24 research outputs found

    Knuth-Bendix Completion with Modern Termination Checking, Master\u27s Thesis, August 2006

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    Knuth-Bendix completion is a technique for equational automated theorem proving based on term rewriting. This classic procedure is parametrized by an equational theory and a (well-founded) reduction order used at runtime to ensure termination of intermediate rewriting systems. Any reduction order can be used in principle, but modern completion tools typically implement only a few classes of such orders (e.g., recursive path orders and polynomial orders). Consequently, the theories for which completion can possibly succeed are limited to those compatible with an instance of an implemented class of orders. Finding and specifying a compatible order, even among a small number of classes, is challenging in practice and crucial to the success of the method. In this thesis, a new variant on the Knuth-Bendix completion procedure is developed in which no order is provided by the user. Modern termination-checking methods are instead used to verify termination of rewriting systems. We prove the new method correct and also present an implementation called Slothrop which obtains solutions for theories that do not admit typical orders and that have not previously been solved by a fully automatic tool

    Extending Byzantine Fault Tolerance to Replicated Clients

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    Byzantine agreement protocols for replicated deterministic state machines guarantee that externally requested operations continue to execute correctly even if a bounded number of replicas fail in arbitrary ways. The state machines are passive, with clients responsible for any active ongoing application behavior. However, the clients are unreplicated and outside the fault-tolerance boundary. Consequently, agreement protocols for replicated state machines do not guarantee continued correct execution of long-running client applications. Building on the Castro and Liskov Byzantine Fault Tolerance protocol for unreplicated clients (CLBFT), we present a practical algorithm for Byzantine fault-tolerant execution of long-running distributed applications in which replicated deterministic clients invoke operations on replicated deterministic servers. The algorithm scales well to large replica groups, with roughly double the latency and message count when compared to CLBFT, which supports only unreplicated clients. The algorithm supports both synchronous and asynchronous clients, provides fault isolation between client and server groups with respect to both correctness and performance, and uses a novel architecture that accommodates externally requested software upgrades for long-running evolvable client applications

    Concurrent Kleene Algebra and its foundations

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    A Concurrent Kleene Algebra offers two composition operators, related by a weak version of an exchange law: when applied in a trace model of program semantics, one of them that stands for sequential execution and the other for concurrent execution of program components. After introducing this motivating concrete application, we investigate its abstract background in terms of a primitive independence relation between the traces. On this basis, we develop a series of richter algebras: the richest validates a proof calculus for programs similar to that of a Jones style rely/guarantee calculus. On the basis of this abstract algebra, we finally reconstruct the original trace model, using the notion of atoms from lattice theory

    Mining Propositional Simplification Proofs for Small Validating Clauses

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    The problem of obtaining small conflict clauses in SMT systems has received a great deal of attention recently. We report work in progress to find small subsets of the current partial assignment that imply the goal formula when it has been propositionally simplified to a boolean value. The approach used is algebraic proof mining. Proofs from a propositional reasoner that the goal is equivalent to a boolean value (in the current assignment) are viewed as first-order terms. An equational theory between proofs is then defined, which is sound with respect to the quasiorder “proves a more general set theorems. ” The theory is completed to obtain a convergent rewrite system that puts proofs into a canonical form. While our canonical form does not use the smallest subset of the current assignment, it does drop many unnecessary parts of the proof. The paper concludes with discussion of the complexity of the problem and effectiveness of the approach. Key words: SAT, SMT, algebraic proof mining, term rewriting.

    Abstract A Language-based Approach to Functionally Correct Imperative Programming

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    In this paper a language-based approach to functionally correct imperative programming is proposed. The approach is based on a programming language called RSP1, which combines dependent types, general recursion, and imperative features in a type-safe way, while preserving decidability of type checking. The methodology used is that of internal verification, where programs manipulate programmer-supplied proofs explicitly as data. The fundamental technical idea of RSP1 is to identify problematic operations as impure, and keep them out of dependent types. The resulting language is powerful enough to verify statically non-trivial properties of imperative and functional programs. The paper presents the ideas through the examples of statically verified merge sort, statically verified imperative binary search trees, and statically verified directed acyclic graphs

    Graphical models of separation logic

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