688 research outputs found

    Iterated two-phase local search for the Set-Union Knapsack Problem

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    Many practical decision-making problems involve selecting a subset of objects from a set of candidate objects such that the selected objects optimize a given objective while satisfying some constraints. Knapsack problems such as the Set-union Knapsack Problem (SUKP) are general models that allow such decision-making problems to be conveniently formulated. Given a set of weighted elements and a set of items with profits where each item is composed of a subset of elements, the SUKP aims to pack a subset of items in a capacity-constrained knapsack in a way that the total profit of the selected items is maximized while their weights do not exceed the knapsack capacity. In this work, we present an effective iterated two-phase local search algorithm for this NP-hard problem. The proposed algorithm iterates through two complementary search phases: a local optima exploration phase to discover local optimal solutions, and a local optima escaping phase to drive the search to unexplored regions. We show the competitiveness of the algorithm compared to the state-of-the-art methods in the literature. Specifically, the algorithm discovers 18 improved best results (new lower bounds) for the 30 benchmark instances and matches the best-known results for the 12 remaining instances. We also report the first computational results with the general CPLEX solver, including 6 proven optimal solutions. Finally, we investigate the impacts of the key ingredients of the algorithm on its performance

    Resonant scattering on impurities in the Quantum Hall Effect

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    We develop a new approach to carrier transport between the edge states via resonant scattering on impurities, which is applicable both for short and long range impurities. A detailed analysis of resonant scattering on a single impurity is performed. The results are used for study of the inter-edge transport by multiple resonant hopping via different impurities' sites. It is shown that the total conductance can be found from an effective Schroedinger equation with constant diagonal matrix elements in the Hamiltonian, where the complex non-diagonal matrix elements are the amplitudes of a carrier hopping between different impurities. It is explicitly demonstrated how the complex phase leads to Aharonov-Bohm oscillations in the total conductance. Neglecting the contribution of self-crossing resonant-percolation trajectories, one finds that the inter-edge carrier transport is similar to propagation in one-dimensional system with off-diagonal disorder. We demonstrated that each Landau band has an extended state EˉN\bar E_N, while all other states are localized. The localization length behaves as LN1(E)(EEˉN)2L_N^{-1}(E)\sim (E-\bar E_N)^2.Comment: RevTex 41 pages; 3 Postscript figure on request; Final version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. B. A new section added contained a comparison with other method

    Universal flow diagram for the magnetoconductance in disordered GaAs layers

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    The temperature driven flow lines of the diagonal and Hall magnetoconductance data (G_{xx},G_{xy}) are studied in heavily Si-doped, disordered GaAs layers with different thicknesses. The flow lines are quantitatively well described by a recent universal scaling theory developed for the case of duality symmetry. The separatrix G_{xy}=1 (in units e^2/h) separates an insulating state from a spin-degenerate quantum Hall effect (QHE) state. The merging into the insulator or the QHE state at low temperatures happens along a semicircle separatrix G_{xx}^2+(G_{xy}-1)^2=1 which is divided by an unstable fixed point at (G_{xx},G_{xy})=(1,1).Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Geometric measure of entanglement and applications to bipartite and multipartite quantum states

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    The degree to which a pure quantum state is entangled can be characterized by the distance or angle to the nearest unentangled state. This geometric measure of entanglement, already present in a number of settings (see Shimony 1995 and Barnum and Linden 2001), is explored for bipartite and multipartite pure and mixed states. The measure is determined analytically for arbitrary two-qubit mixed states and for generalized Werner and isotropic states, and is also applied to certain multipartite mixed states. In particular, a detailed analysis is given for arbitrary mixtures of three-qubit GHZ, W and inverted-W states. Along the way, we point out connections of the geometric measure of entanglement with entanglement witnesses and with the Hartree approximation method.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, this is a combination of three previous manuscripts (quant-ph/0212030, quant-ph/0303079, and quant-ph/0303158) made more extensive and coherent. To appear in PR

    Electron Localization in a 2D System with Random Magnetic Flux

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    Using a finite-size scaling method, we calculate the localization properties of a disordered two-dimensional electron system in the presence of a random magnetic field. Below a critical energy EcE_c all states are localized and the localization length ξ\xi diverges when the Fermi energy approaches the critical energy, {\it i.e.} ξ(E)EEcν\xi(E)\propto |E-E_c|^{-\nu}. We find that EcE_c shifts with the strength of the disorder and the amplitude of the random magnetic field while the critical exponent (ν4.8\nu\approx 4.8) remains unchanged indicating universality in this system. Implications on the experiment in half-filling fractional quantum Hall system are also discussed.Comment: 4 pages, RevTex 3.0, 5 figures(PS files available upon request), #phd1

