497 research outputs found

    Spatial variations in the spectral index of polarized synchrotron emission in the 9 yr WMAP sky maps

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    We estimate the spectral index, beta, of polarized synchrotron emission as observed in the 9 yr WMAP sky maps using two methods, linear regression ("T-T plot") and maximum likelihood. We partition the sky into 24 disjoint sky regions, and evaluate the spectral index for all polarization angles between 0 deg and 85 deg in steps of 5. Averaging over polarization angles, we derive a mean spectral index of beta_all-sky=-2.99+-0.01 in the frequency range of 23-33 GHz. We find that the synchrotron spectral index steepens by 0.14 from low to high Galactic latitudes, in agreement with previous studies, with mean spectral indices of beta_plane=-2.98+-0.01 and beta_high-lat=-3.12+-0.04. In addition, we find a significant longitudinal variation along the Galactic plane with a steeper spectral index toward the Galactic center and anticenter than toward the Galactic spiral arms. This can be well modeled by an offset sinusoidal, beta(l)=-2.85+0.17sin(2l-90). Finally, we study synchrotron emission in the BICEP2 field, in an attempt to understand whether the claimed detection of large-scale B-mode polarization could be explained in terms of synchrotron contamination. Adopting a spectral index of beta=-3.12, typical for high Galactic latitudes, we find that the most likely bias corresponds to about 2% of the reported signal (r=0.003). The flattest index allowed by the data in this region is beta=-2.5, and under the assumption of a straight power-law frequency spectrum, we find that synchrotron emission can account for at most 20% of the reported BICEP2 signal.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, updated to match version published in Ap

    Are There Echoes From The Pre-Big Bang Universe? A Search for Low Variance Circles in the CMB Sky

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    The existence of concentric low variance circles in the CMB sky, generated by black-hole encounters in an aeon preceding our big bang, is a prediction of the Conformal Cyclic Cosmology. Detection of three families of such circles in WMAP data was recently reported by Gurzadyan & Penrose (2010). We reassess the statistical significance of those circles by comparing with Monte Carlo simulations of the CMB sky with realistic modeling of the anisotropic noise in WMAP data. We find that the circles are not anomalous and that all three groups are consistent at 3sigma level with a Gaussian CMB sky as predicted by inflationary cosmology model

    Bayesian analysis of an anisotropic universe model: systematics and polarization

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    We revisit the anisotropic universe model previously developed by Ackerman, Carroll and Wise (ACW), and generalize both the theoretical and computational framework to include polarization and various forms of systematic effects. We apply our new tools to simulated WMAP data in order to understand the potential impact of asymmetric beams, noise mis-estimation and potential Zodiacal light emission. We find that neither has any significant impact on the results. We next show that the previously reported ACW signal is also present in the 1-year WMAP temperature sky map presented by Liu & Li, where data cuts are more aggressive. Finally, we reanalyze the 5-year WMAP data taking into account a previously neglected (-i)^{l-l'}-term in the signal covariance matrix. We still find a strong detection of a preferred direction in the temperature map. Including multipoles up to l=400, the anisotropy amplitude for the W-band is found to be g = 0.29 +- 0.031, nonzero at 9 sigma. However, the corresponding preferred direction is also shifted very close to the ecliptic poles at (l,b)= (96,30), in agreement with the analysis of Hanson & Lewis, indicating that the signal is aligned along the plane of the solar system. This strongly suggests that the signal is not of cosmological origin, but most likely is a product of an unknown systematic effect. Determining the nature of the systematic effect is of vital importance, as it might affect other cosmological conclusions from the WMAP experiment. Finally, we provide a forecast for the Planck experiment including polarization.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Sensitivity and foreground modelling for large-scale CMB B-mode polarization satellite missions

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    The measurement of the large-scale B-mode polarization in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) is a fundamental goal of future CMB experiments. However, because of unprecedented sensitivity, future CMB experiments will be much more sensitive to any imperfect modelling of the Galactic foreground polarization in the reconstruction of the primordial B-mode signal. We compare the sensitivity to B-modes of different concepts of CMB satellite missions (LiteBIRD, COrE, COrE+, PRISM, EPIC, PIXIE) in the presence of Galactic foregrounds. In particular, we quantify the impact on the tensor-to-scalar parameter of incorrect foreground modelling in the component separation process. Using Bayesian fitting and Gibbs sampling, we perform the separation of the CMB and Galactic foreground B-modes. The recovered CMB B-mode power spectrum is used to compute the likelihood distribution of the tensor-to-scalar ratio. We focus the analysis to the very large angular scales that can be probed only by CMB space missions, i.e. the Reionization bump, where primordial B-modes dominate over spurious B-modes induced by gravitational lensing. We find that fitting a single modified blackbody component for thermal dust where the "real" sky consists of two dust components strongly bias the estimation of the tensor-to-scalar ratio by more than 5{\sigma} for the most sensitive experiments. Neglecting in the parametric model the curvature of the synchrotron spectral index may bias the estimated tensor-to-scalar ratio by more than 1{\sigma}. For sensitive CMB experiments, omitting in the foreground modelling a 1% polarized spinning dust component may induce a non-negligible bias in the estimated tensor-to-scalar ratio.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures, 6 tables. Updated to match version accepted by MNRA

    Cosmological Parameters from CMB Maps without Likelihood Approximation

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    We propose an efficient Bayesian MCMC algorithm for estimating cosmological parameters from CMB data without use of likelihood approximations. It builds on a previously developed Gibbs sampling framework that allows for exploration of the joint CMB sky signal and power spectrum posterior, P(s,Cl|d), and addresses a long-standing problem of efficient parameter estimation simultaneously in high and low signal-to-noise regimes. To achieve this, our new algorithm introduces a joint Markov Chain move in which both the signal map and power spectrum are synchronously modified, by rescaling the map according to the proposed power spectrum before evaluating the Metropolis-Hastings accept probability. Such a move was already introduced by Jewell et al. (2009), who used it to explore low signal-to-noise posteriors. However, they also found that the same algorithm is inefficient in the high signal-to-noise regime, since a brute-force rescaling operation does not account for phase information. This problem is mitigated in the new algorithm by subtracting the Wiener filter mean field from the proposed map prior to rescaling, leaving high signal-to-noise information invariant in the joint step, and effectively only rescaling the low signal-to-noise component. To explore the full posterior, the new joint move is then interleaved with a standard conditional Gibbs sky map move. We apply our new algorithm to simplified simulations for which we can evaluate the exact posterior to study both its accuracy and performance, and find good agreement with the exact posterior; marginal means agree to less than 0.006 sigma, and standard deviations to better than 3%. The Markov Chain correlation length is of the same order of magnitude as those obtained by other standard samplers in the field.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, Published in Ap
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