741 research outputs found

    The Effect of Student-Directed Transition Planning With a Computer-Based Reading Support Program on the Self-Determination of Students With Disabilities

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of student-directed transition planning instruction (Whose Future Is It Anyway? curriculum) with a computer-based reading support program (Rocket Reader) on the self-determination, self-efficacy and outcome expectancy, and transition planning knowledge of students with disabilities. This study employed a pre- and postmeasure design with 168 middle school students with disabilities who were assigned to an experimental group (n = 86) and control group (n = 82). The results of the study demonstrated that self-determination, self-efficacy, and outcome expectancy for education planning improved through the application of Rocket Reader . Avenues are discussed for promoting middle school students’ self-determination in their transition planning, as are implications for future research.Yeshttps://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/manuscript-submission-guideline

    A Randomized-Trial Evaluation of the Effect of Whose Future Is It Anyway? on Self-Determination

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    Promoting student involvement in planning has become best practice in the field of transition. Research documents the positive impact of such efforts on greater student involvement. Research also suggests that promoting student involvement results in greater student self-determination, but a causal link has not been established. This study used a randomized- trial, placebo control group design to study the impact of intervention with the Whose Future Is It Anyway? process on self-determination. The authors also examined the impact of intervention on transition knowledge and skills. Results indicated that instruction using the Whose Future Is It Anyway? process resulted in significant, positive differences in self- determination when compared with a placebo-control group and that students who received instruction gained transition knowledge and skills.Yeshttps://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/manuscript-submission-guideline

    Independent Living Management

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    This is the published version. Copyright 2004 IOS Press.There is no abstract for this item

    Enhancing staff attitudes, knowledge and skills in supporting the self-determination of adults with intellectual disability in residential settings in Hong Kong: A pretest-posttest comparison group design

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    Background: The ecological perspective recognizes the critical role that is played by rehabilitation personnel in helping people with intellectual disability (ID) to exercise self-determination, particularly in residential settings. In Hong Kong, the authors developed the first staff training programme of its kind to strengthen the competence of personnel in this area. The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of staff training in enhancing residential staff's attitudes, knowledge and facilitation skills in assisting residents with ID to exercise self-determination. Methods: A pretest-posttest comparison group design was adopted. Thirty-two participants in an experimental group attended a six-session staff training programme. A 34-item self-constructed scale was designed and used for measuring the effectiveness of the staff training. Results: The results showed that the experimental group achieved statistically significant positive changes in all domains, whereas no significant changes were found in the comparison group. Conclusions: The findings provided initial evidence of the effectiveness of staff training that uses an interactional attitude-knowledge-skills model for Chinese rehabilitation personnel. The factors that contributed to its effectiveness were discussed and recommendations for future research were made. © Journal Compilation © 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.postprin

    Effect of Intervention With the Self-Determined Learning Model of Instruction on Access and Goal Attainment

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    Promoting self-determination has been identified as best practice in special education and transition services and as a means to promote goal attainment and access to the general education curriculum for students with disabilities. There have been, however, limited evaluations of the effects of interventions to promote self-determination on outcomes related to access to the general education curriculum. This article reports findings from a cluster or group-randomized trial control group study examining the impact of intervention using the Self-Determined Learning Model of Instruction on students’ academic and transition goal attainment and on access to the general education curriculum for students with intellectual disability and learning disabilities. Findings support the efficacy of the model for both goal attainment and access to the general education curriculum, though students varied in the patterns of goal attainment as a function of type of disability.Yeshttps://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/manuscript-submission-guideline

    Establishing a Causal Relationship Between Intervention to Promote Self-Determination and Enhanced Student Self-Determination

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    Promoting the self-determination of adolescents with disabilities has become best practice in secondary education and transition services, but to date there have been no studies establishing a causal relationship between efforts to promote self-determination and enhancement of the self-determination of youth with disabilities. This article reports a randomized trial placebo control group study of 371 high school students receiving special education services under the categorical areas of mental retardation or learning disabilities. Students were randomly assigned to an intervention or control group (by high school campus), with students in the intervention condition receiving multiple instructional components to promote self-determination. Latent growth curve analysis showed that although all students in the study showed improved self-determination over the 3 years of the study, students in the intervention group showed significantly greater growth, though specific intraindividual variables affected this growth. Implications for research and intervention are discussed.Yeshttps://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/manuscript-submission-guideline

