30 research outputs found


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    Slow photoelectron velocity-map imaging spectroscopy of cryogenically-cooled anions (cryo-SEVI) is a powerful technique for elucidating the vibrational and electronic structure of exotic neutral species. SEVI is a high-resolution variant of anion photoelectron imaging that yields spectra with energy resolution as high as 1 \wn. The preparation of cold anions eliminates hot bands and narrows rotational envelopes, enabling the acquisition of well-resolved photoelectron spectra for complex and spectroscopically challenging species.1,2^{1,2} Recently, cryo-SEVI has been applied as a spectroscopic probe of transition state dynamics on neutral reactive surfaces, through photodetachment of a bound anion similar in geometry to the desired transition state. In the benchmark F + H2_{2} reaction, we probe the transition state region through detachment of FH2−_{2}^{-} and directly observe new reactive resonances. Comparison to new theory allows for the assignment of resonances associated with quasi-bound states of the transition state and products.3^{3} We also report spectra of the F + CH3_{3}OH hydrogen abstraction reaction through photodetachment of the CH3_{3}OHF−^{-} van der Waals cluster. We gain insight into the energetics and vibrational structure of transient complexes along the reaction coordinate of this complex polyatomic system.4^4 Finally, we report a new cryo-SEVI study of vinylidene (H2_2CC), a high energy isomer of acetylene, which is accessed directly through detachment of H2_2CC−^-. We find spectroscopic evidence that the isomerization of vinylidene to acetylene is highly state-specific, with excitation of the \nub{6} in-plane rocking mode resulting in appreciable tunneling-facilitated mixing with highly vibrationally excited states of acetylene.5^5 \vskip1ex \hrule \vskip1ex \noindent 1^1Hock \textit{et al.} \textit{JCP} \textbf{137}, 244201 (2012); 2^2Weichman \textit{et al.} \textit{PNAS} \textbf{113}, 1698 (2016); 3^3Kim \textit{et al.} \textit{Science} \textbf{349}, 510 (2015); 4^4Weichman \textit{et al.} \textit{Nat. Chem.} \textbf{9}, 950 (2017); 5^5DeVine \textit{et al.} \textit{Science} \textbf{358}, 336 (2017

    A versatile platform for gas-phase molecular polaritonics

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    Strong cavity coupling of gas-phase molecules will enable studies of benchmark chemical processes under strong light-matter interactions with a high level of experimental control and no solvent effects. We recently demonstrated the formation of gas-phase molecular polaritons by strongly coupling a bright rovibrational transition of methane to a Fabry-P\'erot optical cavity mode inside a cryogenic buffer gas cell. Here, we further explore the flexible capabilities of this infrastructure. We show that we can greatly increase the collective coupling strength of the molecular ensemble to the cavity by increasing the intracavity methane number density. In doing so, we access a multimode coupling regime in which many nested polaritonic states arise as the Rabi splitting approaches the cavity mode spacing. We explore polariton formation for cavity geometries of varying length, finesse, and mirror radius of curvature. We also report a proof-of-principle demonstration of rovibrational gas-phase polariton formation at room temperature. This experimental flexibility affords a great degree of control over the properties of molecular polaritons and opens up a wider range of simple molecular processes to future interrogation under strong cavity-coupling. We anticipate that ongoing work in gas-phase polaritonics will facilitate convergence between experimental results and theoretical models of cavity-altered chemistry and physics

    Rovibrational Polaritons in Gas-Phase Methane

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    Polaritonic states arise when a bright optical transition of a molecular ensemble is resonantly matched to an optical cavity mode frequency. Here, we lay the groundwork to study the behavior of polaritons in clean, isolated systems by establishing a new platform for vibrational strong coupling in gas-phase molecules. We access the strong coupling regime in an intracavity cryogenic buffer gas cell optimized for the preparation of simultaneously cold and dense ensembles, and report a proof-of-principle demonstration in gas-phase methane. We strongly cavity-couple individual rovibrational transitions and probe a range of coupling strengths and detunings. We reproduce our findings with classical cavity transmission simulations in the presence of strong intracavity absorbers. This infrastructure provides a new testbed for benchmark studies of cavity-altered chemistry

    Exploring the impact of vibrational cavity coupling strength on ultrafast CN + cc-C6_6H12_{12} reaction dynamics

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    Molecular polaritons, hybrid light-matter states resulting from strong cavity coupling of optical transitions, may provide a new route to guide chemical reactions. However, demonstrations of cavity-modified reactivity in clean benchmark systems are still needed to clarify the mechanisms and scope of polariton chemistry. Here, we use transient absorption to observe the ultrafast dynamics of CN radicals interacting with a cyclohexane (cc-C6_6H12_{12}) and chloroform (CHCl3_3) solvent mixture under vibrational strong coupling of the brightest C−-H stretching mode of cc-C6_6H12_{12}. By modulating the cc-C6_6H12_{12}:CHCl3_3 ratio, we explore how solvent complexation and hydrogen (H)-abstraction processes proceed under collective cavity coupling strengths ranging from 55−-85 cm−1^{-1}. Reaction rates remain unchanged for all extracavity, on resonance, and off-resonance cavity coupling conditions, regardless of coupling strength. These results suggest that insufficient vibrational cavity coupling strength may not be the determining factor for the negligible cavity effects observed previously in H-abstraction reactions of CN with CHCl3_3

    Ultrafast dynamics of CN radical reactions with chloroform solvent under vibrational strong coupling

