126 research outputs found
Pregnancy Related Sequential Changes of the Foetal Fluids And Foetal Positioning in Sahel Goats
A study on pregnancy related, and sequential, changes in the Sahel goat foetal fluid and foetal disposition at various stages of pregnancy wasundertaken to provide basic data in these aspects of gestation in goats. Twenty five pregnant Sahel goats of known pregnancy stages, and managed under controlled conditions were used for this study. Thirtythree foetuses were obtained from these pregnancies of which 18 (54.5%) were females and 15 (45.5%) were males; 17 (68%) had single foetus,8(32%) twin foetuses. Transuterine migration was 23.53% in single and 37.5% in twin pregnancies. The foetal fluid changes showed that the volume of the amniotic fluid increased from day 28 (21.0 ± 0.33 ml)of gestation to day 112 (500 ± 15.81 ml) and then dropped onwards up to day 140 (220 ± 10.80 ml). Conversely, the allantoic fluid (25.5 ± 2.00 ml at 28d to 735.0 ± 17.08 ml at 140d) continued to increase in volume throughout pregnancy. The volume, colour, consistency and pH changed with increase in gestation period. The specific gravity of the amnioticfluid increased with advancing pregnancy. The results of this study suggest that urine enters first into amniotic cavity and then into the allantoic cavityby 112d pregnancy in goats. The present study also provided a guide to be used in assessing the volume and consistencies of foetal fluids in goats and the intrauterine positioning of foetuses as a measure to monitor and manage pregnant Sahel does.KEY WORDS: fluids, foetal, position, Sahel goat,sequential
Analiza kretanja rasta proizvodnje poljoprivrednih kultura u Nigeriji (1961. –2014.)
This paper focuses on trend analysis of crop productivity growth in Nigeria between 1961 and 2014. It was therefore intended to estimate the effect of different factors of production that influence crop output and to compute their technical efficiency, technological change and total factor productivity change. Panel data was broken into land, labour, tractor, fertilizer and animal power. Descriptive statistics, Cobb-Douglas production analysis and Malmquist Productivity index were the tools employed for the analysis. The result of the trend analysis shows that time has a positive effect on crop production and also shows that there is an increase in crop output, land, labour, tractor, fertilizer and animal power over years. Land and animal power are statistically significant at 1% probability level and a unit increase in land and animal power, crop output increases by 2.176772 tons and 0.7531192 tons respectively, this implies that land and animal power have a positive effect on crop output in Nigeria. Labour and tractor have negative impact on crop output, while fertilizer has no significant effect on crop output. The efficiency change, technical change and total factor productivity change were also analyzed. According to the analysis, Nigeria experienced the highest agricultural productivity from 1992, with value of 1.166. It is therefore recommended that the use of agricultural land should be increased, relevant policies should address the constraints to technology progress, and efficiency should be promoted in order to improve productivity growth.Ovaj je rad usredotočen na analizu kretanja rasta proizvodnje poljoprivrednih kultura u Nigeriji u razdoblju od 1961. do 2014. Cilj je ovog rada odrediti kako različiti faktori proizvodnje utječu na količinu proizvedenih kultura te izmjeriti njihovu tehničku učinkovitost, tehnološki razvoj i promjene u ukupnom faktoru produktivnosti. Panel podaci razdijeljeni su u sljedeće kategorije: zemljište, radna snaga, traktori, gnojivo i životinjska snaga (radne životinje). Za potrebe analize korištena je deskriptivna statistika, Cobb-Douglasova proizvodna funkcija i Malmquistov indeks produktivnosti. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da vrijeme ima pozitivan učinak na proizvodnju poljoprivrednih kultura te da je tijekom godina zamjetan porast u količini proizvedenih kultura, zemljištu, radnoj snazi, traktorima, gnojivu i životinjskoj snazi. Zemljište i životinjske snaga statistički su značajne kategorije, s razinom vjerojatnosti od 1 %. Porast jedinice zemljišta rezultira porastom od 2,176.772 tona u poljoprivrednim kulturama, a životinjske snage porastom od 0,7531192 tona u poljoprivrednim kulturama. Iz ovoga proizlazi da zemljište i životinjska snaga imaju pozitivan utjecaj na količinu proizvedenih poljoprivrednih kultura u Nigeriji. Kategorije radne snage i traktora imaju negativan učinak, a gnojiva nemaju nikakav značajni učinak na količinu proizvedenih poljoprivrednih kultura. Mjerena je i tehnička učinkovitost te tehnološki razvoj i promjene u ukupnom faktoru produktivnosti. Prema dobivenim rezultatima, poljoprivredna je proizvodnja u Nigeriji 1992. dosegla svoju najveću vrijednost od 1,166. S obzirom na rezultate preporučuje za povećanje poljoprivrednog zemljišta i učinkovitosti te donošenje relevantnih mjera čiji bi cilj bio rješavanje problematike razvoja tehnologije
Multinomial Logit Estimation of Income Sources by Watermelon Farmers in Northeastern Nigeria
