5 research outputs found

    Cooperative learning at industry-related out-of-school-laboratories

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    In den letzten Jahren haben sich SchĂŒlerlabore als Teil der Bildungsinnovation fĂŒr die Förderung von naturwissenschaftlichen und technischen Bildungsprozessen etabliert. WĂ€hrend diese außerschulischen Lernorte zunĂ€chst an naturwissenschaftlichen Vorgehensweisen unter wissenschaftlichen Gesichtspunkten ausgerichtet waren, hat sich mittlerweile der Fokus auf die Berufsorientierung und auf BezĂŒge zur Wirtschaft verschoben. Erfahrungsbasierte ZugĂ€nge zu naturwissenschaftlichen Entwicklungs- und Forschungsprozessen vermitteln SchĂŒlerinnen und SchĂŒlern das Zusammenspiel verschiedener Kompetenzen aus Naturwissenschaft, Technik, Wirtschaft und Industrie und verschaffen Einblicke in verschiedene Berufsfelder. Neben der Interesseförderung fĂŒr Naturwissenschaften als Hauptziel aller SchĂŒlerlabore sollen mit dieser Herangehensweise auch mehr Jugendliche fĂŒr naturwissenschaftliche Berufe begeistert werden. Eine Ursache, sich bei der Berufswahl gegen naturwissenschaftliche Berufe zu entscheiden und sich insbesondere von den FĂ€chern Physik und Chemie zu distanzieren, liegt im negativen Image der FĂ€cher. Beide gelten als schwierig, abstrakt, anspruchsvoll und trocken. FĂŒr die Berufsorientierung ist neben dem Image eines Faches auch ein positives FĂ€higkeitsselbstkonzept in diesem Fach von Bedeutung. Es hat sich als PrĂ€diktor fĂŒr eine in diese Fachrichtung orientierte Berufswahl herausgestellt. Zusammengefasst folgt daraus, das FĂ€higkeitsselbstkonzept in Physik und Chemie zu steigern und das Image dieser FĂ€cher zu verbessern. Ein Ziel dieser Arbeit bestand darin zu untersuchen, welche Effekte der Besuch eines industrienahen SchĂŒlerlabors auf das Image, das FĂ€higkeitsselbstkonzept von Physik und Chemie und auf die naturwissenschaftliche Berufsorientierung erzielt. Thematisch gesehen ist das evaluierte Labor im interdisziplinĂ€ren Feld von Physik, Chemie und Materialwissenschaft ein-zuordnen. Die Jugendlichen arbeiten kooperativ in verschiedenen Teams an dem komplexen realweltlichen Problem, ein Kunststoffprodukt zu designen, produzieren und zu vermarkten. In diesem Zusammenhang interessierte, welche SchĂŒlertypen welches Team bevorzugten und welche besonders von dem Laborbesuch profitierten. Eine unabhĂ€ngig von den unter-suchten Konstrukten durchgefĂŒhrte SchĂŒlertypisierung auf Basis verschiedener Berufsinteresseskalen trug zur KlĂ€rung dieser Fragen bei. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt der vorliegenden Untersuchung lag in der Charakterisierung der stattfindenden Teamarbeit. Dabei wurden die Merkmale des kooperativen Arbeitens als besonderes Kennzeichen des Labors erfasst. Die Datenerhebung erfolgte mit einer pre-post-follow-up Befragung als Papier-und-Bleistift-Test. Den Ergebnissen zufolge kann das Konzept dieses industrienahen SchĂŒlerlabors, in dem Jugendliche kooperativ arbeiten und Einblicke in ein Industrieunternehmen mit seinen zahlreichen Berufsfeldern erhalten, als erfolgreich bezeichnet werden. Sowohl das Image der ‚harten‘ Naturwissenschaften als auch das FĂ€higkeitsselbstkonzept der SchĂŒlerinnen und SchĂŒler verbessert sich signifikant kurz- bis lĂ€ngerfristig. Das erfahrungsbasierte Arbeiten und die Einblicke in verschiedene Berufe tragen dazu bei, dass sich die Einstellung gegenĂŒber einer naturwissenschaftlichen Berufswahl signifikant positiv verĂ€ndert. Dabei werden nicht nur die naturwissenschaftlich orientierten Jugendlichen angesprochen, sondern auch die, die ihre Hauptinteressen in anderen Gebieten haben. Tendenziell profitieren die MĂ€dchen stĂ€rker von dem Laborbesuch als die Jungen. Der Geschlechterunterschied bei relevanten Variablen wie beispielsweise der naturwissenschaftlichen Berufsorientierung wird verringert. Die vorliegende Evaluierung beleuchtet das kooperative Arbeiten in einem industrienahen SchĂŒlerlabor unter verschiedenen Gesichtspunkten. Es gelingt, die Teamarbeit im Labor ausfĂŒhrlich zu charakterisieren und verschiedene SchĂŒlertypen mit ihren bevorzugten TĂ€tigkeiten zu spezifizieren. Die Wirkung des Laborbesuchs auf die Konstrukte ‚Image‘, ‚FĂ€higkeitsselbstkonzept‘ und ‚Berufsorientierung‘ wird in allen Einzelheiten erfasst. Zudem kann festgestellt werden, welche SchĂŒlertypen am meisten von dem Laborbesuch profitieren. Eine SchĂŒlertypisierung bestĂ€tigt, dass die Jugendlichen ihre TĂ€tigkeiten im SchĂŒlerlabor nach ihren Interessen und Neigungen auswĂ€hlen. Dabei wird auch deutlich, dass die naturwissenschaftlich positiv eingestellten jungen Leute ebenfalls im besonderen Maß von dem Laborbesuch profitieren: insbesondere die technisch versierten und interessierten