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    Polariton chemistry may provide a new means to control molecular reactivity, permitting remote, reversible modification of reaction energetics, kinetics, and product yields. A considerable body of experimental and theoretical work has already demonstrated that strong coupling between a molecular vibrational mode and the confined electromagnetic field of an optical cavity can alter chemical reactivity without external illumination. However, the mechanisms underlying cavity-altered chemistry remain unclear in large part because the experimental systems examined previously are too complex for detailed analysis of their reaction dynamics. Here, we experimentally investigate photolysis-induced reactions of cyanide (CN) radicals with strongly-coupled chloroform (CHCl3_3) solvent molecules and examine the intracavity rates of photofragment recombination, solvent complexation, and hydrogen abstraction. We use a microfluidic optical cavity fitted with dichroic mirrors to facilitate vibrational strong coupling (VSC) of the C-H stretching mode of CHCl3_3 while simultaneously permitting optical access at visible wavelengths. Ultrafast transient absorption experiments performed with cavities tuned on- and off-resonance reveal that VSC of the CHCl3_3 C-H stretching transition does not significantly modify any measured rate constants, including those associated with the hydrogen abstraction reaction. This work represents, to the best of our knowledge, the first experimental study of an elementary bimolecular reaction under VSC. We discuss how the conspicuous absence of cavity-altered effects in this system may provide insights into the mechanisms of modified ground state reactivity under VSC and help bridge the divide between experimental results and theoretical predictions in vibrational polariton chemistry

    Kinetics of n-Butoxy and 2-Pentoxy Isomerization and Detection of Primary Products by Infrared Cavity Ringdown Spectroscopy

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    The primary products of n-butoxy and 2-pentoxy isomerization in the presence and absence of O_2 have been detected using pulsed laser photolysis-cavity ringdown spectroscopy (PLP-CRDS). Alkoxy radicals n-butoxy and 2-pentoxy were generated by photolysis of alkyl nitrite precursors (n-butyl nitrite or 2-pentyl nitrite, respectively), and the isomerization products with and without O_2 were detected by infrared cavity ringdown spectroscopy 20 μs after the photolysis. We report the mid-IR OH stretch (ν_1) absorption spectra for δ-HO-1-C_4H_8•, δ-HO-1-C_4H_8OO•, δ-HO-1-C_5H_(10)•, and δ-HO-1-C_5H_(10)OO•. The observed ν_1 bands are similar in position and shape to the related alcohols (n-butanol and 2-pentanol), although the HOROO• absorption is slightly stronger than the HOR• absorption. We determined the rate of isomerization relative to reaction with O_2 for the n-butoxy and 2-pentoxy radicals by measuring the relative ν_1 absorbance of HOROO• as a function of [O_2]. At 295 K and 670 Torr of N_2 or N_2/O_2, we found rate constant ratios of k_(isom)/k_(O2) = 1.7 (±0.1) × 10^(19) cm^(–3) for n-butoxy and k_(isom)/k_(O2) = 3.4(±0.4) × 10^(19) cm^(–3) for 2-pentoxy (2σ uncertainty). Using currently known rate constants k_(O2), we estimate isomerization rates of k_(isom) = 2.4 (±1.2) × 10^5 s^(–1) and k_(isom) ≈ 3 × 10^5 s^(–1) for n-butoxy and 2-pentoxy radicals, respectively, where the uncertainties are primarily due to uncertainties in k_(O2). Because isomerization is predicted to be in the high pressure limit at 670 Torr, these relative rates are expected to be the same at atmospheric pressure. Our results include corrections for prompt isomerization of hot nascent alkoxy radicals as well as reaction with background NO and unimolecular alkoxy decomposition. We estimate prompt isomerization yields under our conditions of 4 ± 2% and 5 ± 2% for n-butoxy and 2-pentoxy formed from photolysis of the alkyl nitrites at 351 nm. Our measured relative rate values are in good agreement with and more precise than previous end-product analysis studies conducted on the n-butoxy and 2-pentoxy systems. We show that reactions typically neglected in the analysis of alkoxy relative kinetics (decomposition, recombination with NO, and prompt isomerization) may need to be included to obtain accurate values of k_(isom)/k_(O2)

    Slow photoelectron velocity-map imaging spectroscopy of cold negative ions

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    Anion slow photoelectron velocity-map imaging (SEVI) spectroscopy is a high-resolution variant of photoelectron spectroscopy used to study the electronic and geometric structure of atoms, molecules, and clusters. To benefit from the high resolution of SEVI when it is applied to molecular species, it is essential to reduce the internal temperature of the ions as much as possible. Here, we describe an experimental setup that combines a radio-frequency ion trap to store and cool ions with the highresolution SEVI spectrometer. For C 5 -, we demonstrate ion temperatures down to 10 ± 2 K after extraction from the trap, as measured by the relative populations of the two anion spin-orbit states. Vibrational hot bands and sequence bands are completely suppressed, and peak widths as narrow as 4 cm −1 are seen due to cooling of the rotational degrees of freedom

    Collision-induced C_60 rovibrational relaxation probed by state-resolved nonlinear spectroscopy

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    Quantum state-resolved spectroscopy was recently achieved for C60 molecules when cooled by buffer gas collisions and probed with a midinfrared frequency comb. This rovibrational quantum state resolution for the largest molecule on record is facilitated by the remarkable symmetry and rigidity of C60, which also present new opportunities and challenges to explore energy transfer between quantum states in this many-atom system. Here we combine state-specific optical pumping, buffer gas collisions, and ultrasensitive intracavity nonlinear spectroscopy to initiate and probe the rotation-vibration energy transfer and relaxation. This approach provides the first detailed characterization of C60 collisional energy transfer for a variety of collision partners, and determines the rotational and vibrational inelastic collision cross sections. These results compare well with our theoretical modeling of the collisions, and establish a route towards quantum state control of a new class of unprecedentedly large molecules