    Examining Individual and Instruction-Related Predictors of the Self-Determination of Students With Disabilities: Multiple Regression Analyses

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    Youngsun Lee, PhD, is an assistant professor of special education in department of education, Inha University, Korea. Her current research interests include self-determination, transition planning, and technology use for secondary students with disabilities.Yeshttps://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/manuscript-submission-guideline

    Venous thromboembolism risk assessment and prophylaxis in hospitalised medical patients in the Cape Town metropole, South Africa

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    Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is regarded as the most preventable cause of inpatient death in hospital settings globally. VTE can be prevented through the provision of non-pharmacological and/or pharmacological thromboprophylaxis following individualised risk screening. The Caprini risk assessment model (RAM) offers a validated and well-established approach for VTE risk assessment in medical inpatients. Literature findings describe a trend towards inappropriate and under-prescribing of thromboprophylaxis in this population. Together with concerns regarding clinicians’ perceived importance of VTE risk assessment, the need to clarify these aspects of practice is evident. To describe VTE risk assessment and prophylaxis practices of medical practitioners in public sector hospitals in Western Cape Province, South Africa (SA)

    Protein-peptide association kinetics beyond the seconds timescale from atomistic simulations

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    Understanding and control of structures and rates involved in protein-ligand binding are es- sential for drug design. Unfortunately, atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulations cannot di- rectly sample the excessively long residence and rearrangement times of tightly binding complexes. Here we exploit the recently developed multi-ensemble Markov model framework to compute full protein-peptide kinetics of the oncoprotein fragment 25−109Mdm2 and the nano-molar inhibitor peptide PMI. Using this system, we report, for the first time, direct estimates of kinetics beyond the seconds timescales using simulations of an all-atom MD model, with high accuracy and pre- cision. These results only require explicit simulations on the sub-milliseconds timescale and are tested against existing mutagenesis data and our own experimental measurements of the dissoci- ation and association rates. The full kinetic model reveals an overall downhill but rugged binding funnel with multiple pathways. The overall strong binding arises from a variety of conformations with different hydrophobic contact surfaces that interconvert on the milliseconds timescale.Funding is acknowledged by European Commission (ERC StG “pcCells” to F.N.), Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 1114/C3, SFB 740/D7, and TRR 186/A12 to F.N. and SFB 1114/A4 to F.N. and T.W.). J.C. is a Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellow (WT 095195MA). J.S. is a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Internationally outgoing fellow. M.D.C. is supported by a Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) studentship

    Altered Trophoblast Proliferation is Insufficient to Account for Placental Dysfunction in Egfr Null Embryos

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    Homozygosity for the Egfrtm1Mag null allele in mice leads to genetic background dependent placental abnormalities and embryonic lethality. Molecular mechanisms or genetic modifiers that differentiate strains with surviving versus non-surviving Egfr nullizygous embryos have yet to be identified. Egfr transcripts in wildtype placenta was quantified by ribonuclease protection assay (RPA) and the lowest level of Egfr mRNA expression was found to coincide with Egfrtm1Mag homozygous lethality. Immunohistochemical analysis of ERBB family receptors, ERBB2, ERBB3, and ERBB4, showed similar expression between Egfr wildtype and null placentas indicating that Egfr null trophoblast do not up-regulate these receptors to compensate for EGFR deficiency. Significantly fewer numbers of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) positive trophoblast were observed in Egfr nullizygous placentas and Cdc25a and Myc, genes associated with proliferation, were significantly down-regulated in null placentas. However, strains with both mild and severe placental phenotypes exhibit reduced proliferation suggesting that this defect alone does not account for strain-specific embryonic lethality. Consistent with this hypothesis, intercrosses generating mice null for cell cycle checkpoint genes (Trp53, Rb1, Cdkn1a, Cdkn1b or Cdkn2c) in combination with Egfr deficiency did not increase survival of Egfr nullizygous embryos. Since complete development of the spongiotrophoblast compartment is not required for survival of Egfr nullizygous embryos, reduction of this layer that is commonly observed in Egfr nullizygous placentas likely accounts for the decrease in proliferation
