7 research outputs found

    Western Pacific international meeting and workshop on Toga Coare : proceedings

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    An important issue in understanding the low frequency evolution of the atmospheric circulation and the ocean-atmosphere system is the role of transients during individual events. We examine this question from an observational point-of-view for two different time scales and speculate on the importance of transients from these two different perspectives. Our analysis period covers September 1981 - April 1982 which includes the development phase of the 1982-83 El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) as well as six Madden-Julian (30-60 day) Oscillations (MJO). The latter include a strong event during december 1981 that is studied in detail. The self-similarity of these two time scales (Webster, 1989) is also highlighted. (Résumé d'auteur

    Sobre o sinal de um downscaling dinâmico às oscilações intrassazonais de precipitação no setor norte do Nordeste do Brasil On the intraseasonal sign of the rainfall over northern Northeast Brazil simulated by a dynamic downscaling

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    Oscilações intrassazonais são fatores controladores da variabilidade pluviométrica interanual de áreas tropicais. O conhecimento de como os modelos numéricos reproduzem suas variabilidades é importante para entender melhor suas atuações e subsidiar operações de previsão de tempo e clima. Neste artigo investiga-se a sensibilidade de um modelo de downscaling dinâmico de precipitação na reprodução das oscilações intrassazonais observadas no setor norte do Nordeste do Brasil (SNNEB - 45ºW-37ºW e 2ºS-12ºS) no período de 1974 a 2000. Os resultados mostraram que a precipitação simulada sobre o SNNEB explicou aproximadamente 70% da variabilidade da precipitação observada no trimestre fevereiro a abril nesta região. Estatísticas de médias, desvios normalizados e percentuais neste trimestre, nessa região, em anos de contrastes climáticos nos Oceanos Pacífico e Atlântico Tropicais, também foram bem capturadas pela precipitação simulada através do downscaling. Análises espectrais com uso de ondeletas mostraram que o downscaling dinâmico tem potencial para reproduzir picos espectrais de precipitação observada no SNNEB nas escalas acima de 8 dias, e nas escalas entre 64 e 128 dias para o período de 01 de janeiro a 30 de junho.<br>Intraseasonal oscillations are factors controlling the interannual variability of tropical rainfall. The knowledge of how numerical models reproduce its variability is important to better understand their roles and support operations of weather and climate. This paper investigates the sensitivity of a downscaling dynamic precipitation model in predicting the intraseasonal oscillations observed in the northern sector of Northeast Brazil (SNNEB - 45°W-37ºW and 2ºS-12°S) during the period from 1974 to 2000. The results showed that rainfall was simulated on SNNEB explained more than 70% of the variability of rainfall observed in the quarter February to April in this region. Statistical of averages, standard deviations and percent this quarter, in this region in years of climatic contrasts in the Oceans Pacific and Atlantic Tropical were also well captured by the precipitation simulated by downscaling. Spectral analysis with the use of wavelets showed that dynamic downscaling has the potential to reproduce observed spectral peaks of precipitation in SNNEB scales up to 8 days and the scales between 64 and 128 days for the period January 1 to June 30