570 research outputs found

    MHC-correlated preferences in diestrous female horses (Equus caballus).

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    Genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) have been shown to influence communication in many vertebrates, possibly with context-specific MHC-correlated reactions. Here we test for MHC-linked female preferences in the polygynous horse (Equus caballus) by repeatedly exposing 19 mares to a group of seven sexually experienced stallions. Each mare was tested four times during two consecutive reproductive cycles, twice during estrus and twice during diestrus. Male plasma testosterone concentrations were determined from weekly blood samples, and equine leukocyte antigen (ELA) class I and II alleles were determined serologically at the end of the experiments. Perception of male attractiveness was strongly dependent on estrous cycle: mean preference scores did not correlate for mares in diestrus and estrus and varied more during estrus than during diestrus. We found elevated female interests for MHC-dissimilar stallions, but only during diestrus, not during estrus. Female preferences were not significantly predicted by mean male testosterone plasma concentrations. However, testosterone concentrations changed during the 11 weeks of the experiment. By the end of the experiment, average testosterone concentration was significantly correlated to the average number of MHC alleles the stallions shared with the mares. We conclude that the MHC affects female preferences for stallions, but non-MHC linked male characteristics can overshadow effects of the MHC during estrus

    Single transcriptional and translational preQ1 riboswitches adopt similar pre-folded ensembles that follow distinct folding pathways into the same ligand-bound structure

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    Riboswitches are structural elements in the 50 untranslated regions of many bacterial messenger RNAs that regulate gene expression in response to changing metabolite concentrations by inhibition of either transcription or translation initiation. The preQ1 (7-aminomethyl-7-deazaguanine) riboswitch family comprises some of the smallest metabolite sensing RNAs found in nature. Once ligand-bound, the transcriptional Bacillus subtilis and translational Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis preQ1 riboswitch aptamers are structurally similar RNA pseudoknots; yet, prior structural studies have characterized their ligand-free conformations as largely unfolded and folded, respectively. In contrast, through single molecule observation, we now show that, at nearphysiological Mg2+ concentration and pH, both ligand-free aptamers adopt similar pre-folded state ensembles that differ in their ligand-mediated folding. Structure-based GoÂŻ -model simulations of the two aptamers suggest that the ligand binds late (Bacillus subtilis) and early (Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis) relative to pseudoknot folding, leading to the proposal that the principal distinction between the two riboswitches lies in their relative tendencies to fold via mechanisms of conformational selection and induced fit, respectively. These mechanistic insights are put to the test by rationally designing a single nucleotide swap distal from the ligand binding pocket that we find to predictably control the aptamers0 pre-folded states and their ligand binding affinities

    An introduction to genetic quality in the context of sexual selection

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    This special issue of Genetica brings together empirical researchers and theoreticians to present the latest on the evolutionary ecology of genetic quality in the context of sexual selection. The work comes from different fields of study including behavioral ecology, quantitative genetics and molecular genetics on a diversity of organisms using different approaches from comparative studies, mathematical modeling, field studies and laboratory experiments. The papers presented in this special issue primarily focus on genetic quality in relation to ( 1) sources of genetic variation, ( 2) polyandry, ( 3) new theoretical developments and ( 4) comprehensive reviews

    Sex-specific changes in gene expression and delayed sex differentiation in response to estrogen pollution in grayling (Salmonidae)

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    The synthetic 17α-ethinylestradiol (EE2) is an estrogenic compound of oral contraceptives and therefore a common pollutant that has been suspected to affect the demography of river-dwelling salmonids. We study a population of European grayling (Thymallus thymallus) that suffers from sex ratio distortions. Here we test how ecologically relevant concentrations of EE2 affect sex-specific gene expression around early stages of sex differentiation. We collected gametes from F1s of wild spawners, used them for in vitro fertilizations, and raised the resulting embryos singly under experimentally controlled conditions. Embryos were either exposed to 1ng/L EE2 or sham-exposed. RNA was collected from samples taken 10 days before hatching, at the day of hatching, and towards the end of the yolk-sac stage, to study gene expression and relate it to genetic sex (sdY genotype). We found that EE2 affects gene expression of a very large number of genes especially at the day of hatching. The effects of EE2 on gene expression is strongly sex-specific. At the day of hatching, EE2 affected about twice as many genes in females than in males, and towards the end of the yolk-sac larval stage, EE2 effects were nearly exclusively observed in females. Among the many effects was, for example, a surprising EE2-induced molecular masculinization in the females’ heads. Histological examination of gonadal development of EE2-treated or sham-exposed juveniles during the first 4.5 months after hatching revealed a delaying effect of EE2 on sex differentiation. Because grayling sex determination goes through an all-male stage (a rare case of undifferentiated gonochorism), the rate of EE2-induced sex reversal could not be unequivocally determined during the observational period. However, two EE2-treated genetic males had ovarian tissues at the end of the study. We conclude that common levels of EE2 pollution affect grayling from very early stages on by interfering with male and female gene expression around the onset of sex differentiation, by delaying sex differentiation, and by feminizing some males

