26,028 research outputs found

    An overture for well-tempered regulators: four variations on a LETR theme

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    This paper is a development of the Association of Law Teachers� annual Lord Upjohn lecture, delivered on 29 January 2015 at City Law School, London, by the principal investigators of the Legal Education and Training Review�s (LETR) research team. In it, each of the authors takes a different theme arising from the LETR Report, and explores its implications and application, focusing on research and innovation; access and flexibility; deprofessionalisation, and, finally, reflecting on the way the Report addressed themes of common training, oversupply and access to justice. As our title indicates, the paper comprises both individual performances and performance as a consort, and we hope that in this way, we enact one of our key themes: the social nature of legal education and its regulation

    Kinematic fingerprint of core-collapsed globular clusters

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    Dynamical evolution drives globular clusters toward core collapse, which strongly shapes their internal properties. Diagnostics of core collapse have so far been based on photometry only, namely on the study of the concentration of the density profiles. Here we present a new method to robustly identify core-collapsed clusters based on the study of their stellar kinematics. We introduce the \textit{kinematic concentration} parameter, ckc_k, the ratio between the global and local degree of energy equipartition reached by a cluster, and show through extensive direct NN-body simulations that clusters approaching core collapse and in the post-core collapse phase are strictly characterized by ck>1c_k>1. The kinematic concentration provides a suitable diagnostic to identify core-collapsed clusters, independent from any other previous methods based on photometry. We also explore the effects of incomplete radial and stellar mass coverage on the calculation of ckc_k and find that our method can be applied to state-of-art kinematic datasets.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS Lette

    Faint star counts in the near-infrared

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    We discuss near-infrared star counts at the Galactic pole with a view to guiding the NGST and ground-based NIR cameras. Star counts from deep K-band images from the CFHT are presented, and compared with results from the 2MASS survey and some Galaxy models. With appropriate corrections for detector artifacts and galaxies, the data agree with the models down to K~18, but indicate a larger population of fainter red stars. There is also a significant population of compact galaxies that extend to the observational faint limit of K=20.5. Recent Galaxy models agree well down to K∟\sim19, but diverge at fainter magnitudes.Comment: 14 pages and 4 diagrams; to appear in PAS

    Computational Methods and Results for Structured Multiscale Models of Tumor Invasion

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    We present multiscale models of cancer tumor invasion with components at the molecular, cellular, and tissue levels. We provide biological justifications for the model components, present computational results from the model, and discuss the scientific-computing methodology used to solve the model equations. The models and methodology presented in this paper form the basis for developing and treating increasingly complex, mechanistic models of tumor invasion that will be more predictive and less phenomenological. Because many of the features of the cancer models, such as taxis, aging and growth, are seen in other biological systems, the models and methods discussed here also provide a template for handling a broader range of biological problems

    A TiO study of the black-hole binary GRO J0422+32 in a very low state

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    We present 53 simultaneous photometric (I band) and spectroscopic (6900-9500 Angstroms) observations of J0422+32, taken during December 1997. From these we determine that J0422+32 was in its lowest state yet observed, at I=20.44+/-0.08. Using relative spectrophotometry, we show that it is possible to correct very accurately for telluric absorption. Following this, we use the TiO bands at 7055 Angstroms and 7589 Angstroms for a radial velocity study and thereby obtain a semi-amplitude of 378+/-16kms-1, which yields f(M)=1.191+/-0.021M_solar and q=9.0+2.2-2.7, consistent with previous observations. We further demonstrate that this little explored method is very powerful for such systems. We also determine a new orbital ephemeris of HJD=2450274.4156+/-0.0009 + 0.2121600+/-0.0000002E. We see some evidence for an ellipsoidal modulation, from which we determine the orbital inclination of J0422+32 to be less than 45 degrees. We therefore calculate a minimum mass for the primary of 2.22M_solar, consistent with a black hole, but not necessarily the super-massive one proposed by Beekman et al (1997). We obtain an M4-5 spectral type for the secondary star and determine that the secondary contributes 38+/-2% of the flux that we observe from J0422+32 over the range 6950-8400 Angstroms. From this we calculate the distance to the system to be 1.39+/-0.15kpc.Comment: (1) Department of Physics, Keele University, Keele, Staffordshire, ST5 5BG (2) Department of Astrophysics, Nuclear Physics Laboratory, Keble Road, Oxfo rd, OX1 3RH Accepted, to appear in MNRAS 8 pages, 5 figure

    Developing teacher self-efficacy via a formal HIV/AIDS intervention

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    This study investigated the effects of a HIV/AIDS module on teachers’ sense of self-efficacy regarding their ability to bring about behaviours in their learners which contribute to responsible living and a reduction of the spread of HIV in their communities. The sample was 128 in-service teachers studying in nine different centres in three South African provinces in their second year of a parttime degree in education. A modified Science Teaching Efficacy Belief Instrument (STEBI) was used to generate quantitative data, while semi-structured individual and focus group interviews provided qualitative data. Statistical analyses (ANOVA and MANOVA) revealed statistically significant differences between the participants pre- and post-test self-efficacy scores. Interview data suggested that improved confidence enabled the teachers to gain a better understanding of cultural barriers to HIV/AIDS education and theimpediments to developing an effective HIV/AIDS policy in their schools. The study also highlighted the importance of leadership from school management for the successful adoption and implementation of an effective HIV/AIDS policy in schools. Enhanced confidence is noted as a motivating factor for teacher participation in community efforts to support those affected by HIV/AIDS

    Water balance complexities in ephemeral catchments with different land uses: Insights from monitoring and distributed hydrologic modeling

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    Although ephemeral catchments are widespread in arid and semiarid climates, the relationship of their water balance with climate, geology, topography, and land cover is poorly known. Here we use 4 years (2011–2014) of rainfall, streamflow, and groundwater level measurements to estimate the water balance components in two adjacent ephemeral catchments in south-eastern Australia, with one catchment planted with young eucalypts and the other dedicated to grazing pasture. To corroborate the interpretation of the observations, the physically based hydrological model CATHY was calibrated and validated against the data in the two catchments. The estimated water balances showed that despite a significant decline in groundwater level and greater evapotranspiration in the eucalypt catchment (104–119% of rainfall) compared with the pasture catchment (95–104% of rainfall), streamflow consistently accounted for 1–4% of rainfall in both catchments for the entire study period. Streamflow in the two catchments was mostly driven by the rainfall regime, particularly rainfall frequency (i.e., the number of rain days per year), while the downslope orientation of the plantation furrows also promoted runoff. With minimum calibration, the model was able to adequately reproduce the periods of flow in both catchments in all years. Although streamflow and groundwater levels were better reproduced in the pasture than in the plantation, model-computed water balance terms confirmed the estimates from the observations in both catchments. Overall, the interplay of climate, topography, and geology seems to overshadow the effect of land use in the study catchments, indicating that the management of ephemeral catchments remains highly challenging

    Professionalism and the Millbank Tendency: The Political Sociology of New Labour's employees

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    This article analyses party employees, one of the most under-researched subjects in the study of British political parties. We draw on a blend of quantitative and qualitative data in order to shed light on the social and political profiles of Labour Party staff, and on the question of their professionalisation. The latter theme is developed through a model derived from the sociology of professions. While a relatively limited proportion of party employees conform to the pure ideal-type of professionalism, a considerably greater number manifest enough of the core characteristics of specialisation, commitment, mobility, autonomy and self-regulation to be reasonably described as 'professionals in pursuit of political outcomes'
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