1,421 research outputs found

    The Implications of Breast Cancer Molecular Phenotype for Radiation Oncology

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    The identification of distinct molecular subtypes of breast cancer has advanced the understanding and treatment of breast cancer by providing insight into prognosis, patterns of recurrence, and effectiveness of therapy. The prognostic significance of molecular phenotype with regard to distant recurrences and overall survival are well established in the literature and has been readily incorporated into systemic therapy management decisions. However, despite the accumulating data suggesting similar prognostic significance for locoregional recurrence, integration of molecular phenotype into local management decision making has lagged. Although there are some conflicting reports, collectively the literature supports a low risk of local recurrence (LR) in the hormone receptor (HR) positive luminal subtypes compared to HR negative subtypes [triple negative (TN) and HER2-enriched]. The development of targeted therapies, such as trastuzumab for the treatment of HER2-enriched subtype, has been shown to mitigate the increased risk of LR. Unfortunately, no such remedy exists to address the increased risk of LR for patients with TN tumors, making it a clinical challenge for radiation oncologists. In this review we discuss the correlation between molecular subtype and LR following either breast conservation therapy or mastectomy. We also explore the possible mechanisms for increased LR in TN breast cancer and radiotherapeutic implications for this population, such as the safety of breast conservation, consideration of dose escalation, and the appropriateness of accelerated partial breast irradiation

    Infrastructure Support for Mobile Information Systems in Australia

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    Pantai Salido adalah salah satu pantai wisata yang terletak di Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan Sumatera Barat. Pantai Salido merupakan lidah pasir yang disebabkan oleh sungai batang Salido yang mengalir di belakang garis pantai Salido. Fluktuasi debit sungai batang Salido menyebabkan muara batang Salido berpindah-pindah sehingga bentuk garis pantai Salido menjadi tidak stabil. Pada tahun 2015 pemerintah melalui Balai Wilayah Sungai V Sumatera membangun bangunan pengaman pantai (groin) dan jetty di pantai Salido untuk menjaga kestabilan garis pantai. Namun pembangunan hanya sebatas pantai Salido, sedangkan posisi pantai Salido bersebelahan dan satu garis pantai dengan pantai Sago yang terletak di sebelah barat laut nya. Dengan panjang garis pantai lebih kurang 3 km pembangunan groin tersebut berpotensi memberikan dampak pada daerah yang tidak terbangun groin terutama pantai Sago. Sehingga penulis tertarik melakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui apakah pembangunan groin tersebut berdampak pada daerah yang tidak terbangun groin dalam hal ini pantai Sago baik secara positif maupun negatif. Dan apakah groin yang sudah dibangun pada pantai Salido efektif dalam menangani ketidakstabilan garis pantai Salido dengan melakukan simulasi perubahan garis pantai 10 tahun ke depan. Penulis menggunakan modul GENESIS yang terdapat dalam perangkat lunak CEDAS-NEMOS untuk menganalisa perubahan garis pantai. Sedangkan parameter hidrooseanografi seperti pasang surut di analisa dengan perangkat lunak Mike 21. Input data yang dibutuhkan dalam pemodelan adalah data garis pantai yang diperoleh dari Google Earth, data gelombang yang didapat dengan cara hindcasting dari data angin, data batimetri diperoleh dari Gebco tahun 2014, dan data sedimen pantai (D50) yang diperoleh dengan pengambilan sampel langsung di lapangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa gelombang dominan (longshore transport) datang dari arah tenggara menuju barat laut. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa groin yang sudah dibangun pada pantai Salido efektif dalam menjaga kestabilan garis pantai Salido. Sementara dampak groin pada daerah yang tidak terbangun groin adalah berupa abrasi pada sisi hilir groin terakhir yang bersebelahan dengan garis pantai Sago sepanjang lebih kurang 78 meter dengan kemunduran garis pantai sebesar lebih kurang 18 meter dengan simulasi 10 tahun ke depan. Pada lokasi wisata pantai Sago sebelum adanya groin dalam 10 tahun terakhir (2005-2015) terjadi akresi sebesar lebih kurang 0,5 m/tahun. Sesudah adanya groin lokasi wisata pantai Sago tidak lagi mengalami akresi. Abrasi yang terjadi pada sisi hilir groin terakhir juga cenderung bertambah sehingga pembangunan groin perlu dilakukan sampai sepanjang garis pantai Sago