    Trajectory studies of Polar Statospheric Cloud Lidar Observations at Sodankyla (Finland) during SESAME: comparison with box model results of particle evolution

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    Polar statospheric clouds (PSC) were observed with the milti-wavelengh lidar of the MOANA project during SESAME. The physical state, liquid or solid, of the cloud particles can be inferred from the lidar data. Using isentropic back-trajectories to obtain the thermal history of the sampled air masses, it is possible to reconcile most of the observations with current ideas on PSC formation and evolution. When the cloud particles were identified as liquid, changes in the size distributionof the droplets along the trajectory ewre calculated using micro-physical box model. Backscatter ratios ......Published165-1811.8. Osservazioni di geofisica ambientaleJCR Journalreserve

    Coupling Optical and Electrical Measurements in Artificial Membranes: Lateral Diffusion of Lipids and Channel Forming Peptides in Planar Bilayers

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    Planar lipid bilayers (PLB) were prepared by the Montal-Mueller technique in a FRAP system designed to simultaneously measure conductivity across, and lateral diffusion of, the bilayer. In the first stage of the project the FRAP system was used to characterise the lateral dynamics of bilayer lipids with regards to phospholipid composition (headgroup, chain unsaturation etc.), presence of cholesterol and the effect of divalent cations on negatively-charged bilayers. In the second stage of the project, lateral diffusion of two fluorescently-labelled voltage-dependent pore-forming peptides (alamethicin and S4s from Shaker K(+) channel) was determined at rest and in the conducting state. This study demonstrates the feasibility of such experiments with PLBs, amenable to physical constraints, and thus offers new opportunities for systematic studies of structure-function relationships in membrane-associating molecules

    Genetic variation in the odorant receptors family 13 and the mhc loci influence mate selection in a multiple sclerosis dataset

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>When selecting mates, many vertebrate species seek partners with major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes different from their own, presumably in response to selective pressure against inbreeding and towards MHC diversity. Attempts at replication of these genetic results in human studies, however, have reached conflicting conclusions.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Using a multi-analytical strategy, we report validated genome-wide relationships between genetic identity and human mate choice in 930 couples of European ancestry. We found significant similarity between spouses in the MHC at class I region in chromosome 6p21, and at the odorant receptor family 13 locus in chromosome 9. Conversely, there was significant dissimilarity in the MHC class II region, near the <it>HLA-DQA1 </it>and -<it>DQB1 </it>genes. We also found that genomic regions with significant similarity between spouses show excessive homozygosity in the general population (assessed in the HapMap CEU dataset). Conversely, loci that were significantly dissimilar among spouses were more likely to show excessive heterozygosity in the general population.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study highlights complex patterns of genomic identity among partners in unrelated couples, consistent with a multi-faceted role for genetic factors in mate choice behavior in human populations.</p

    Cooperation under Indirect Reciprocity and Imitative Trust

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    Indirect reciprocity, a key concept in behavioral experiments and evolutionary game theory, provides a mechanism that allows reciprocal altruism to emerge in a population of self-regarding individuals even when repeated interactions between pairs of actors are unlikely. Recent empirical evidence show that humans typically follow complex assessment strategies involving both reciprocity and social imitation when making cooperative decisions. However, currently, we have no systematic understanding of how imitation, a mechanism that may also generate negative effects via a process of cumulative advantage, affects cooperation when repeated interactions are unlikely or information about a recipient's reputation is unavailable. Here we extend existing evolutionary models, which use an image score for reputation to track how individuals cooperate by contributing resources, by introducing a new imitative-trust score, which tracks whether actors have been the recipients of cooperation in the past. We show that imitative trust can co-exist with indirect reciprocity mechanisms up to a threshold and then cooperation reverses -revealing the elusive nature of cooperation. Moreover, we find that when information about a recipient's reputation is limited, trusting the action of third parties towards her (i.e. imitating) does favor a higher collective cooperation compared to random-trusting and share-alike mechanisms. We believe these results shed new light on the factors favoring social imitation as an adaptive mechanism in populations of cooperating social actors
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