26 research outputs found

    Substrate specificity effects of lipoxygenase products and inhibitors on soybean lipoxygenase-1

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    Recently, it has been shown that lipoxygenase (LO) products affect the substrate specificity of human 15-LO. In the current paper, we demonstrate that soybean LO-1 (sLO-1) is not affected by its own products, however, inhibitors which bind the allosteric site, oleyl sulfate (OS) and palmitoleyl sulfate (PS), not only lower catalytic activity, but also change the substrate specificity, by increasing the arachidonic acid (AA)/linoleic acid (LA) ratio to 4.8 and 4.0, respectively. The fact that LO inhibitors can lower activity and also change the LO product ratio is a new concept in lipoxygenase inhibition, where the goal is to not only reduce the catalytic activity but also alter substrate selectivity towards a physiologically beneficial product

    Substrate Specificity Changes for Human Reticulocyte and Epithelial 15-Lipoxygenases Reveal Allosteric Product Regulation

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    Human reticulocyte 15-lipoxygenase (15-hLO-1) and epithelial 15-lipoxygenase (15-hLO-2) have been implicated in a number of human diseases, with differences in their substrate specificity potentially playing a central role. In this paper, we present a novel method for accurately measuring the substrate specificity of the two 15-hLO isozymes and demonstrate that both cholate and specific LO products affect substrate specificity. The linoleic acid (LA) product, 13-hydroperoxyoctadienoic acid (13-HPODE), changes the ( k cat/ K m) (AA)/( k cat/ K m) (LA) ratio more than 5-fold for 15-hLO-1 and 3-fold for 15-hLO-2, while the arachidonic acid (AA) product, 12-( S)-hydroperoxyeicosatetraenoic acid (12-HPETE), affects only the ratio of 15-hLO-1 (more than 5-fold). In addition, the reduced products, 13-( S)-hydroxyoctadecadienoic acid (13-HODE) and 12-( S)-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (12-HETE), also affect substrate specificity, indicating that iron oxidation is not responsible for the change in the ( k cat/ K m) (AA)/( k cat/ K m) (LA) ratio. These results, coupled with the dependence of the 15-hLO-1 k cat/ K m kinetic isotope effect ( (D) k cat/ K m) on the presence of 12-HPETE and 12-HETE, indicate that the allosteric site, previously identified in 15-hLO-1 [Mogul, R., Johansen, E., and Holman, T. R. (1999) Biochemistry 39, 4801-4807], is responsible for the change in substrate specificity. The ability of LO products to regulate substrate specificity may be relevant with respect to cancer progression and warrants further investigation into the role of this product-feedback loop in the cell

    Mechanistic Investigations of Human Reticulocyte 15- and Platelet 12-Lipoxygenases with Arachidonic Acid

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    Human reticulocyte 15-lipoxygenase-1 (15-hLO-1) and human platelet 12-lipoxygenase (12-hLO) have been implicated in a number of diseases, with differences in their relative activity potentially playing a central role. In this work, we characterize the catalytic mechanism of these two enzymes with arachidonic acid (AA) as the substrate. Using variable-temperature kinetic isotope effects (KIE) and solvent isotope effects (SIE), we demonstrate that both k(cat)/K(M) and k(cat) for 15-hLO-1 and 12-hLO involve multiple rate-limiting steps that include a solvent-dependent step and hydrogen atom abstraction. A relatively low k(cat)/K(M) KIE of 8 was determined for 15-hLO-1, which increases to 18 upon the addition of the allosteric effector molecule, 12-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (12-HETE), indicating a tunneling mechanism. Furthermore, the addition of 12-HETE lowers the observed k(cat)/K(M) SIE from 2.2 to 1.4, indicating that the rate-limiting contribution from a solvent sensitive step in the reaction mechanism of 15-hLO-1 has decreased, with a concomitant increase in the C-H bond abstraction contribution. Finally, the allosteric binding of 12-HETE to 15-hLO-1 decreases the K(M)[O(2)] for AA to 15 microM but increases the K(M)[O(2)] for linoleic acid (LA) to 22 microM, such that the k(cat)/K(M)[O(2)] values become similar for both substrates (approximately 0.3 s(-1) microM(-1)). Considering that the oxygen concentration in cancerous tissue can be less than 5 microM, this result may have cellular implications with respect to the substrate specificity of 15-hLO-1

