554 research outputs found

    Universal corner contributions to entanglement negativity

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    It has been realised that corners in entangling surfaces can induce new universal contributions to the entanglement entropy and R\'enyi entropy. In this paper we study universal corner contributions to entanglement negativity in three- and four-dimensional CFTs using both field theory and holographic techniques. We focus on the quantity χ\chi defined by the ratio of the universal part of the entanglement negativity over that of the entanglement entropy, which may characterise the amount of distillable entanglement. We find that for most of the examples χ\chi takes bigger values for singular entangling regions, which may suggest increase in distillable entanglement. However, there also exist counterexamples where distillable entanglement decreases for singular surfaces. We also explore the behaviour of χ\chi as the coupling varies and observe that for singular entangling surfaces, the amount of distillable entanglement is mostly largest for free theories, while counterexample exists for free Dirac fermion in three dimensions. For holographic CFTs described by higher derivative gravity, χ\chi may increase or decrease, depending on the sign of the relevant parameters. Our results may reveal a more profound connection between geometry and distillable entanglement.Comment: 28 pages, 5 figure

    Extracting energy via magnetic reconnection from Kerr-de Sitter black holes

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    It has been recently shown that magnetic reconnection can provide us a novel mechanism to extract black hole rotational energy from a Kerr black holes. In some certain values of parameters, such mechanism is found to be more efficient than the Blandford-Znajek mechanism. In this paper, we study the energy extraction from the Kerr-de Sitter black hole via this magnetic reconnection process. With the increase of the cosmological constant, a slowly spinning Kerr-de Sitter black hole can implement the energy extraction than its Kerr counterpart. Of particular interest is that although the numerical calculation shows that the maximum values of the power and efficiency decrease with the cosmological constant, Kerr-de Sitter black hole still has advantages when the black hole spin a/M>1a/M>1 and the dominant reconnection XX-point is far away from the event horizon. These results uncover the significant effects of cosmological constant on the energy extraction via the magnetic reconnection process.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figure

    A Hybrid Quantum Encoding Algorithm of Vector Quantization for Image Compression

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    Many classical encoding algorithms of Vector Quantization (VQ) of image compression that can obtain global optimal solution have computational complexity O(N). A pure quantum VQ encoding algorithm with probability of success near 100% has been proposed, that performs operations 45sqrt(N) times approximately. In this paper, a hybrid quantum VQ encoding algorithm between classical method and quantum algorithm is presented. The number of its operations is less than sqrt(N) for most images, and it is more efficient than the pure quantum algorithm. Key Words: Vector Quantization, Grover's Algorithm, Image Compression, Quantum AlgorithmComment: Modify on June 21. 10pages, 3 figure

    Fabrication of multianalyte CeO2 nanograin electrolyte–insulator–semiconductor biosensors by using CF4 plasma treatment

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    Multianalyte CeO2 biosensors have been demonstrated to detect pH, glucose, and urine concentrations. To enhance the multianalyte sensing capability of these biosensors, CF4 plasma treatment was applied to create nanograin structures on the CeO2 membrane surface and thereby increase the contact surface area. Multiple material analyses indicated that crystallization or grainization caused by the incorporation of flourine atoms during plasma treatment might be related to the formation of the nanograins. Because of the changes in surface morphology and crystalline structures, the multianalyte sensing performance was considerably enhanced. Multianalyte CeO2 nanograin electrolyte–insulator–semiconductor biosensors exhibit potential for use in future biomedical sensing device applications

    CoSDA: Continual Source-Free Domain Adaptation

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    Without access to the source data, source-free domain adaptation (SFDA) transfers knowledge from a source-domain trained model to target domains. Recently, SFDA has gained popularity due to the need to protect the data privacy of the source domain, but it suffers from catastrophic forgetting on the source domain due to the lack of data. To systematically investigate the mechanism of catastrophic forgetting, we first reimplement previous SFDA approaches within a unified framework and evaluate them on four benchmarks. We observe that there is a trade-off between adaptation gain and forgetting loss, which motivates us to design a consistency regularization to mitigate forgetting. In particular, we propose a continual source-free domain adaptation approach named CoSDA, which employs a dual-speed optimized teacher-student model pair and is equipped with consistency learning capability. Our experiments demonstrate that CoSDA outperforms state-of-the-art approaches in continuous adaptation. Notably, our CoSDA can also be integrated with other SFDA methods to alleviate forgetting.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure
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