349 research outputs found

    Les verbalisations ordinaires dans la classe : objets furtifs ou variables encombrantes des sciences du langage ?

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    Cette contribution tente de mettre en Ă©vidence comment, au terme de longues heures consacrĂ©es au cours de grammaire, des apprenants ont dĂ©veloppĂ© des usages simplifiĂ©s ou plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment des « catĂ©gorisations ordinaires » de la langue. Des exemples de corpus d’apprenants natifs presque adultes, relatifs aux propriĂ©tĂ©s grammaticales intĂ©riorisĂ©es puis verbalisĂ©es, serviront Ă  illustrer ici comment les 255 « pratiques linguistiques profanes » peuvent contribuer Ă  dĂ©construire et Ă  reconstruire les rĂ©seaux de sens Ă  priori « anti-systĂšme ». Ainsi nous verrons mieux, comment coexistent les « savoirs ordinaires et scolaires », migrant d’un champ Ă  l’autre sous la forme d’un continuum. Poser que l’organisation de la langue et de la connaissance constituent un fonctionnement global, amĂšne le didacticien Ă  devoir rĂ©duire les obstacles de comprĂ©hension de la pratique grammaticale partagĂ©e en classe de français, surtout pour des apprenants en difficultĂ©. Dans cette perspective, notre rĂ©flexion tend vers une vision Ă©largie des pratiques grammaticales ; en crĂ©ant une plus grande proximitĂ© rĂ©flexive entre fonctionnement du langage et de la langue (celui qu’ils connaissent et celui qu’ils rejettent parfois) mais aussi en questionnant les normes et les discours normatifs qui pĂšsent de tout leur poids sur les reprĂ©sentations grammaticales et dans les procĂšs de communication, dans et hors de la classe

    Oralité, littérature et didactique : quelles convergences disciplinaires ?

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    Cette contribution se propose de rĂ©flĂ©chir Ă  la place des corpus de la littĂ©rature du dĂ©but du xxe siĂšcle, celle qui a oralisĂ© la voix narrative, afin de voir si celle-ci est adaptĂ©e pour enseigner ou apprendre Ă  prononcer la langue française. On pose que les corpus issus de la littĂ©rature parlante constituent une banque de donnĂ©es intĂ©ressante en tant qu’outil de mĂ©diations culturelle et linguistique, au service des variations de la prononciation. Des exemples illustreront notre propos. Cette perspective interdisciplinaire, entre phonĂ©tique, didactique et littĂ©rature vise Ă  instaurer un dialogue garant du dĂ©passement de clivage possible entre littĂ©rature et langue.This contribution aims to reflect on the place of literature from the early 20th century, that oralised the narrative voice. The question will be asked whether such corpora are adapted to teach or learn to pronounce the French language. It is assumed that corpora from the spoken word literature provide an interesting data bank as a tool for cultural and linguistic mediation, at the service of variations in pronunciation. Examples will illustrate our point. This interdisciplinary perspective, between phonetics, didactics and literature, aims to establish a dialogue that will ensure that the gap between literature and language is overcome

    An Extended Theoretical Framework for the Concept of the Derivative

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    This paper extends the theoretical framework for exploring student understanding of the concept of the derivative, which was developed by Zandieh (2000). We expand upon the con-cept of a physical representation for the derivative by extending Zandieh’s map of the territory to provide higher resolution in regions that are of interest to those operating in a physical context. We also introduce the idea of ”thick ” derivatives, which are ratios of small but not infinitesimal changes, which are practically equivalent to the true derivative. Key words: derivative, theoretical framework, physical, experiment In this theoretical report we extend the theoretical framework for exploring student understand-ing of the concept of the derivative which was developed by Zandieh (2000). We expand upon the concept of a physical representation for the derivative. As with Zandieh’s original framework, this work is not meant to explain how or why students learn as they do, nor to propose a learning trajectory. Rather, this work extends Zandieh’s map of the territory, to provide higher resolution in regions that are of interest to those working with derivatives in a physical context. In addition to focusing on the physical context, we discuss challenges that have arisen in applying Zandieh’

    Wnt3 and Wnt3a are required for induction of the mid-diencephalic organizer in the caudal forebrain

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    Abstract Background A fundamental requirement for development of diverse brain regions is the function of local organizers at morphological boundaries. These organizers are restricted groups of cells that secrete signaling molecules, which in turn regulate the fate of the adjacent neural tissue. The thalamus is located in the caudal diencephalon and is the central relay station between the sense organs and higher brain areas. The mid-diencephalic organizer (MDO) orchestrates the development of the thalamus by releasing secreted signaling molecules such as Shh. Results Here we show that canonical Wnt signaling in the caudal forebrain is required for the formation of the Shh-secreting MD organizer in zebrafish. Wnt signaling induces the MDO in a narrow time window of 4 hours - between 10 and 14 hours post fertilization. Loss of Wnt3 and Wnt3a prevents induction of the MDO, a phenotype also observed upon blockage of canonical Wnt signaling per se. Pharmaceutical activation of the canonical Wnt pathways in Wnt3/Wnt3a compound morphant embryos is able to restore the lack of the MDO. After blockage of Wnt signaling or knock-down of Wnt3/Wnt3a we find an increase of apoptotic cells specifically within the organizer primordium. Consistently, blockage of apoptosis restores the thalamus organizer MDO in Wnt deficient embryos. Conclusion We have identified canonical Wnt signaling as a novel pathway, that is required for proper formation of the MDO and consequently for the development of the major relay station of the brain - the thalamus. We propose that Wnt ligands are necessary to maintain the primordial tissue of the organizer during somitogenesis by suppressing Tp53-mediated apoptosis. </jats:sec

    Solution NMR structure of the SH3 domain of human nephrocystin and analysis of a mutation-causing juvenile nephronophthisis.

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    Human nephrocystin is a protein associated with juvenile NPH, an autosomal recessive, inherited kidney disease responsible for chronic renal failure in children. It contains an SH3 domain involved in signaling pathways controlling cell adhesion and cytoskeleton organization. The solution structure of this domain was solved by triple resonance NMR spectroscopy. Within the core, the structure is similar to those previously reported for other SH3 domains but exhibits a number of specific noncanonical features within the polyproline ligand binding site. Some of the key conserved residues are missing, and the N-Src loop exhibits an unusual twisted geometry, which results in a narrowing of the binding groove. This is induced by the replacement of a conserved Asp, Asn, or Glu residue by a Pro at one side of the N-Src loop. A systematic survey of other SH3 domains also containing a Pro at this position reveals that most of them belong to proteins involved in cell adhesion or motility. A variant of this domain, which carries a point mutation causing NPH, was also analyzed. This change, L180P, although it corresponds to a nonconserved and solvent-exposed position, causes a complete loss of the tertiary structure. Similar effects are also observed with the L180A variant. This could be a context-dependent effect resulting from an interaction between neighboring charged side-chains