SchĂŒlerinnen und SchĂŒler zeigen stabile signifikante Änderungen im FĂ€higkeitsselbstkonzept und der naturwissenschaftlichen Berufsorientierung. Insgesamt bestĂ€tigt die Arbeit die Rolle von Laboren, die komplementĂ€r zum Unterricht wichtige berufsorientierende Funktionen erfĂŒllen.In recent years, out-of-school-laboratories have been established as part of the educational innovation for promoting scientific and technical educational processes. Initially, these learning laboratories were mainly set up from a science point of view using scientific approaches. Meanwhile, the focus has now shifted to career orientation and economic issues. Experience-based access to natural sciences processes in research and development convey to students the interplay between different competencies, such as natural science, technology, economy and industry. In addition, they provide an insight into various professional fields. Besides promoting interest in the natural sciences as a primary aim for all out-of-school-laboratories, this career-oriented approach is intended to inspire more young people to pursue a profession in the natural sciences. One reason for students to decide against such a career choice and to dissociate themselves in particular from the subjects, physics and chemistry, is the negative image attached to both subjects. All too frequently, students consider these subjects as difficult, abstract, demanding and dry. In addition to a subject’s image, a positive self-concept for the subject also influences career orientation in the specific field. Positive self-concept has turned out to be a predictor for a career choice in these professions. Thus, an improved self-concept for physics and chemistry and an enhanced image are decisive factors for future developments in these fields. One aim of this study was to examine the effects of a visit to an industry-related out-of-school-laboratory on the following aspects: image, self-concept of physics and chemistry and career orientation. Thematically, the evaluated lab belongs to the interdisciplinary field of physics, chemistry and material science. The students worked cooperatively in different teams on the complex and real-life-related task of designing, producing and marketing a plastic product. In this context, it was interesting to investigate which students choose a special team and which students benefited most from the lab visit. Therefore, a student classification was carried out based on different occupational interest scales. Another focus of the investigation was profiling the teamwork. Thus, the features of the cooperative project determined the special characteristics of the laboratory visit. The survey was carried out with a pre-post-follow-up questionnaire using a pencil-and-paper test. The results revealed that the industry-oriented lab approach is effective: the concept of working cooperatively and procuring insights into an industrial enterprise with its manifold occupational fields was successful. The image of the ‘hard’ natural sciences physics and chemistry as well as the students’ self-concept improved significantly both – on a short and long term basis. The experience based project and the insights into different occupations contributed to a significant attitudinal turnaround for career choices in natural sciences. In this context, not only the scientifically oriented students were activated, but also those who have their main interests in other areas. Especially the girls tend to have profited more from the lab visit than the boys. Accordingly, the gender gap for relevant variables e.g. career orientation has been reduced. The present evaluation explores the cooperative work in an out-of-school-laboratory closely affiliated to industry under different points of view. Characterization of teamwork operations and extensive profiling of different student types regarding their preferential activities was concluded successfully. The effect of the lab visit on constructive elements such as ‘image‘‚ ‘self-concept’, and ‘career orientation‘ were also analyzed in detail. Furthermore, the analysis revealed which type of students can benefit most from this lab visit. A students’ classification confirmed that the students selected their lab activities according to their interests and affinities. In this context, it became evident that the scientifically oriented students also profited from the lab visit; in particular, technically experienced and keen students showed stable significant changes in their self-concept and career orientation. In summary, the study emphasizes an extended role for out-of-school laboratories: the project made evident that labs complement school education when helping students with carrier orientation decisions

