four lepton-number violating operators. This we propose as the discrete gauge symmetry of the Minimal SSM, instead of R-parity.Comment: Typo in item 2 below Eq.(6.9) corrected (wrong factor of "3"); 27 pages, 5 table

    Adiabatic Modes in Cosmology

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    We show that the field equations for cosmological perturbations in Newtonian gauge always have an adiabatic solution, for which a quantity R{\cal R} is non-zero and constant in all eras in the limit of large wavelength, so that it can be used to connect observed cosmological fluctuations in this mode with those at very early times. There is also a second adiabatic mode, for which R{\cal R} vanishes for large wavelength, and in general there may be non-adiabatic modes as well. These conclusions apply in all eras and whatever the constituents of the universe, under only a mild technical assumption about the wavelength dependence of the field equations for large wave length. In the absence of anisotropic inertia, the perturbations in the adiabatic modes are given for large wavelength by universal formulas in terms of the Robertson--Walker scale factor. We discuss an apparent discrepancy between these results and what appears to be a conservation law in all modes found for large wavelength in synchronous gauge: it turns out that, although equivalent, synchronous and Newtonian gauges suggest inequivalent assumptions about the behavior of the perturbations for large wavelength.Comment: 24 pages, Latex, no special macro

    Chemisorption on a model bcc metal

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    The system considered here is that of a single atom with one energy level chemisorbed on the (001) surface of a model bcc metal. We present the change in the density of electronic states Δn (E) due to chemisorption for two cases: one when the adatom is bound to a single substrate atom in the "on‐site" configuration and the other when it is bound to four substrate atoms in the "centered fourfold site." In principle, this change in the density of states Δn can be related to the results of photoemission measurements

    Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen correlations in a hybrid system

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    We calculate the relativistic correlation function for a hybrid system of a photon and a Dirac-particle. Such a system can be produced in decay of another spin-1/2 fermion. We show, that the relativistic correlation function, which depends on particle momenta, may have local extrema for fermion velocity of order 0.5 c. This influences the degree of violation of CHSH inequality.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Tetrads in Geometrodynamics

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    A new tetrad is introduced within the framework of geometrodynamics for non-null electromagnetic fields. This tetrad diagonalizes the electromagnetic stress-energy tensor and allows for maximum simplification of the expression of the electromagnetic field. The Einstein-Maxwell equations will also be simplified

    Dressing the electromagnetic nucleon current

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    A field-theory-based approach to pion photoproduction off the nucleon is used to derive a microscopically consistent formulation of the fully dressed electromagnetic nucleon current in an effective Lagrangian formalism. It is shown how the rigorous implementation of local gauge invariance at all levels of the reaction dynamics provides equations that lend themselves to practically manageable truncations of the underlying nonlinearities of the problem. The requirement of consistency also suggests a novel way of treating the pion photoproduction problem. Guided by a phenomenological implementation of gauge invariance for the truncated equations that has proved successful for pion photoproduction, an expression for the fully dressed nucleon current is given that satisfies the Ward-Takahashi identity for a fully dressed nucleon propagator as a matter of course. Possible applications include meson photo- and electroproduction processes, bremsstrahlung, Compton scattering, and eeee' processes off nucleons.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure