22 research outputs found

    Free Speech Under Pressure: The Effect of Online Harassment on Literary Writers

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    In the perception of writers in Germany, free speech is under strong pressure. A survey study, in which 526 literature writers took part, reveals innumerable aspects of hate speech, online harassment, and even physical assaults. Every second person has already experienced assaults on his or her person and is also aware of attacks on colleagues. Three quarters are concerned about freedom of expression in Germany and complain of an increase in threats, intimidation, and hateful reactions. The research project was developed in collaboration between the Institute for Media Research, University of Rostock, and the PEN Center Germany

    Geschlechterdarstellungen und Diversität in Streaming- und SVoD-Angeboten

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    Streaming-Anbieter:innen investieren global in immer mehr eigenproduzierte Inhalte und sind ernsthafte Konkurrent:innen zu etablierten Broadcast-Unternehmen. Ihre originären Serien zeichnen sich durch komplexe Erzählwelten und vielschichtige Figurenensembles aus. Zudem stellen Netflix & Co. in der Eigenvermarktung ihrer Produkte die Diversität und Vielfalt ihrer Inhalte heraus, die sich erheblich vom eher tradierten und heterosexuellen, männlich orientierten, linearen Fernsehen unterscheiden sollen. Die vorgelegte Studie untersucht im Sinne der Gender Media Studies mit intersektionaler Perspektive die transnationalen, originären Serienproduktionen der am deutschen Markt tätigen (Streaming-)Anbieter:innen. Dabei zeigt sich, dass Subscription-Video-on-Demand (SVoD) Originals zwar diverser sind, aber längst nicht in dem Ausmaß, welches die Selbstvermarktung verspricht. Hervorzuheben ist, dass die transnationale Rezeptionsperspektive eine Vielfalt in der Rezeption von Ethnien und sexuellen Orientierungen ermöglicht. Allerdings werden auch Geschlechterstereotype reproduziert und es kommt zu einer intersektionalen Mehrfachdiskriminierung in Bezug auf Alter und Geschlecht.Streaming providers are investing worldwide in more and more self-produced content and they are serious competitors to established broadcast companies. Complex narrative worlds and multilayered character ensembles characterize their original series. In addition, Netflix & Co. emphasize the diversity and variety of their products in their self-marketing, which is supposed to differ considerably from the more traditional and heterosexual, male-oriented, linear television. In the sense of gender media studies with an intersectional perspective, this study examines the transnational, original series productions of the providers active on the German market. It becomes evident that Subscription-Video-on-Demand (SVoD) originals are more diverse, but not to the extent that self-marketing promises. What should be emphasized is that the transnational reception perspective enables diversity regarding the reception of ethnicities and sexual orientations. However, also gender stereotypes are reproduced and intersectional multiple discrimination in terms of age and gender can be identified

    Integration oder Desintegration durch Angriffe auf Autor*innen aus dem Netz: Das freie Wort unter Druck?

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    Das freie Wort befindet sich in der Wahrnehmung von Autorinnen und Autoren in Deutschland unter starkem Druck. Die Studie, an der sich 526 Schriftstellerinnen und Schriftsteller beteiligt haben, fördert erschreckende Zahlen zutage: Drei Viertel sind in Sorge über die freie Meinungsäußerung in Deutschland und beklagen eine Zunahme von Bedrohungen, Einschüchterungsversuchen und hasserfüllten Reaktionen. Jeder Zweite hat bereits Übergriffe auf seine Person erlebt und hat außerdem Kenntnis von Angriffen auf Kolleginnen und Kollegen. "Das freie Wort unter Druck" ist ein Forschungsprojekt des Instituts für Medienforschung und des PEN-Zentrums Deutschland.In the perception of authors in Germany, the free word is under strong pressure. The study, in which 526 writers took part, reveals alarming figures: three quarters are concerned about freedom of expression in Germany and complain of an increase in threats, intimidation and hateful reactions. Every second person has already experienced assaults on his or her person and is also aware of attacks on colleagues. "The free word under pressure" is a research project of the Institute for Media Research and the PEN Centre Germany

