41 research outputs found

    Differential roles of ArfGAP1, ArfGAP2, and ArfGAP3 in COPI trafficking

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    The formation of coat protein complex I (COPI)–coated vesicles is regulated by the small guanosine triphosphatase (GTPase) adenosine diphosphate ribosylation factor 1 (Arf1), which in its GTP-bound form recruits coatomer to the Golgi membrane. Arf GTPase-activating protein (GAP) catalyzed GTP hydrolysis in Arf1 triggers uncoating and is required for uptake of cargo molecules into vesicles. Three mammalian ArfGAPs are involved in COPI vesicle trafficking; however, their individual functions remain obscure. ArfGAP1 binds to membranes depending on their curvature. In this study, we show that ArfGAP2 and ArfGAP3 do not bind directly to membranes but are recruited via interactions with coatomer. In the presence of coatomer, ArfGAP2 and ArfGAP3 activities are comparable with or even higher than ArfGAP1 activity. Although previously speculated, our results now demonstrate a function for coatomer in ArfGAP-catalyzed GTP hydrolysis by Arf1. We suggest that ArfGAP2 and ArfGAP3 are coat protein–dependent ArfGAPs, whereas ArfGAP1 has a more general function

    Combined PARP and Dual Topoisomerase Inhibition Potentiates Genome Instability and Cell Death in Ovarian Cancer

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    Although ovarian cancer is a rare disease, it constitutes the fifth leading cause of cancer death among women. It is of major importance to develop new therapeutic strategies to improve survival. Combining P8-D6, a novel dual topoisomerase inhibitor with exceptional anti-tumoral properties in ovarian cancer and compounds in preclinical research, and olaparib, a PARP inhibitor targeting DNA damage repair, is a promising approach. P8-D6 induces DNA damage that can be repaired by base excision repair or homologous recombination in which PARP plays a major role. This study analyzed benefits of combining P8-D6 and olaparib treatment in 2D and 3D cultures with ovarian cancer cells. Measurement of viability, cytotoxicity and caspase activity were used to assess therapy efficacy and to calculate the combination index (CI). Further DNA damage was quantified using the biomarkers RAD51 and γH2A.X. The combinational treatment led to an increased caspase activity and reduced viability. CI values partially show synergisms in combinations at 100 nM and 500 nM P8-D6. More DNA damage accumulated, and spheroids lost their membrane integrity due to the combinational treatment. While maintaining the same therapy efficacy as single-drug therapy, doses of P8-D6 and olaparib can be reduced in combinational treatments. Synergisms can be seen in some tested combinations. In summary, the combination therapy indicates benefits and acts synergistic at 100 nM and 500 nM P8-D6

    ADAM17 Inhibition Increases the Impact of Cisplatin Treatment in Ovarian Cancer Spheroids

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    Chemotherapy resistance is a major challenge in ovarian cancer (OvCa). Thus, novel treatment combinations are highly warranted. However, many promising drug candidates tested in two-dimensional (2D) cell culture have not proved successful in the clinic. For this reason, we analyzed our drug combination not only in monolayers but also in three-dimensional (3D) tumor spheroids. One potential therapeutic target for OvCa is A disintegrin and metalloprotease 17 (ADAM17). ADAM17 can be activated by chemotherapeutics, which leads to enhanced tumor growth due to concomitant substrate cleavage. Therefore, blocking ADAM17 during chemotherapy may overcome resistance. Here, we tested the effect of the ADAM17 inhibitor GW280264X in combination with cisplatin on ovarian cancer cells in 2D and 3D. In 2D, the effect on five cell lines was analyzed with two readouts. Three of these cell lines formed dense aggregates or spheroids (HEY, SKOV-3, and OVCAR-8) in 3D and the treatment effect was analyzed with a multicontent readout (cytotoxicity, viability, and caspase3/7 activation). We tested the combined therapy on tumor spheroids derived from primary patient cells. In 2D, we found a significant reduction in the half minimal (50%) inhibitory concentration (IC50) value of the combined treatment (GW280264X plus cisplatin) in comparison with cisplatin monotherapy in all five cell lines with both 2D readout assays (viability and caspase activation). In contrast, the combined treatment only showed an IC50 reduction in HEY and OVCAR-8 3D tumor spheroid models using caspase3/7 activity or CelltoxTM Green as the readout. Finally, we found an improved effect of GW280264X with cisplatin in tumor spheroids derived from patient samples. In summary, we demonstrate that ADAM17 inhibition is a promising treatment strategy in ovarian cancer

    HP1-β is required for development of the cerebral neocortex and neuromuscular junctions

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    HP1 proteins are thought to be modulators of chromatin organization in all mammals, yet their exact physiological function remains unknown. In a first attempt to elucidate the function of these proteins in vivo, we disrupted the murine Cbx1 gene, which encodes the HP1-β isotype, and show that the Cbx1−/−-null mutation leads to perinatal lethality. The newborn mice succumbed to acute respiratory failure, whose likely cause is the defective development of neuromuscular junctions within the endplate of the diaphragm. We also observe aberrant cerebral cortex development in Cbx1−/− mutant brains, which have reduced proliferation of neuronal precursors, widespread cell death, and edema. In vitro cultures of neurospheres from Cbx1−/− mutant brains reveal a dramatic genomic instability. Our results demonstrate that HP1 proteins are not functionally redundant and that they are likely to regulate lineage-specific changes in heterochromatin organization

    Isolated trisomy 7q21.2-31.31 resulting from a complex familial rearrangement involving chromosomes 7, 9 and 10

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    Abstract Background Genotype-phenotype correlations for chromosomal imbalances are often limited by overlapping effects of partial trisomy and monosomy resulting from unbalanced translocations and by poor resolution of banding analysis for breakpoint designation. Here we report the clinical features of isolated partial trisomy 7q21.2 to 7q31.31 without overlapping phenotypic effects of partial monosomy in an 8 years old girl. The breakpoints of the unbalanced rearranged chromosome 7 could be defined precisely by array-CGH and a further imbalance could be excluded. The breakpoints of the balanced rearranged chromosomes 9 and 10 were identified by microdissection of fluorescence labelled derivative chromosomes 9 and 10. Results The proband's mother showed a complex balanced translocation t(9;10)(p13;q23) with insertion of 7q21.2-31.31 at the translocation breakpoint at 9p13. The daughter inherited the rearranged chromosomes 9 and 10 but the normal chromosome 7 from her mother, resulting in partial trisomy 7q21.2 to 7q31.31. The phenotype of the patient consisted of marked developmental retardation, facial dysmorphism, short stature, strabism, and hyperextensible metacarpophalangeal joints. Discussion For better understanding of genotype-phenotype correlation a new classification of 7q duplications which will be based on findings of molecular karyotyping is needed. Therefore, the description of well-defined patients is valuable. This case shows that FISH-microdissection is of great benefit for precise breakpoint designation in balanced rearrangements.</p