The main objective of the research was to use multinomial logit model to estimate income sources of watermelon farmers in northeastern Nigeria. A total of 434 farmers were sampled through multi-stage sampling procedure covering three Local Government Areas of Yobe state, Nigeria. The sources were personal savings, friends and relatives, Bank loans and cooperative/thrift societies. The results revealed that farm size, age and level of education were significant at 5% probability level and positively influenced the utilization of income from friends and relatives. Farmers' level of education, total cost of production and farm size significantly influenced farmers to obtain loans from banks. The marginal effects were 0.0504, 2.75 and 0.0038 showing the degrees of probabilities the variables can influence bank loans. Watermelon farmers can only obtain loans from cooperative and thrift society based on their farm size, total revenue, age, total cost and their level of output. These variables were significant at 1% and 5% probability levels with appropriate signs. The study concluded that 60% of the farmers fund their farm through personal savings and was difficult to get bank loans. It was recommended that micro-savings be encouraged among farmers and cooperative/thrift societies should be encouraged and adequately developed through the Non-Governmental Organizations
Chemical and Physical Comparative Study of the Effect of Wet and Dry Beneficiation of Kankara Kaolin
Chemical and physical comparative effect of wet and dry beneficiation processes for purification of kaolin was studied. X-ray flourescence XRF and particle size analysis of kaolin clay before and after beneficiation were carried out. The Si/Al ratio of the raw kaolin which was 1.90 decreased by 1.6 and 17.9% after the wet and dry beneficiation processes respectively. The clay content of the raw clay which was 48 wt% was improved to 73 wt% after the dry beneficiation while the impurity content was reduced from 52 to 27wt%.http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/njt.v34i2.1
Microwave-Assisted Adsorptive Desulfurization of Model Diesel Fuel Using Synthesized Microporous Rare Earth Metal-Doped Zeolite Y
The microwave-assisted adsorptive desulfurization of model fuel (thiophene in n-heptane) was investigated using a synthesized rare earth metal-doped zeolite Y (RE Y). Crystallinity of the synthesized zeolite was 89.5%, the silicon/aluminium (Si/Al) molar ratio was 5.2, the Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) surface area was 980.9 m2/g, and the pore volume and diameter was 0.3494 cm3/g and 1.425 nm, respectively. The results showed that the microwave reactor could be used to enhance the adsorptive desulfurization process with best efficiency of 75% at reaction conditions of 100 °C and 15 minutes. The high desulfurization effect was likely due to the higher efficiency impact of microwave energy in the interaction between sulfur in thiophene and HO-La(OSiAl)
Analyzing the Environmental Impacts and Potential Health Challenges Resulting From Artisanal Gold Mining in Shango Area of Minna, North-Central, Nigeria
The environmental impact and potential health challenges resulting from artisanal mining in Shango area of Minna, North Central Nigeria was put into perspective. The methodology adopted for the research includes field work and laboratory analysis. Results of field observation reveal that mining activity resulted in physical environmental impact such as land degradation, destruction of vegetation, erosion of soils and degrading water quality. Results from the laboratory analyses show that soils are contaminated with elements such as Cu (27.7ppm), Cd (0.6 ppm), Hg (0.62 ppm) and Ag (0.35 ppm) and generally show high status when compared to published standard for upper continental crust. While, Zn (14.8ppm), Ni (7.17ppm), Mn (207ppm), Pb (0.58ppm), As (0.4ppm), Co (0.55ppm), Mo (0.16ppm), and Zr (129.8ppm) are rated low in line with the published standard; other determined elements such as Cr (37.8ppm), Fe (31.1ppm) and Au (0.2ppm) are high. These elements can easily be absorbed by plants and subsequently accumulate in their tissues. When such plants are eventually eaten by man, it may lead to different health problems such as slow growth rate, liver and kidney problem. High concentration of these elements in plant tissues may causes different problems
Utjecaj klimatskih promjena na proizvodnju riže u Adamawi, Nigerija
This study analyzes the effect of climate change on rice production in Adamawa State, Nigeria. The study describes the trend in rice production and determines the factors affecting the output of rice in Adamawa. Secondary data from 1990-2015 was used. The analytical tools used were descriptive analysis, unit root and regression analysis. The result of the study reveals that there is variation in the trend of the climatic factors affecting rice production in Adamawa State. The findings reveal that rainfall and minimum temperature are the major climatic factors that affect the rice production; such that 1% increase in rainfall leads to 22.2% increase in rice production and 1% increase in minimum temperature leads to 3.7% reduction in rice production. Therefore rainfall is found to be positively significant to