399 research outputs found

    Multi-Perspective Relevance Matching with Hierarchical ConvNets for Social Media Search

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    Despite substantial interest in applications of neural networks to information retrieval, neural ranking models have only been applied to standard ad hoc retrieval tasks over web pages and newswire documents. This paper proposes MP-HCNN (Multi-Perspective Hierarchical Convolutional Neural Network) a novel neural ranking model specifically designed for ranking short social media posts. We identify document length, informal language, and heterogeneous relevance signals as features that distinguish documents in our domain, and present a model specifically designed with these characteristics in mind. Our model uses hierarchical convolutional layers to learn latent semantic soft-match relevance signals at the character, word, and phrase levels. A pooling-based similarity measurement layer integrates evidence from multiple types of matches between the query, the social media post, as well as URLs contained in the post. Extensive experiments using Twitter data from the TREC Microblog Tracks 2011--2014 show that our model significantly outperforms prior feature-based as well and existing neural ranking models. To our best knowledge, this paper presents the first substantial work tackling search over social media posts using neural ranking models.Comment: AAAI 2019, 10 page

    Polylogarithmic Approximation Algorithm for k-Connected Directed Steiner Tree on Quasi-Bipartite Graphs

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    In the k-Connected Directed Steiner Tree problem (k-DST), we are given a directed graph G = (V,E) with edge (or vertex) costs, a root vertex r, a set of q terminals T, and a connectivity requirement k > 0; the goal is to find a minimum-cost subgraph H of G such that H has k edge-disjoint paths from the root r to each terminal in T. The k-DST problem is a natural generalization of the classical Directed Steiner Tree problem (DST) in the fault-tolerant setting in which the solution subgraph is required to have an r,t-path, for every terminal t, even after removing k-1 vertices or edges. Despite being a classical problem, there are not many positive results on the problem, especially for the case k ? 3. In this paper, we present an O(log k log q)-approximation algorithm for k-DST when an input graph is quasi-bipartite, i.e., when there is no edge joining two non-terminal vertices. To the best of our knowledge, our algorithm is the only known non-trivial approximation algorithm for k-DST, for k ? 3, that runs in polynomial-time Our algorithm is tight for every constant k, due to the hardness result inherited from the Set Cover problem

    SSLRec: A Self-Supervised Learning Framework for Recommendation

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    Self-supervised learning (SSL) has gained significant interest in recent years as a solution to address the challenges posed by sparse and noisy data in recommender systems. Despite the growing number of SSL algorithms designed to provide state-of-the-art performance in various recommendation scenarios (e.g., graph collaborative filtering, sequential recommendation, social recommendation, KG-enhanced recommendation), there is still a lack of unified frameworks that integrate recommendation algorithms across different domains. Such a framework could serve as the cornerstone for self-supervised recommendation algorithms, unifying the validation of existing methods and driving the design of new ones. To address this gap, we introduce SSLRec, a novel benchmark platform that provides a standardized, flexible, and comprehensive framework for evaluating various SSL-enhanced recommenders. The SSLRec framework features a modular architecture that allows users to easily evaluate state-of-the-art models and a complete set of data augmentation and self-supervised toolkits to help create SSL recommendation models with specific needs. Furthermore, SSLRec simplifies the process of training and evaluating different recommendation models with consistent and fair settings. Our SSLRec platform covers a comprehensive set of state-of-the-art SSL-enhanced recommendation models across different scenarios, enabling researchers to evaluate these cutting-edge models and drive further innovation in the field. Our implemented SSLRec framework is available at the source code repository https://github.com/HKUDS/SSLRec.Comment: Published as a WSDM'24 full paper (oral presentation

    Optimal Power Flow in Hybrid AC and Multi-terminal HVDC Networks with Offshore Wind Farm Integration Based on Semidefinite Programming

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    Multi-terminal high voltage direct current (MTHVDC) technology is a promising technology for the offshore wind farm integration, which requires the new control and operation scheme. Therefore, the optimal power flow problem for this system is important to achieve the optimal economic operation. In this paper, convex relaxation model based on semidefinite programming for the MT-HVDC system considering DC/DC converters is proposed to solve the optimal power flow problem. A hybrid AC and MT-HVDC system for offshore wind farm integration is used for the test. The simulation results validate the effectiveness of the proposed model and guarantee that the global optimum solution is achieved.Comment: Accepted in IEEE/PES ISGT Asia 2019 conference (May, 2019), Chengdu, Chin
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