21,931 research outputs found

    Verification tests of durable TPS concepts

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    Titanium multiwall, superalloy honeycomb, and Advanced Carbon-carbon (ACC) multipost Thermal Protection System (TPS) concepts are being developed to provide durable protection for surfaces of future space transportation systems. Verification tests including thermal, vibration, acoustic, water absorption, lightning strike, and aerothermal tests are described. Preliminary results indicate that the three TPS concepts are viable up to a surface temperature in excess of 2300 F

    Multiplexed communication over a high-speed quantum channel

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    In quantum information systems it is of particular interest to consider the best way in which to use the non-classical resources consumed by that system. Quantum communication protocols are integral to quantum information systems and are amongst the most promising near-term applications of quantum information science. Here we show that a multiplexed, digital quantum communications system supported by comb of vacuum squeezing has a greater channel capacity per photon than a source of broadband squeezing with the same analogue bandwidth. We report on the time-resolved, simultaneous observation of the first dozen teeth in a 2.4 GHz comb of vacuum squeezing produced by a sub-threshold OPO, as required for such a quantum communications channel. We also demonstrate multiplexed communication on that channel

    Remotely controlled mirror of variable geometry for small angle x-ray diffraction with synchrotron radiation

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    A total-reflecting mirror of 120-cm length was designed and built to focus synchrotron radiation emanating from the electron-positron storage ring at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SPEAR). The reflecting surface is of unpolished float glass. The bending and tilt mechanism allows very fine control of the curvature and selectability of the critical angle for wavelengths ranging from 0.5 to 3.0 Å. Elliptical curvature is used to minimize aberrations. The mirror is placed asymmetrically onto the ellipse so as to achieve a tenfold demagnification of the source. The bending mechanism reduces nonelastic deformation (flow) and minimizes strains and stresses in the glass despite its length. Special design features assure stability of the focused image. The mirror reduces the intensity of shorter wavelength harmonics by a factor of approximately 100

    Unveiling Palomar 2: The Most Obscure Globular Cluster in the Outer Halo

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    We present the first color-magnitude study for Palomar 2, a distant and heavily obscured globular cluster near the Galactic anticenter. Our (V,V-I) color-magnitude diagram (CMD), obtained with the UH8K camera at the CFHT, reaches V(lim) = 24 and clearly shows the principal sequences of the cluster, though with substantial overall foreground absorption and differential reddening. The CMD morphology shows a well populated red horizontal branch with a sparser extension to the blue, similar to clusters such as NGC 1261, 1851, or 6229 with metallicities near [Fe/H] = -1.3.Fromanaverageofseveralindicators,weestimatetheforegroundreddeningatE(B−V)=1.24+−0.07andobtainatruedistancemodulus(m−M)0=17.1+−0.3. From an average of several indicators, we estimate the foreground reddening at E(B-V) = 1.24 +- 0.07 and obtain a true distance modulus (m-M)_0 = 17.1 +- 0.3, placing it about 34 kpc from the Galactic center. We use starcounts of the bright stars to measure the core radius, half-mass radius, and central concentration of the cluster. Its integrated luminosity is M_V = -7.9, making it clearly brighter and more massive than most other clusters in the outer halo.Comment: 25 pages, aastex, with 8 postscript figures; accepted for publication in AJ, September 1997. Also available by e-mail from [email protected]. Please consult Harris directly for (big) postscript files of Figures 1a,b (the images of the cluster

    The Density Spike in Cosmic-Ray-Modified Shocks: Formation, Evolution, and Instability

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    We examine the formation and evolution of the density enhancement (density spike) that appears downstream of strong, cosmic-ray-modified shocks. This feature results from temporary overcompression of the flow by the combined cosmic-ray shock precursor/gas subshock. Formation of the density spike is expected whenever shock modification by cosmic-ray pressure increases strongly. That occurence may be anticipated for newly generated strong shocks or for cosmic-ray-modified shocks encountering a region of higher external density, for example. The predicted mass density within the spike increases with the shock Mach number and with shocks more dominated by cosmic-ray pressure. We find this spike to be linearly unstable under a modified Rayleigh-Taylor instability criterion at the early stage of its formation. We confirm this instability numerically using two independent codes based on the two-fluid model for cosmic-ray transport. These two-dimensional simulations show that the instability grows impulsively at early stages and then slows down as the gradients of total pressure and gas density decrease. Observational discovery of this unstable density spike behind shocks, possibly through radio emission enhanced by the amplified magnetic fields would provide evidence for the existence of strongly cosmic-ray modified shock structures.Comment: 26 pages in Latex and 6 figures. Accepted to Ap

    No more time to stay ‘single’ in the detection of Anisakis pegreffii, A. simplex (s. s.) and hybridization events between them: a multi-marker nuclear genotyping approach

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    A multi-marker nuclear genotyping approach was performed on larval and adult specimens of Anisakis spp. (N = 689) collected from fish and cetaceans in allopatric and sympatric areas of the two species Anisakis pegreffii and Anisakis simplex (s. s.), in order to: (1) identify specimens belonging to the parental taxa by using nuclear markers (allozymes loci) and sequence analysis of a new diagnostic nuclear DNA locus (i.e. partial sequence of the EF1 α−1 nDNA region) and (2) recognize hybrid categories. According to the Bayesian clustering algorithms, based on those markers, most of the individuals (N = 678) were identified as the parental species [i.e. A. pegreffii or A. simplex (s. s.)], whereas a smaller portion (N = 11) were recognized as F1 hybrids. Discordant results were obtained when using the polymerase chain reaction–restriction fragment length polymorphisms (PCR–RFLPs) of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) ribosomal DNA (rDNA) on the same specimens, which indicated the occurrence of a large number of ‘hybrids’ both in sympatry and allopatry. These findings raise the question of possible misidentification of specimens belonging to the two parental Anisakis and their hybrid categories derived from the application of that single marker (i.e. PCR–RFLPs analysis of the ITS of rDNA). Finally, Bayesian clustering, using allozymes and EF1 α−1 nDNA markers, has demonstrated that hybridization between A. pegreffii and A. simplex (s. s.) is a contemporary phenomenon in sympatric areas, while no introgressive hybridization takes place between the two species