    Interactive cohort exploration for spinocerebellar ataxias using synthetic cohort data for visualization

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    Motivation: Visualization of data is a crucial step to understanding and deriving hypotheses from clinical data. However, for clinicians, visualization often comes with great effort due to the lack of technical knowledge about data handling and visualization. The application offers an easy-to-use solution with an intuitive design that enables various kinds of plotting functions. The aim was to provide an intuitive solution with a low entrance barrier for clinical users. Little to no onboarding is required before creating plots, while the complexity of questions can grow up to specific corner cases. To allow for an easy start and testing with SCAview, we incorporated a synthetic cohort dataset based on real data of rare neurological movement disorders: the most common autosomal-dominantly inherited spinocerebellar ataxias (SCAs) type 1, 2, 3, and 6 (SCA1, 2, 3 and 6). Methods: We created a Django-based backend application that serves the data to a React-based frontend that uses Plotly for plotting. A synthetic cohort was created to deploy a version of SCAview without violating any data protection guidelines. Here, we added normal distributed noise to the data and therefore prevent re-identification while keeping distributions and general correlations. Results: This work presents SCAview, an user-friendly, interactive web-based service that enables data visualization in a clickable interface allowing intuitive graphical handling that aims to enable data visualization in a clickable interface. The service is deployed and can be tested with a synthetic cohort created based on a large, longitudinal dataset from observational studies in the most common SCAs

    Surface Modifications of Dental Ceramic Implants with Different Glass Solder Matrices: In Vitro Analyses with Human Primary Osteoblasts and Epithelial Cells

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    Ceramic materials show excellent esthetic behavior, along with an absence of hypersensitivity, making them a possible alternative implant material in dental surgery. However, their surface properties enable only limited osseointegration compared to titanium implants. Within this study, a novel surface coating technique for enhanced osseointegration was investigated biologically and mechanically. Specimens of tetragonal zirconia polycrystal (TZP) and aluminum toughened zirconia (ATZ) were modified with glass solder matrices in two configurations which mainly consisted of SiO2, Al2O3, K2O, and Na2O. The influence on human osteoblastic and epithelial cell viability was examined by means of a WST-1 assay as well as live/dead staining. A C1CP-ELISA was carried out to verify procollagen type I production. Uncoated/sandblasted ceramic specimens and sandblasted titanium surfaces were investigated as a reference. Furthermore, mechanical investigations of bilaterally coated pellets were conducted with respect to surface roughness and adhesive strength of the different coatings. These tests could demonstrate a mechanically stable implant coating with glass solder matrices. The coated ceramic specimens show enhanced osteoblastic and partly epithelial viability and matrix production compared to the titanium control. Hence, the new glass solder matrix coating could improve bone cell growth as a prerequisite for enhanced osseointegration of ceramic implants

    Sox8 and Sox10 jointly maintain myelin gene expression in oligodendrocytes

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    In Schwann cells of the vertebrate peripheral nervous system, induction of myelination and myelin maintenance both depend on the HMG-domain-containing transcription factor Sox10. In oligodendrocytes of the central nervous system, Sox10 is also essential for the induction of myelination. Its role in late phases of myelination and myelin maintenance has not been studied so far. Here, we show that these processes are largely unaffected in mice that lack Sox10 in mature oligodendrocytes. As Sox10 is co-expressed with the related Sox8, we also analyzed oligodendrocytes and myelination in Sox8-deficient mice. Again, we could not detect any major abnormalities. Expression of many myelin genes was only modestly reduced in both mouse mutants. Dramatic reductions in expression levels and phenotypic disturbances became only apparent once Sox8 and Sox10 were both absent. This argues that Sox8 and Sox10 are jointly required for myelin maintenance and impact myelin gene expression. One direct target gene of both Sox proteins is the late myelin gene Mog. Our results point to at least partial functional redundancy between both related Sox proteins in mature oligodendrocytes and are the first report of a substantial function of Sox8 in the oligodendroglial lineage

    Co-Culture of S. epidermidis and Human Osteoblasts on Implant Surfaces: An Advanced In Vitro Model for Implant-Associated Infections.