rice output, while minimum temperature is found to be negatively significant. The study therefore recommends that irrigation facilities should be built, especially in the north where drought threatens food production. Also breeders should develop rice varieties that have less gestation period and can survive high temperature.Ovaj se rad bavi utjecajem klimatskih promjena na proizvodnju riže u Adamawi, Nigerija. Opisuju se trendovi rasta i pada proizvodnje te određuju faktori koji utječu na količinu proizvedene riže. Istraživanje se temelji na sekundarnim podacima iz razdoblja od 1990. do 2015. Za analizu su korištene sljedeće metode: deskriptivna analiza, test jediničnog korijena i regresijska analiza. Rezultati dobiveni istraživanjem pokazuju da klimatski faktori utječu na proizvodnju riže u Adamawi, a kao glavni među njima ističu se količina padalina i minimalna temperatura: porast u količini padalina od 1 % rezultira porastom u proizvodnji riže od 22.2 %, a porast minimalne temperature od 1 % rezultira padom u proizvodnji riže od 3.7 %. Iz toga se može zaključiti da postoji pozitivna korelacija između količine padalina i količine proizvedene križe te negativna korelacija s obzirom na minimalnu temperaturu. S obzirom na dobivene rezultate preporučuje se izgradnja objekata za navodnjavanje, osobito na sjeveru gdje su sušna razdoblja prijetnja proizvodnji hrane. Također, uzgajivačima se preporuča razvoj vrsta riže koje imaju kraći gestacijski period te mogu preživjeti više temperature
Epidemiological profile of the Ebola virus disease outbreak in Nigeria, July-September 2014
Introduction: In July 2014, Nigeria experienced an outbreak of Ebola virus disease following the introduction of the disease by an ill Liberian Traveler. The Government of Nigeria with the support of Technical and Development Partners responded quickly and effectively to contain the outbreak. The epidemiological profile of the outbreak that majorly affected two States in the country in terms of person, place and time characteristics of the cases identified is hereby described. Methods: Using field investigation technique, all confirmed and probable cases were identified, line-listed and analysed using Microsoft Excel 2007 by persons, time and place. Results: A total of 20 confirmed and probable cases; 16 in Lagos (including the index case from Liberia) and 4 in Port Harcourt were identified. The mean age was 39.5 ± 12.4 years with over 40% within the age group 30-39 years. The most frequent exposure type was direct physical contact in 70% of all cases and 73% among health care workers. The total case-fatality was 40%; higher among healthcare workers (46%) compared with non-healthcare workers (22%). The epidemic curve initially shows a typical common source outbreak, followed by a propagated pattern. Conclusion: Investigation revealed the size and spread of the outbreak and provided information on the characteristics of persons, time and place. Enhanced surveillance measures, including contact tracing and follow-up proved very useful in early case detection and containment of the outbreak
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Dynamics of central and peripheral immunomodulation in a murine glioma model
Immunosuppression by gliomas contributes to tumor progression and treatment resistance. It is not known when immunosuppression occurs during tumor development but it likely involves cross-talk among tumor cells, tumor-associated macrophages and microglia (TAMs), and peripheral as well as tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs). We have performed a kinetic study of this immunomodulation, assessing the dynamics of immune infiltration and function, within the central nervous system (CNS) and peripherally. PDGF-driven murine glioma cells were injected into the white matter of 13 mice. Four mice were sacrificed 13 days post-injection (dpi), four mice at 26 dpi, and five mice at 40 dpi. Using multiparameter flow cytometry, splenic T cells were assessed for FoxP3 expression to identify regulatory T cells (Tregs) and production of IFN-γ and IL-10 after stimulation with PMA/ionomycin; within the CNS, CD4+ TILs were quantified, and TAMs were quantified and assessed for TNF-α and IL-10 production after stimulation with LPS. Peripheral changes associated with tumor development were noted prior to effects within the CNS. The percentage of FoxP3+ regulatory T cells (Tregs) increased by day 26, with elevated frequencies throughout the duration of the study. This early increase in Tregs was paralleled by an increase in IL-10 production from Tregs. At the final time points examined (tumor morbidity or 40 dpi), there was an increase in the frequency of TAMs with decreased capacity to secrete TNF-α. An increase in TIL frequency was also observed at these final time points. These data provide insight into the kinetics of the immunosuppressive state associated with tumor growth in a murine model of human gliomas. Functional impairment of TAMs occurs relatively late in the course of GBM tumor growth, potentially providing a window of opportunity for therapeutic strategies directed towards preventing their functional impairment
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