    Designing e-learning courses for classroom and distance learning in physics: The role of learning tasks

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    Digital learning technologies have grown increasingly important in physics education, partly enforced through the COVID-19 pandemic. During the pandemic, digital technologies allowed for continued teaching and learning of students even when schools were closed. While research in psychology and educational technology has yielded many insights into the effectiveness of e-learning courses, fewer studies have examined the design of e-learning courses. Few studies have empirically investigated the design of learning tasks as a central element of e-learning courses. The present study analyzes how the design of tasks in e-learning courses, specifically with respect to their degree of openness as well as the relevance of their contexts, influences students' behavioral engagement, learning outcomes, and situational interest. Due to the importance of e-learning courses during the COVID-19 pandemic, we also analyzed the extent to which specific learning settings (classroom learning, distance learning) influence the effects of e-learning course design on students' behavioral engagement, learning outcomes, and situational interest. To investigate the research questions, we analyzed a total of N=1060 datasets for 12 different e-learning courses (3 to 5 lessons, middle school physics), of which n=557 were completed before and n=503 during the COVID-19 pandemic. The results suggest that e-learning courses with a high proportion of learning tasks that relate to meaningful real-world contexts appear to be more conducive to behavioral engagement, learning outcomes, and situational interest. Regarding the consideration of open-ended tasks, the results suggest that these appear to be more useful for classroom learning but should be used in a limited way when designing e-learning courses for distance education

    Stages of Concern: Vorerfahrungen, Interessen und Einstellungen von LehrkrĂ€ften in Bezug auf Lehr-Lernplattform-gestĂŒtztem Unterricht in den Naturwissenschaften