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    OBJECTIVES:Total joint arthroplasty is one of the most frequent and effective surgeries today. However, despite improved surgical techniques, a significant number of implant-associated infections still occur. Suitable in vitro models are needed to test potential approaches to prevent infection. In the present study, we aimed to establish an in vitro co-culture setup of human primary osteoblasts and S. epidermidis to model the onset of implant-associated infections, and to analyze antimicrobial implant surfaces and coatings. MATERIALS AND METHODS:For initial surface adhesion, human primary osteoblasts (hOB) were grown for 24 hours on test sample discs made of polystyrene, titanium alloy Ti6Al4V, bone cement PALACOS R®, and PALACOS R® loaded with antibiotics. Co-cultures were performed as a single-species infection on the osteoblasts with S. epidermidis (multiplicity of infection of 0.04), and were incubated for 2 and 7 days under aerobic conditions. Planktonic S. epidermidis was quantified by centrifugation and determination of colony-forming units (CFU). The quantification of biofilm-bound S. epidermidis on the test samples was performed by sonication and CFU counting. Quantification of adherent and vital primary osteoblasts on the test samples was performed by trypan-blue staining and counting. Scanning electron microscopy was used for evaluation of topography and composition of the species on the sample surfaces. RESULTS:After 2 days, we observed approximately 104 CFU/ml biofilm-bound S. epidermidis (103 CFU/ml initial population) on the antibiotics-loaded bone cement samples in the presence of hOB, while no bacteria were detected without hOB. No biofilm-bound bacteria were detectable after 7 days in either case. Similar levels of planktonic bacteria were observed on day 2 with and without hOB. After 7 days, about 105 CFU/ml planktonic bacteria were present, but only in the absence of hOB. Further, no bacteria were observed within the biofilm, while the number of hOB was decreased to 10% of its initial value compared to 150% in the mono-culture of hOB. CONCLUSION:We developed a co-culture setup that serves as a more comprehensive in vitro model for the onset of implant-associated infections and provides a test method for antimicrobial implant materials and coatings. We demonstrate that observations can be made that are unavailable from mono-culture experiments

    Analysis of the human SOX10 mutation Q377X in mice and its implications for genotype-phenotype correlation in SOX10-related human disease

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    Human SOX10 mutations lead to various diseases including Waardenburg syndrome, Hirschsprung disease, peripheral demyelinating neuropathy, central leukodystrophy, Kallmann syndrome and various combinations thereof. It has been postulated that PCWH as a combination of Waardenburg and Hirschsprung disease, peripheral neuropathy and central leukodystrophy is caused by heterozygous SOX10 mutations that result in the presence of a dominantly acting mutant SOX10 protein in the patient. One such protein with postulated dominant action is SOX10 Q377X. In this study, we generated a mouse model, in which the corresponding mutation was introduced into the Sox10 locus in such a way that Sox10 Q377X is constitutively expressed. Heterozygous mice carrying this mutation exhibited pigmentation and enteric nervous system defects similar to mice in which one Sox10 allele was deleted. However, despite presence of the mutant protein in Schwann cells and oligodendrocytes throughout development and in the adult, we found no phenotypic evidence for neurological defects in peripheral or central nervous systems. In the nervous system, the mutant Sox10 protein did not act in a dominant fashion but rather behaved like a hypomorph with very limited residual function. Our results question a strict genotype-phenotype correlation for SOX10 mutations and argue for the influence of additional factors including genetic background