    Pseudopotential SCF–MO studies of hypervalent compounds. II. XeF+5 and XeF6

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    New evidence bearing upon the anomalous properties of xenon hexafluoride has been obtained via the ab initio molecular orbital approach applied successfully to the di‐ and tetrafluorides in paper I. Structures of both XeF+5 and XeF6 are governed by a stereochemically active lone pair. In the case of the square–pyramidal cation the Fax–Xe–Feq angle calculated for the bare ion is within 2° of the value observed in the crystalline complex. For the hexafluoride, however, the calculated deformation from Oh symmetry is appreciably greater than that deduced from electron diffraction intensities. Nevertheless, the results of calculations are in sufficient conformity with the Bartell–Gavin, Pitzer–Bernstein interpretation and at variance with the ’’electronic‐isomers’’ interpretation to leave little doubt about the answer. With increasing fluorination in the XeFn series the HOMO–LUMO energy difference decreases and the second‐order Jahn–Teller effect is enhanced. Increasing fluorination (and increased positive charge on Xe) also shortens bond lengths; calculated shortenings parallel observed shortenings. The deformation of XeF6 from Oh is along t1u bend and stretch coordinates to a C3v structure with long bonds adjacent to the lone pair, as expected according to the valence‐shell–electron‐pair‐repulsion model. Pure t2g deformations are destabilizing but anharmonic t1u–t2g coupling significantly stabilizes the deformation. Steric aspects of the structure and force field are diagnosed and found to be minor. Values for the force constants f44, f55, f̄4444, f̄444â€Č4â€Č, and f̄445 are derived and found to be of the magnitude forecast in the Bartell–Gavin and Pitzer–Bernstein treatments except that the calculations do not reproduce the delicate balances believed to lead to almost free pseudorotation in XeF6.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/69894/2/JCPSA6-73-1-375-1.pd

    Pseudopotential SCF–MO studies of hypervalent compounds. I. XeF2 and XeF4

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    The (ab initio) effective potential theory developed by Ewig et al. has been applied to a series of hypervalent compounds with a view to elucidating the anomalous properties of several of the higher fluorides of xenon and iodine. In this initial paper the development of a minimal basis set substantially better than an STO‐4G atom‐optimized set is described. Calculations carried out on XeF2 and XeF4 give valence orbital energies in fair agreement with those obtained with the more flexible, all‐electron SCF–MO calculations by Basch et al. Equilibrium structures of XeF2 and XeF4 provided by the effective potential calculations possess the correct symmetries. Bond lengths, although too long by 0.09 Å, correctly reproduce the contraction observed experimentally upon fluorination of XeF2. Calculated bending and stretch–stretch interaction force constants are in pleasing agreement with experiment, as is the stretching anharmonicity. Stretching frequencies evaluated at the experimental bond length, however, are 25% high. Overall, the ability of the present treatment to give a reasonable account of the structures and force fields of XeF2 and XeF4 justifies its application to the higher fluorides where interpretations of observations are more speculative.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/70823/2/JCPSA6-73-1-367-1.pd

    Effect of TiO2 addition on structure, solubility and crystallisation of phosphate invert glasses for biomedical applications

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    NOTICE: this is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS, [VOL 356, ISSUE 44-49, (2001)] DOI: 10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2010.03.02


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    Efficient freight transportation systems typically reduce the cost of moving goods to and from logistics facilities. The demand matrix (O-D) is used to load or allocate the flow of traffic on a network, usually defined as a matrix that detects the number of trips. The objective of this study is to contribute to road freight modeling in Baghdad in general and estimate the O-D matrix for truck traffic using the freight transport data collected. Freight data was collected through roadside and interview surveys at the seven entrances of Baghdad city. In addition, the analysis was performed using Trans CAD ver. 4.5 software. The results provide an analysis of the freight travel demand. The output of this study is useful for decision-makers in the evaluation and execution of freight transportation activities and aids the application of correct decisions