    Estimating System State During Human Walking with a Powered Ankle-Foot Orthosis

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    This paper presents a state estimator that reliably detects gait events during human walking with a portable powered ankle-foot orthosis (AFO), based only on measurements of the ankle angle and of contact forces at the toe and heel. Effective control of the AFO critically depends on detecting these gait events. A common approach detects gait events simply by checking if each measurement exceeds a given threshold. Our approach uses cross correlation between a window of past measurements and a learned model to estimate the configuration of the human walker, and detects gait events based on this estimate. We tested our approach in experiments with five healthy subjects and with one subject that had neuromuscular impairment. Using motion capture data for reference, we compared our approach to one based on thresholding and to another common one based on k -nearest neighbors. The results showed that our approach reduced the RMS error by up to 40% for the impaired subject and up to 49% for the healthy subjects. Moreover, our approach was robust to perturbations due to changes in walking speed and to control actuation

    Kinetic and Structural Investigations of the Allosteric Site in Human Epithelial 15-Lipoxygenase-2

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    Allosteric regulation of human lipoxygenase (hLO) activity has recently been implicated in the cellular biology of prostate cancer. In the current work, we present isotope effect, pH, and substrate inhibitor data of epithelial 15-hLO-2, which probe the allosteric effects on its mechanistic behavior. The Dk(cat)/KM for 15-hLO-2, with AA and LA as substrate, is large indicating hydrogen atom abstraction is the principle rate-determining step, involving a tunneling mechanism for both substrates. For AA, there are multiple rate determining steps (RDS) at both high and low temperatures, with both diffusion and hydrogen bonding rearrangements contributing at high temperature, but only hydrogen bonding rearrangements contributing at low temperature. The observed kinetic dependency on the hydrogen bonding rearrangement is eliminated upon addition of the allosteric effector, 13-(S)-hydroxyoctadecadienoic acid (13-HODE), and no allosteric effects were seen on diffusion or hydrogen atom abstraction. The (k(cat)/KM)AA/(k(cat)/KM)LA ratio was observed to have a pH dependence, which was fit with a titration curve (pKa = 7.7), suggesting the protonation of a histidine residue, which could hydrogen bond with the carboxylate of 13-HODE. Assuming this interaction, 13-HODE was docked to the solvent exposed histidines of a 15-hLO-2 homology model and found to bind well with H627, suggesting a potential location for the allosteric site. Utilizing d31-LA as an inhibitor, it was demonstrated that the binding of d31-LA to the allosteric site changes the conformation of 15-hLO-2 such that the affinity for substrate increases. This result suggests that allosteric binding locks the enzyme into a catalytically competent state, which facilitates binding of LA and decreases the (k(cat)/KM)AA/(k(cat)/KM)LA ratio. Finally, the magnitude of the 13-HODE KD for 15-hLO-2 is over 200-fold lower than that of 13-HODE for 15-hLO-1, changing the substrate specificity of 15-hLO-2 to 1.9. This would alter the LO product distribution and increase the production of the pro-tumorigenic, 13-HODE, possibly representing a pro-tumorigenic feedback loop for 13-HODE and 15-hLO-2

    Isotope Sensitive Branching and Kinetic Isotope Effects in the Reaction of Deuterated Arachidonic Acids with Human 12- and 15-Lipoxygenases

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    Lipoxygenases (LOs) catalyze lipid peroxidation and have been implicated in a number of human diseases connected to oxidative stress and inflammation. These enzymes have also attracted considerable attention due to large kinetic isotope effects (30-80) for the rate-limiting hydrogen abstraction step with linoleic acid (LA) as substrate. Herein, we report kinetic isotope effects (KIEs) in the reactions of three human LOs (platelet 12-hLO, reticulocyte 15-hLO-1, and epithelial 15-hLO-2) with arachidonic acid (AA). Surprisingly, the observed KIEs with AA were much smaller than the previously reported values with LA. Investigation into the origins for the smaller KIEs led to the discovery of isotope sensitive branching of the reaction pathways. Product distribution analysis demonstrated an inversion in the regioselectivity of 15-hLO-1, with hydrogen abstraction from C13 being the major pathway with unlabeled AA but abstraction from C10 predominating when the methylene group at position 13 was deuterated. Smaller but clear changes in regioselectivity were also observed for 12-hLO and 15-hLO-2