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    The pandemic-related measures highlighted the value of digitalization as a major issue in the education sector. Digital teaching units on teaching-learning platforms can make a decisive contribution in this field. In this study, data collected in summer 2019 on the affective-cognitive processes of examinations of science education using digitally formatted units, implemented on teaching-learning platforms and the particular usage of teaching-learning platforms themselves are re-analysed (N = 83). The study relies on the Stages of Concern (SoC) as a standardized instrument. A cluster analysis helps to identify three specific SoC-profiles in terms of the specific approach to and handling with the digital teaching-learning platforms. Common to all these profiles is that they concentrate on the impact on teaching and the students’ activities. In addition, the analysis shows a traditional use of the platforms in school (subgroup, N = 44 for teachers with access to teaching-learning platforms in school). Furthermore, correlation analyses show that there is no correlation between the type of use and the SoC-Profiles, but there is a correlation between the frequency of use and the SoC-profilesDie pandemiebedingten Maßnahmen haben den Wert der Digitalisierung im Bildungssektor deutlich gemacht. Digitale Unterrichtseinheiten auf Lehr-Lernplattformen können dazu einen entscheidenden Beitrag leisten. In der hier vorgelegten Studie werden Daten aus dem Sommer 2019 zu der affektiv-kognitiven Auseinandersetzung von naturwissenschaftlichen LehrkrĂ€ften mit digitalen Unterrichtseinheiten auf Lehr-Lernplattformen sowie deren Nutzung und FortbildungswĂŒnsche neu analysiert (N = 83). Die Erhebung der affektiv-kognitiven Auseinandersetzung erfolgte mit dem standardisierten Instrument Stages of Concern (SoC). Mithilfe einer Clusteranalyse werden drei spezifische SoC-Profile in Bezug auf den Einsatz digitaler Unterrichtseinheiten auf einer Lehr-Lernplattform identifiziert. Dabei wird deutlich, dass allen Profilen die BeschĂ€ftigung mit der Auswirkung auf den Unterricht und auf die SchĂŒlerinnen und SchĂŒler gemein ist. Zudem wird gezeigt, dass der Einsatz von Lehr-Lernplattformen vor der Pandemie eher traditionell geprĂ€gt war (Subgruppe, N = 44 fĂŒr LehrkrĂ€fte mit Zugang in der Schule zu einer Lehr-Lernplattform). Zusammenhangsanalysen zeigen des Weiteren, dass zwischen der Nutzungsart und den SoC-Profilen kein Zusammenhang festzustellen ist, ein solcher aber zwischen der NutzungshĂ€ufigkeit und den SoC-Profilen besteh

    Understanding Energy - An exploration of the relationship between measures of students’ understanding of energy, general cognitive abilities and schooling

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    Past research has examined students’ understanding of energy at different stages of schooling. This research has led to the widespread view that students progress in their understanding of energy through a sequence of key ideas about energy. However, so far, it is unclear, whether this progression in understanding energy is a result of schooling or whether it is a result of maturation - in particular, as the role of general domain-unspecific cognitive abilities that improve with age, such as reading ability in the assessment of students’ understanding of energy. In a re-analysis of data from N=1856 students of grades 6, 8 and 10 in German middle schools, we investigated, in addition to the amount of schooling, the impact of general cognitive abilities on measures of middle school students’ understanding of energy. To do so we utilized a latent variable modelling approach. Our findings suggest that whereas students’ understanding of energy is related to general cognitive abilities, this understanding is also considerably dependent on the amount of schooling. This finding corroborates findings from earlier studies that students’ progression in their understanding of energy is indeed a function of schooling and not just a product of maturation.Peer Reviewe

    Designing e-learning courses for classroom and distance learning in physics: The role of learning tasks

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    Digital learning technologies have grown increasingly important in physics education, partly enforced through the COVID-19 pandemic. During the pandemic, digital technologies allowed for continued teaching and learning of students even when schools were closed. While research in psychology and educational technology has yielded many insights into the effectiveness of e-learning courses, fewer studies have examined the design of e-learning courses. Few studies have empirically investigated the design of learning tasks as a central element of e-learning courses. The present study analyzes how the design of tasks in e-learning courses, specifically with respect to their degree of openness as well as the relevance of their contexts, influences students’ behavioral engagement, learning outcomes, and situational interest. Due to the importance of e-learning courses during the COVID-19 pandemic, we also analyzed the extent to which specific learning settings (classroom learning, distance learning) influence the effects of e-learning course design on students’ behavioral engagement, learning outcomes, and situational interest. To investigate the research questions, we analyzed a total of N=1060 datasets for 12 different e-learning courses (3 to 5 lessons, middle school physics), of which n=557 were completed before and n=503 during the COVID-19 pandemic. The results suggest that e-learning courses with a high proportion of learning tasks that relate to meaningful real-world contexts appear to be more conducive to behavioral engagement, learning outcomes, and situational interest. Regarding the consideration of open-ended tasks, the results suggest that these appear to be more useful for classroom learning but should be used in a limited way when designing e-learning courses for distance education