501 research outputs found

    Color screening in 2+12+1 flavor QCD at large distances

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    We study correlation functions of spatially separated static quark-antiquark pairs in 2+12+1 flavor QCD in order to investigate the nature of color screening at high temperatures. We perform lattice calculations in a wide temperature range, 116 MeV≤T≤5814 MeV116~\text{MeV} \leq T \leq 5814~\text{MeV}, using the highly improved staggered quark (HISQ) action and several lattice spacings to control discretization effects. We alleviate the UV noise problem through the use of four dimensional hypercubic (HYP) smearing, which enables the reconstruction of correlators and determination of screening properties even at low temperatures and at large distances.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure

    Strong coupling constant from moments of quarkonium correlators revisited

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    We revisit the previous determination of the strong coupling constant from moments of quarkonium correlators in (2+1)-flavor QCD. We use previously calculated moments obtained with Highly Improved Staggered Quark (HISQ) action for five different quark masses and several lattice spacings. We perform a careful continuum extrapolation of the moments, and from the comparison of these to the perturbative result we determine the QCD Lambda parameter, ΛMS‾nf=3=332±17±2(scale)\Lambda_{\overline{MS}}^{n_f=3}=332 \pm 17 \pm 2(scale) MeV. This corresponds to αsnf=5(μ=MZ)=0.11773(119)\alpha_s^{n_f=5}(\mu=M_Z)=0.11773(119).Comment: 18 pages, 6 figure

    Exploring the anisotropic HISQ (aHISQ) action

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    The fate of heavy quarkonia states in quark-gluon plasma is encoded in the temperature dependence of their spectral functions. Reconstruction of spectral functions from Euclidean lattice correlators is an ill-posed problem. Despite a variety of techniques developed recently, many questions remain unresolved. It is known that the situation may be improved using anisotropic ensembles that provide finer resolution in the temporal direction. To date, the effort focused on Wilson fermions. We report on our first study with anisotropic improved staggered quarks. To compute the spectrum of the anisotropic Highly Improved Staggered Quarks (aHISQ) we generated a library of anisotropic pure gauge ensembles. We discuss the gauge anisotropy tuning that is performed with the Wilson and Symanzik gradient flow, as well as tuning of the strange quark mass and quark anisotropy with aHISQ, using spectrum measurements on quenched ensembles. Finally, we discuss the impact of anisotropy on pion taste splittings for aHISQ.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, The 40th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2023), July 31st - August 4th, 2023, Fermi National Accelerator Laborator

    In-medium static inter-quark potential on high resolution quenched lattices

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    We re-investigate the interactions between static color sources in a finite temperature gluonic medium using both high resolution isotropic and anisotropic quenched lattice QCD ensembles. The underlying ill-posed inverse problem, related to the extraction of spectral functions, is attacked with a range of different methods, including Bayesian inference, Pad\'e interpolation and model fits. Among the latter we include a tail amended Gaussian ansatz and a HTL-inspired fit ansatz. We reconfirm the presence of a dominant low-lying spectral feature that supports the existence of a potential picture for the in-medium evolution of the static charges at late real times. Using the raw unmodified lattice data, all applicable methods show clear signs of screening of the real-part of the potential. After applying a subtraction procedure featured in a previous study we find however that screening disappears from the extracted potential. Paths towards the resolution of this puzzle are discussed.Comment: 54 pages, 40 figure

    Supersphere non-linear sigma model on the lattice

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    Two-dimensional O(N) non-linear sigma models are exactly solvable theories and have many applications, from statistical mechanics to their use as QCD toy models. We consider a supersymmetric extension, the non-linear sigma model on the supersphere~SN+2m−1|2m≡OSP(N+2m|2m)OSP(N+2m−1|2m) . We briefly describe its renormalization properties and lattice discretization, and present a strategy for numerical simulations together with some preliminary numerical results
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