    Mott Transition in An Anyon Gas

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    We introduce and analyze a lattice model of anyons in a periodic potential and an external magnetic field which exhibits a transition from a Mott insulator to a quantum Hall fluid. The transition is characterized by the anyon statistics, α\alpha, which can vary between Fermions, α=0\alpha=0, and Bosons, α=1\alpha=1. For bosons the transition is in the universality class of the classical three-dimensional XY model. Near the Fermion limit, the transition is described by a massless 2+12+1 Dirac theory coupled to a Chern-Simons gauge field. Analytic calculations perturbative in α\alpha, and also a large N-expansion, show that due to gauge fluctuations, the critical properties of the transition are dependent on the anyon statistics. Comparison with previous calcualations at and near the Boson limit, strongly suggest that our lattice model exhibits a fixed line of critical points, with universal critical properties which vary continuosly and monotonically as one passes from Fermions to Bosons. Possible relevance to experiments on the transitions between plateaus in the fractional quantum Hall effect and the magnetic field-tuned superconductor-insulator transition are briefly discussed.Comment: text and figures in Latex, 41 pages, UBCTP-92-28, CTP\#215

    Integer quantum Hall effect for hard-core bosons and a failure of bosonic Chern-Simons mean-field theories for electrons at half-filled Landau level

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    Field-theoretical methods have been shown to be useful in constructing simple effective theories for two-dimensional (2D) systems. These effective theories are usually studied by perturbing around a mean-field approximation, so the question whether such an approximation is meaningful arises immediately. We here study 2D interacting electrons in a half-filled Landau level mapped onto interacting hard-core bosons in a magnetic field. We argue that an interacting hard-core boson system in a uniform external field such that there is one flux quantum per particle (unit filling) exhibits an integer quantum Hall effect. As a consequence, the mean-field approximation for mapping electrons at half-filling to a boson system at integer filling fails.Comment: 13 pages latex with revtex. To be published in Phys. Rev.

    Geometric Entanglement of Symmetric States and the Majorana Representation

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    Permutation-symmetric quantum states appear in a variety of physical situations, and they have been proposed for quantum information tasks. This article builds upon the results of [New J. Phys. 12, 073025 (2010)], where the maximally entangled symmetric states of up to twelve qubits were explored, and their amount of geometric entanglement determined by numeric and analytic means. For this the Majorana representation, a generalization of the Bloch sphere representation, can be employed to represent symmetric n qubit states by n points on the surface of a unit sphere. Symmetries of this point distribution simplify the determination of the entanglement, and enable the study of quantum states in novel ways. Here it is shown that the duality relationship of Platonic solids has a counterpart in the Majorana representation, and that in general maximally entangled symmetric states neither correspond to anticoherent spin states nor to spherical designs. The usability of symmetric states as resources for measurement-based quantum computing is also discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures; submitted to Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS

    Thermodynamics of an Anyon System

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    We examine the thermal behavior of a relativistic anyon system, dynamically realized by coupling a charged massive spin-1 field to a Chern-Simons gauge field. We calculate the free energy (to the next leading order), from which all thermodynamic quantities can be determined. As examples, the dependence of particle density on the anyon statistics and the anyon anti-anyon interference in the ideal gas are exhibited. We also calculate two and three-point correlation functions, and uncover certain physical features of the system in thermal equilibrium.Comment: 18 pages; in latex; to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Electrochemical capacitance of a leaky nano-capacitor

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    We report a detailed theoretical investigation on electrochemical capacitance of a nanoscale capacitor where there is a DC coupling between the two conductors. For this ``leaky'' quantum capacitor, we have derived general analytic expressions of the linear and second order nonlinear electrochemical capacitance within a first principles quantum theory in the discrete potential approximation. Linear and nonlinear capacitance coefficients are also derived in a self-consistent manner without the latter approximation and the self-consistent analysis is suitable for numerical calculations. At linear order, the full quantum formula improves the semiclassical analysis in the tunneling regime. At nonlinear order which has not been studied before for leaky capacitors, the nonlinear capacitance and nonlinear nonequilibrium charge show interesting behavior. Our theory allows the investigation of crossover of capacitance from a full quantum to classical regimes as the distance between the two conductors is changed